"If you cannot understand it, then allow me to explain; nobody can take anything away from me. If you were unaware, then it is time for you to learn - everything in this world exists to be taken by me!" |
Yhwach (ユーハバッハ, Yūhabahha), called "Your Majesty" (陛下, Heika) by his underlings, is a power-sharing Quincy[3][4] known as the Quincy King (
After his defeat and the downfall of his original empire 1,000 years ago, Yhwach reemerges to start the Quincy Blood War. In the wake of the Wandenreich's second invasion of Soul Society, Yhwach enters the Soul King Palace and successfully kills the Soul King, to carry out his ultimate goal of collapsing the Three Worlds to create a world without death.[9] After the unforeseen intervention of his father's right arm, Yhwach absorbs the Soul King, effectively supplanting him.[10] Before Yhwach can achieve his goal, however, he is killed by Ichigo Kurosaki and his allies.[11]
Yhwach appears as a tall man of seeming middle age, with a long face, broad chin, pronounced cheekbones, and reddish-brown eyes topped by thin eyebrows. His long black hair reaches to his lower back and is paired with well-kept mutton chops plus a connected mustache, apart from which he remains clean-shaven. Yhwach's standard attire consists of a white, double-breasted trench coat that has the Wandenreich symbol on the middle, with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots.[12] Over this he wears a tattered, ankle-length, maroon-black cloak that has a red ribbon near the neck and is fastened to the left with a single large button.[13]

Yhwach's appearance after absorbing the Soul King.
1,000 years ago, Yhwach's facial features were noticeably softer and more youthful, with his hair reaching his shoulders and his mutton chops being mere stubbles. As noted by Ōetsu Nimaiya, the manifestation of Ichigo's Quincy powers heavily resembles Yhwach at this age;[14] similarly, the Bankai form of this manifestation[15] looks like Yhwach when he was in his teenage years.[16] During the Wandenreich's second invasion, his maroon-black cloak is replaced with a white version.[17] After absorbing Mimihagi's powers, Yhwach gains a black pattern of eyes running down the left side of his face and onto his chest, and his left eye becomes inverted in coloration.[18] After completely absorbing the Soul King, Yhwach gains a dark mask of eyes covering the upper half of his face and begins constantly oozing darkness.[19] Later on, darkness begins flowing from and covering his entire body, leaving only his hands, feet, knees, and part of his face and chest visible.[20]
Due to his past,[21] Yhwach is a morally warped and contradictory man whose words often have double meaning. While proclaiming himself a lover of peace who hates conflict, he actually has no issue waging war and just wants battles to be ended as quickly as possible.[22] His true, warmongering nature is perhaps best shown in his statement to Ichibē Hyōsube that "everything in the world exists for [him] to take",[23] showcasing extreme megalomania. Yhwach respects those who he views as similar to himself, holding the first generation Gotei 13 and their leader, the young Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, in high regard for the lengths they went to achieve victory. In contrast, he despises values like justice and honor, viewing the present Gotei 13 and Yamomoto as having became "weak".[24] According to Robert Accutrone, Yhwach despises lies,[25] yet he also hypocritically uses fake propaganda to manipulate his subordinates.[26][27]
Yhwach treats his subordinates and the Quincy very differently. He is very fond of some of them, calling them his sons. He puts great effort into forcibly recruiting them into his empire.[28] Yhwach can show mercy and appreciation, thanking Royd Lloyd for sacrificing himself in a suicidal mission and granting him a quick death via obliteration after the latter lost most of his torso.[29] Yhwach dislikes blind loyalty, and was glad that his Sternritter showed outspoken discontent with his choice of successor.[30]
In front of his subordinates, Yhwach is a man adamant in his disapproval of infighting, though he will not hesitate to stop the conflict using the most brutal methods possible.[1] Yhwach's contempt for Arrancar is apparent, mercilessly wounding and slaying even those who have sworn allegiance to him when he deems them to have fulfilled their use.[12][31] After his awakening, Yhwach heartlessly robbed "impure" Quincy of their powers, causing many to die.[32] Yamamoto states this same disregard extends to all of his underlings, regardless of species or position, and is an attitude which Yhwach has allegedly always possessed;[33] this is proven when he ultimately uses his Auswählen to fatally steal power from Gerard Valkyrie, who was at one point his father's heart, and Jugram Haschwalth, his trusted second-in-command and other half, after absorbing the power of Ichigo Kurosaki.[34]
Yhwach believes that he and his Sternritter are comrades and that they should be prepared to assist each other whenever necessary, even if it means certain members should be sacrificed for others; he demonstrated this belief by using Auswählen to steal the life force of the Sternritter who had been left behind in order to revive his fallen Schutzstaffel.[35]
Due to constantly experiencing the agonizing final moments of every Quincy that has ever died,[36] Yhwach wants to create a world without fear of death, which is done by collapsing the Human World, Soul Society, and even Hueco Mundo together.[9]
Yhwach's views on his father, Adnyeus, are complex. On one hand, Yhwach shed tears when he witnessed Adnyeus separate the three worlds and becoming the Soul King. On the other hand, he also blames his father for the endless persecution and misery the Quincy race has gone through during the course of history.[37] Regardless, Yhwach cannot stand his father's existence as the Soul King, a sealed and mutilated linchpin made to stabilize the Soul Society and keep the worlds separate.[38] Seeing his father's role as "endless humiliation" that he wishes to cease,[39] Yhwach's desire to end his imposed suffering is so strong it seeps into his subjects and other Quincy who inherited his blood, and they will be forced to slay the Soul King.[40]

Yhwach becomes tethered to thousands of Souls as an infant.
Approximately 1,200 years ago, Yhwach was born to an unknown mother[41] as the son of the Soul King.[42] As a baby Yhwach could not see, hear, speak, or even move. Despite this, he was not afraid and would not have cried even if he had the ability to because he knew, despite having no means of survival, that he would continue to live on. The people around him treated Yhwach with great reverence because everyone who touched the child found that they gradually gained something which they lacked. This occurred because Yhwach possessed the power to share out his own soul. Those who touched him received fragments of his soul, and those fragments healed the wounds that their own souls alone could not. At the same time, as their wounds slowly healed, the various qualities of each person (their knowledge, abilities, talents, etc.) were all ingrained into Yhwach's soul fragments that they carried, until those fragments returned to Yhwach at the moment of the carriers' deaths. Even though none who touched Yhwach lived for much longer, the people continued to gather around him. As he regained the fragments of his soul that he had shared out, Yhwach's body began to gain function. In time, when his deaf ears became able to hear, Yhwach realized the people had begun to call him by an unusual name: "YHWACH". He understood this was the name of the God whom these people worshiped, but he chose nonetheless to make that name his own.[43]

Yhwach conquers the northern lands.
Yhwach is credited with being the progenitor of the Quincy, revered by them as their King, and his blood flows in every Quincy.[5] At some point (seemingly in his youth), Yhwach discovered a much more potent way to impart his soul: by engraving a letter, signifying an ability, directly onto the soul of another, he could share out his own soul more deeply and with greater power.[44] Lille Barro was the first Quincy onto whom Yhwach ever bestowed a Schrift.[45][46] At some point, Yhwach assigned himself the letter "A"[1] to designate his ability of The Almighty.[2] He founded an empire of Quincy that he built up over the 200+ years following his birth, called Lichtreich (

Yhwach selects Haschwalth to be his right-hand man because the latter is his other half.
Eventually, Yhwach sent out two of his personal guards, Huburt and Algora, to inform nearby villages in the Lichtreich of the Sternritter's formation. While Bazz-B was confronting Huburt, Yhwach arrived and pinned almost everyone present to the ground with his Reiatsu. Declaring his intention to find a right-hand man, Yhwach selected Haschwalth, whom he recognized as his "other half".[48] Yhwach declared that Haschwalth was to join the Sternritter as his imperial adviser before preparing to leave. However, when Haschwalth claimed that Bazz-B would be a better right-hand man to him, Yhwach noted that this was just as he had foreseen before revealing that Haschwalth, like himself, shared his ability to grant power to others. After explaining how this was the catalyst behind Bazz-B's prodigal powers, Yhwach told Haschwalth that he needed the latter at his side before being defended from Bazz-B's Heilig Pfeil by Haschwalth.[49]

Yhwach grabs Ichibei.
At some point between then and 1,000 years ago, the Royal Guard Commander Ichibē Hyōsube learned of the Lichtreich planning to invade Soul Society and personally traveled to the Human World to negotiate a truce with Yhwach. Ichibē proposed that the Lichtreich be allowed to unify the Quincy race in peace if they agreed to let the Balancers maintain the balance between realms, but Yhwach knew that the world's current state was not its original state and pressed Ichibē for information about the one responsible for leaving all living things with a fear of death, becoming disgusted upon learning that the Soul King arranged it as such. When Yhwach refused the truce due to wanting to disrupt the balance so that he could create a world without death, he attacked Ichibē using The Almighty, but Ichibē revealed that he had taken the Soul King's Left Arm as his own and used its powers to disable The Almighty, though Yhwach claimed the arm in the process. Ichibē thereupon left, proclaiming that Yhwach shall never again be able to use The Almighty until his death, and Yhwach decided that it was for the best since he would not have to see the worlds becoming a gravestone.[36]

Yhwach is revived by Auswählen.
About 1,000 years ago, Yhwach and the Lichtreich invaded the Soul Society and battled against the original Gotei 13. Yhwach himself fought Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto,[50] witnessing the capabilities of Yamamoto's Bankai, Zanka no Tachi.[51] As he prepared to battle Yamamoto one-on-one, he was stabbed from behind by Chōjirō Sasakibe, allowing Yamamoto to deliver the finishing blow.[52] Following this decisive battle with Yamamoto, Yhwach supposedly lost his powers. Quincy folklore spoke of him as "The Sealed King": after 900 years of being sealed, he was to regain his pulse; after another 90, he would regain his intellect; and he would absorb the power of every "impure" Quincy to make their abilities his own, regaining his strength after 9 more years. With his Auswählen, Yhwach did so to Kanae Katagiri, killing her, and to Masaki Kurosaki, who died during her fight with Grand Fisher due to the loss of her powers.[5] All "impure" Quincy were killed except for Uryū Ishida.[53] Yhwach later reveals this song to be called Kaiser Gesang (

Yhwach leads his army in an assault on Hueco Mundo.
When Äs Nödt survived an incident and was hospitalized, Yhwach visited him and granted him power.[55] At some point during the seventeen months after the defeat of Sōsuke Aizen, the Wandenreich conquered Hueco Mundo, and Yhwach personally defeated its ruler, Tier Harribel. Imprisoning her, he claimed the territory of Hueco Mundo for the Wandenreich, regarding it as another foundation stone for the invasion of Soul Society.[56][57][58]
The Thousand-Year Blood War arc[]

Yhwach permits Luders Friegen to kneel before him.
Upon Luders Friegen's return to the Wandenreich base, Yhwach states he dislikes conflict and severs Luders' arm as punishment for arguing with Asguiaro Ebern.[12] After Luders declines his offer to lie down before him in exchange for his legs, Yhwach questions his estimate of five days being required for them to prepare for the war with Soul Society.[59] Asking Luders if he is a prophet, Yhwach listens to Luders' denial of this title and asks him why he had been talking about the future, for he only wanted to know about what was happening at the present point in time, before killing Luders. Turning his attention to Ebern, Yhwach admits he has no reason to praise or blame Ebern, for he effectively delayed Ichigo Kurosaki, and states his role is over before saying Ebern will be a foundation stone for peace in death. When Ebern is decapitated, Jugram Haschwalth asks Yhwach if it is alright to kill the Arrancar, for they do not need to be taught how to fight. Dismissing this, Yhwach climbs newly-formed stairs to a room behind his throne and states they can acquire as many as they need, thanks to Hueco Mundo already being their dominion, as he looks at the imprisoned Tier Harribel.[60]

Yhwach arrives in Soul Society.
When told Ebern's medallion was used, but was unable to seal Ichigo's Bankai, Yhwach cites a special plan would be needed to do so. Declaring "hot-blooded fools" could be useful at times, he instructs Haschwalth to have the Jagdarmee of Hueco Mundo collect "a few idiots" alive.[61] Later, when told of Ichigo's ongoing battle with Quilge Opie, Yhwach notes this is the perfect opportunity to invade Soul Society before ordering all of the Sternritter to be notified.[62] Later, Yhwach appears in the air above Ryūnosuke Yuki and members of the 13th Division as they ready themselves for battle and states thinking they will attack from one of Seireitei's gates makes sense before saying war is always a bitter affair.[63] When the group loses their composure in the face of Hidetomo Kajōmaru's defeat, Yhwach permits Haschwalth to spare the others if he thinks it is the benign choice.[64]
Afterwards, Yhwach makes his way into Muken, in order to speak with Sōsuke Aizen about possibly joining the Wandenreich as a Special War Power. Aizen refuses, citing the absurdity of the Quincy king walking the same path as a Shinigami. Yhwach turns to leave, and when questioned by Aizen, explains that despite viewing the treacherous Shinigami as a threat, it would take too much time for the Wandenreich to either kill Aizen or restrain him and take him to Silbern, a decision Aizen agrees to be a wise one.[65] Unbeknownst to Yhwach, the Aizen's eyes and mouth were actually bound, so he was speaking to an illusion Aizen created with Kyōka Suigetsu, allowing Aizen to confirm Yhwach had already witnessed Kyōka Suigetsu's release and was thus, susceptible to it.[66][67] Subsequently, Aizen took advantage of this to manipulate Yhwach's sense of time, making him believe he spent only a few minutes with Aizen when he actually spent significantly more time.[68]

The real Yhwach appears behind Yamamoto.
Shortly after, as Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto realizes his opponent was not Yhwach, but was instead his subordinate Royd Lloyd, who had used his abilities to mimic Yhwach's disposition, memories, and appearance, the 1st Division barracks are destroyed. Appearing behind Yamamoto, Yhwach thanks Royd for his service before incinerating his remains. When asked what he had been up to this entire time, Yhwach asks Yamamoto what lies beneath the 1st Division building before explaining how he had gone to the Central Great Underground Prison to speak with Aizen, though his offer to join their army was predictably declined. Continuing, Yhwach asks Yamamoto if he has exhausted his power fighting Royd.[69]

Yhwach steals Yamamoto's Bankai.
When Yamamoto attempts to use his Bankai again, Yhwach steals it with his medallion and reveals it is not that they were unable to take Yamamoto's Bankai, but the power of Zanka no Tachi is too enormous for anyone other than Yhwach himself to handle, so he ordered Royd not to do anything regarding this until he had returned. Goading the Captain-Commander by asking if he should use Yamamoto's Bankai to resurrect the dead Shinigami, Yhwach manifests a second weapon from above. With a wave of his sword, Yhwach bids Yamamoto farewell and attacks him.[70]

Yhwach obliterates Yamamoto's body.
With Yamamoto bifurcated by the attack, Yhwach derides him and attempts to leave, only for Yamamoto to grab hold of his cloak. Cutting off the Captain-Commander's arm, Yhwach reveals he had not listed him as a Special War Power because of his foolish reluctance to exploit others, which had made him grow weak. Stating the original Gotei 13 was a group to be feared, and Yamamoto did whatever it took to win, Yhwach says Soul Society will die soon, but unbeknownst to Yamamoto, the Gotei 13 died 1,000 years ago. Unleashing innumerable arrows from an outstretched finger, Yhwach completely obliterates Yamamoto's body.[71]

Yhwach is surprised by an unexpected explosion.
After ordering Haschwalth to inform the Sternritter that they are to demolish Soul Society, Yhwach observes the ensuing devastation in the wake of the advancing Soldat. With the Seireitei and the main forces of the Gotei 13 decimated, Yhwach prepares to declare a retreat in order to await the Royal Guard's inevitable arrival, only to be startled by an explosion in the air above him.[72] Confirming the Reiatsu is indeed Ichigo's, Yhwach declines Haschwalth's request to eliminate him and states they are leaving. As Tensa Zangetsu is thrust into the ground before them, they are intercepted by Ichigo.[73]

Yhwach is engulfed by Ichigo's Reiatsu.
Though unaware of exactly how Ichigo had escaped Quilge's jail, Yhwach congratulates him on doing so before asking Ichigo if he is really intending on fighting with his body's current condition. When asked if he is the enemy's leader, Yhwach states he both is and is not before confirming he is responsible for the current state of Soul Society. As an enraged Ichigo emits a large amount of Reiatsu, Yhwach is left with no option other than to crush him. Unaffected by a Getsuga Tenshō, Yhwach pins Ichigo to the ground before subduing him by stabbing him in the throat with his sword. Affirming Ichigo is still breathing, Yhwach orders Haschwalth to bring Ichigo back to their castle, where they can recruit him into their army. When Ichigo awakens, Yhwach deduces the pronounced veins stopping his sword are in fact Blut Vene before being engulfed by Ichigo's Reiatsu.[74]

Yhwach is prevented from attacking further.
Emerging mostly unharmed, Yhwach admits he had made a mistake in using a pure Quincy to stop Ichigo, for this awoke the memories in his Reiatsu. He reveals in trying to escape Quilge's jail, Ichigo absorbed some of the surrounding Reiatsu, which awoke the memories deep within his soul and allowed him to escape, for the jail cannot trap a Quincy. Stating Ichigo knows nothing about himself, not even about his own mother, Yhwach threatens to drag Ichigo to the Wandenreich and tell him everything there. As the two clash, Yhwach prepares to stab Ichigo, only for shadows to appear below him. When told his time outside of the Schatten Bereich is up, Yhwach realizes Aizen had confused his perception of time while they spoke and turns to leave. As Haschwalth intercepts Ichigo's subsequent attack, Yhwach departs while declaring he will return for Ichigo.[75]

The Wandenreich gathers before Yhwach.
Several days later, he asks Haschwalth where the subject is. When Haschwalth states he is here, Yhwach greets the newly recruited Uryū Ishida before proclaiming they will fight together.[76] Yhwach is later saluted by the Sternritter as he announces he has information for them.[77] Announcing Uryū will become his successor, much to the dismay and shock of several Sternritter, Yhwach states they do not need to doubt his decision because they will see Uryū's power for themselves in the upcoming fights.[78]

Yhwach completes the ceremony with Uryū.
Later, in his chambers, Yhwach tells Uryū the ceremony is over and states Uryū's power will soon awaken. Saying he will give Uryū a Schrift, Yhwach bestows him with the letter "A", which is his own letter as well.[1] When Uryū asks why he specifically was chosen as his successor, Yhwach asks why he is alive, much to Uryū's shock, before stating all mixed blood Quincy died during Auswählen except for Uryū. Proclaiming he named Uryū his successor because he was the first one to survive Auswählen in all of history, Yhwach surmises Uryū possesses a power which can surpass his own, which is why he was chosen to succeed him. Stating Uryū does not have to question anything, Yhwach tells him to come with him.[79]

Yhwach, Haschwalth, and Uryū appear in Soul Society.
Shortly after the Seireitei vanishes, Yhwach appears on a building with Uryū and Haschwalth and states the invasion is complete before asking Uryū if he knows the Kaiser Gesang. When Uryū confirms this and recites it, Yhwach notes there is another verse: after 9 years of regaining his powers, he will regain the world in 9 days. He instructs Haschwalth and Uryū to come, for the world will end in 9 days.[80] Later, Yhwach elaborates on how the Wandenreich managed to make Seireitei vanish and reveals the Quincy escaped into the Seireitei, the most vulnerable area in Soul Society, and created a space in the shadows after they lost the war 1,000 years ago, which is why they named themselves the Hidden Empire.[81]

Yhwach watches as numerous Sternritter across the Seireitei activate their Quincy: Vollständig.
When the Shinigami reclaim their Bankai by using the Shin'eiyaku invented by Kisuke Urahara, Uryū asks Yhwach if he had expected it to happen.[82] Confirming this, Yhwach states he had indeed predicted it before noting the Sternritter seem to be reveling in this event.[83] As numerous Sternritter across the Seireitei activate their Quincy: Vollständig, Yhwach proclaims the Shinigami will now taste true despair.[84] He and Uryū later observe Bambietta Basterbine's defeat at the hands of Sajin Komamura's altered Bankai, Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō: Dangai Jōe, and then smiles when Komamura's Bankai disintegrates.[85] Later, at the Wandenreich HQ, BG9 and Cang Du sit tied up before Yhwach, who says he is going to judge the Sternritter who lost. As Yhwach has Haschwalth step forward, BG9 begs him to wait and admits they lost before pointing out how the activation of their Quincy: Vollständig resuscitated them. As BG9 states they can still fight for him, Yhwach says they should be grateful for having survived.[86]

Yhwach has Haschwalth summon "the key".
Later during the night, Yhwach falls asleep. When Mask De Masculine is defeated, the sleeping Yhwach calls James back.[87] When dawn comes, Yhwach wakes up and thanks the souls of the fallen for his continued ability to perceive the world.[88] Later that day, Yhwach watches silently as the meteorite which Gremmy Thoumeaux summoned hurtles toward the Seireitei.[89] Soon afterward, when Ichigo arrives in the Seireitei, Yhwach notes his appearance and informs Haschwalth and Uryū that they will begin.[90] Watching Ichigo and Candice Catnipp's battle from afar, Yhwach tells Haschwalth to summon "the key". As Haschwalth does so, Yhwach says they will thank the one who brought them to the light.[91] As a beam of light pierces the heavens, Yhwach tells everyone to be with him.[92]

Yhwach, Haschwalth, and Uryū leave Soul Society.
Yhwach begins speaking to Ichigo and explains how Ichigo's clothes possess enormous defensive powers because they are made from the bones and hair of Royal Guard members, allowing Ichigo to break through the 72 barriers between Soul Society and the Soul King Palace unscathed. However, Yhwach reveals that because of this power, the barriers are unable to reform for the following 6,000 seconds, causing Ichigo to realize he plans to depart for the palace.[93] Ichigo quickly reaches their location, causing Yhwach to take note of his arrival. He watches the short confrontation between Uryū and Ichigo before telling Uryū it's time to go. He asks Uryū if he said farewell considering this will be forever and then starts ascending towards the palace together with Uryū and Haschwalth.[94] Soon afterward, Yhwach, Haschwalth, and Uryū arrive at the Soul King Palace.[95]

Yhwach arrives at the Soul King Palace.
When Yhwach notes where they are, Haschwalth claims to know how he feels, but Yhwach states a rotten gravestone does not make him feel anything before having Haschwalth summon several Soldat to invade. When Tenjirō Kirinji arrives, defeats the Soldat, and introduces himself, Yhwach demands to know if Kirinji believes he can defeat him, prompting Kirinji to confirm this before engulfing those present in his hot spring water. After explaining the water's properties, Kirinji releases his Zanpakutō and attacks Yhwach.[96] Kirinji's attacks all miss Yhwach despite the latter not dodging them. Yhwach walks away from Kirinji only to be confronted by Senjumaru Shutara, who says it has been a long time. She gives out that he has entered the palace without an invitation and has her soldiers surround him. The soldiers attack Yhwach, but they too are unable to hit him. The confrontation is interrupted when Sternritter "W" Nianzol Weizol appears out of the ground.[97]

Yhwach revives his Schutzstaffel with Auswählen.
After Nianzol is killed by Senjumaru, Yhwach watches as she summons more soldiers and claims that he can now be harmed. Countering this, Yhwach summons several Soldat from his shadow to combat Senjumaru's soldiers. He then calls on his Schutzstaffel—Gerard Valkyrie, Lille Barro, Pernida Parnkgjas, and Askin Nakk Le Vaar—to take on the Royal Guard.[98] After Nimaiya defeats his Schutzstaffel, Yhwach's hands begin to glow as Nimaiya challenges him.[99] Yhwach activates Auswählen and steals the power and lifeforce of the Sternritter in the Seireitei below in order to revive his Schutzstaffel, whom he tells to go forth.[35]

Yhwach confronts Ichibē after escaping from the Cage of Life.
After initiating the Auswählen and the destruction of the Cage of Life, Yhwach appears before Ichibē Hyōsube and asks him if he will allow him to pass, only for Ichibē to tell him to be careful speaking his name so easily, for it is likely to crush his throat.[100] When Ichibē draws a line on the floor and states this is where he will defeat him, Yhwach notes this is a bit small before claiming Ichibē will die three steps before this. However, Yhwach is interrupted when an enormous hand shoves him off the side of the palace. When Ichibē explain to him that this hand will push him 1000 ri away, Yhwach attempts to say something, but finds he cannot speak. After Ichibē pushes him downward with another hand, Yhwach punctures his own throat and proclaims that he gives himself the power of voice before using Sankt Bogen to shoot himself through the chest with a Heilig Pfeil, prompting Ichibē to note he must kill him.[101]

Yhwach is slashed vertically by Ichibē.
Noting that he must kill Yhwach because of his failure to atone, Ichibē draws his brush as Yhwach prepares to clash with him.[102] Ichibē and Yhwach clash, with Yhwach noting that he looks much happier than he expected. When Yhwach deflects Ichibē's brush with his arm, Ichibē reveals that his brush can cut names as a shocked Yhwach's arm falls to his side. Ichibē reveals that Yhwach's arm is now Ar and that his physical capabilities have been cut in half before slashing him down the center of his body, causing Yhwach to fly back into the palace. Moving back to the palace, Ichibē asks Yhwach what he thinks about being cut to pieces, prompting a grinning Yhwach to demand to know if he looks like he is suffering as Reishi gathers around him.[103]

Yhwach restores his physical and spiritual power.
Yhwach gets to his feet as he explains to Ichibē that he can merely restore anything which Ichibē takes from him and that everything in the world is his for the taking before sending his Reishi pillars hurtling toward Ichibē. When Ichibē blocks the pillars and uses Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan on him, Yhwach activates Blut Anhaben to protect himself and explains how it is a defensive wall that expands outside the body. Ichibē uses Ura Hadō: Sannodō — Teppūsatsu to seemingly break through and grabs Yhwach by the neck, but Yhwach reveals that Blut Anhaben consumes everything around it as black lines appear on Ichibē's arm. However, Ichibē merely ruptures Yhwach's face and reprimands him for daring to invade the body of a Royal Guard before releasing his Zanpakutō, Ichimonji.[104]

The ink of Ichimonji covers Yhwach's face.
Noting he does not sense any Reiatsu despite Ichibē releasing his Zanpakutō, Yhwach looks at Ichimonji and tries to figure out what is wrong, prompting Ichibē to ask him if he cannot tell the difference between a pen and a sword before attacking him. As he and Ichibē clash, Yhwach points out how Ichibē is merely spraying ink everywhere before proclaiming that he will simply take back his powers no matter how many times Ichibē removes them. However, Yhwach falls silent with shock, prompting Ichibē to reveal his sword does not have a name anymore before explaining how anything Ichimonji covers in ink loses its name. When Ichibē asks him if he really believes he can kill him now, Yhwach holds out his hand and claims he will simply steal Ichibē's powers before using Sankt Altar. However, Ichibē effortlessly shrugs off the spell and explains how his Zanpakutō wields the power of darkness, which is why Yhwach cannot steal his power, before covering Yhwach's face in ink.[105]

Yhwach recovers with The Almighty.
As Yhwach stands covered in ink, Ichibē notes it must have been painful for him to lose his name before activating his Bankai, Shirafude Ichimonji, and giving Yhwach the name of Black Ant. Ichibē smashes Yhwach through the floor with a giant foot and bids him farewell before crushing him between two giant hands. Wondering if this is how it will end for him, Yhwach bursts through the floor of the palace entrance and attacks Ichibē, who wonders what is going on as Haschwalth reveals this is the power of The Almighty.[106]

Yhwach defeats Ichibē.
Yhwach notes Ichibē must have many questions about how he can be doing this before explaining how The Almighty allows him to see into the future and use any power he knows of, which means he cannot be defeated. When Ichibē attempts to defeat him by using the black on his body for Futen Taisatsuryō in order to strip him of everything he possesses, Yhwach points out how he has regained his name and proclaims he will be the one to take everything away from Ichibē before blasting him.[107] Noting that Ichibē died in three steps just as predicted, Yhwach observes that the Royal Guard have been defeated and proclaims the Soul King is next.[108]

Yhwach stabs the Soul King.
Soon afterward, Yhwach reaches the main palace, where he slaughters the Soul King's servants before confronting the Soul King himself. Claiming the Soul King is an imperfect god too weak to run away, Yhwach proclaims he shall end his humiliation here and notes the Soul King likely foresaw this day[109] before stabbing the Soul King, whom he addresses as his father and bids farewell.[110] However, Yhwach is interrupted by the arrival of Ichigo and his friends behind him. Mentally cursing Ichibē, Yhwach turns to face Ichigo.[111]

Yhwach reveals Ichigo is too late to save the Soul King.
When Ichigo states that they have come to stop him, Yhwach admits he had already seen it before explaining how he can see the future due to his new eyes and how he knows about Ichibē's revival before revealing the impaled Soul King behind him. Ichigo leaps past him in an attempt to help the king, but Yhwach lets him do so while stating that Ichigo must be prepared to destroy Soul Society. When Ichigo's right side is enveloped in Blut Vene veins, Yhwach explains how the Quincy blood within him will never permit the existence of the Soul King and invites him to watch the destruction of Soul Society as Ichigo slashes the Soul King across the chest.[112]

Yhwach is surrounded by Yoruichi's Tenshi Heisō: Hissaki Kumoi.
Yhwach explains to Ichigo how his power allowed him to transfer the Reiatsu still present in his sword to Ichigo, which his blood reacted to. When Ichigo attacks him, Yhwach effortlessly blocks his sword and points out how it is pointless to fight him any further because Soul Society will be destroyed regardless.[113] Yhwach goes on to explain how the Soul King keeps the flow of souls in balance and claims it is Ichigo's fault that everything will fall apart, only to stop in surprise upon seeing several razor-sharp wires placed around him by Yoruichi, who tells Orihime to revive the Soul King. However, when Orihime's Sōten Kisshun shatters around the king, Yhwach proclaims that the Soul King will never draw breath again.[114]

Ichigo blasts Yhwach within the palace.
However, Yhwach is shocked when Jūshirō Ukitake's Kamikake appears in the palace and wraps itself around the Soul King. Recognizing this as the work of Mimihagi, the one being whom his eyes cannot predict, Yhwach demands to know if the Soul King's right hand is beginning to feel sentimental toward Soul Society after protecting it for all this time.[115] Yhwach attempts to destroy both the Soul King and Mimihagi, but is stopped by Ichigo, who grabs his arm and dispels his attack. Asking Ichigo why he is doing this, Yhwach points out how he is the one who cut the Soul King in half and states that Ichigo's blood cannot permit the Soul King's existence, but Ichigo states he is here to save all the realms, prompting Yhwach to demand to know if Ichigo believes that he is the only one who can do this. Ichigo proclaims he cannot simply sit by before blasting Yhwach within the palace with a Getsuga Tenshō. When Ichigo tells him that he will not do his bidding despite Yhwach's blood running in his veins, Yhwach claims that this will be decided by his eyes alone.[116]

Yhwach rips Mimihagi off of the Soul King.
Yhwach tells Ichigo that he has never intended to make Ichigo do his bidding. When Ichigo questions what this means, Yhwach claims that all of Ichigo's battling and growth up until now have been in preparation for him killing the Soul King and that all of Ichigo's decisions benefited him because they share the same blood, prompting Ichigo to angrily attack him before proclaiming that he still intends to stop him. However, Yhwach asks Ichigo if his resentment toward him is truly justified before claiming that it is Ichigo's own weakness that led to his mother dying. After Uryū appears and shoots Yoruichi in the shoulder, causing her barrier around the Soul King to shatter, Yhwach catches the top half of the Soul King. Yoruichi begins throwing spheres at him, but Yhwach has Pernida warp her arm before throwing her out of the palace himself. After Uryū distracts an attacking Ichigo, Yhwach rips Mimihagi off of the Soul King.[117]

Yhwach absorbs the power of Mimihagi.
After Uryū knocks Ichigo and the others off the palace, Mimihagi attempts to attack Yhwach, who merely wonders if it is trying to hinder its own child before dispersing it with a strike. Noting that Mimihagi is now far below him, Yhwach disposes of Mimihagi and decides to take everything that once belonged to the Soul King before firing a beam of darkness through the floor of the palace.[118] As his beam strikes the Shakonmaku and spreads a veil of darkness over the Seireitei, Yhwach begins staggering before dissolving into a mass of one-eyed black creatures that begin swarming the Schutzstaffel. Haschwalth appears and explains that Yhwach is unable to keep all of the Soul King's now-released power within himself and is simply releasing it in the form of these creatures as the swarm begins pouring out of the palace and heading for the Seireitei below.[119]

Yhwach completely absorbs the Soul King.
Soon after, Yhwach completely absorbs the Soul King.[120] When Haschwalth and the others enter the Soul King's chambers, which are covered with darkness, Yhwach turns around to reveal that he has gained a mask of eyes across his face. Noticing Askin backing away from him in shock, Yhwach wonders if he is afraid and assures them that they will get used to it before noting that he never expected to have too much power as the top of the palace shatters. When a kneeling Haschwalth asks him to lead them, Yhwach addresses him as his firstborn and states they will begin by creating a new country for the Quincy.[121]

Haschwalth reports to Yhwach.
Yhwach brings the Wandenreich city to the Soul King Palace,[122] which he connects to the surrounding cities to form a Quincy Zeichen; soon after, he creates a large, tower-like palace for his new stronghold. When Ichigo, his friends, and the Gotei 13 arrive in the Soul King Palace, Haschwalth reports their intrusion to Yhwach, who decides to make the tower the cornerstone of his new world, the Wahrwelt.[123] As Yhwach sleeps, he repeatedly tries to use the Soul King's powers to re-merge the Three Worlds, but finds that Mimihagi is still resisting his attempts and is keeping the sworlds separate.[124] Soon after, Liltotto Lamperd, Giselle Gewelle, and the Zombified Candice Catnipp, Meninas McAllon, and Bambietta Basterbine confront Yhwach, who quickly dispatches the vengeful Quincy before returning to his slumber.[125][124]

Yhwach is confronted by Ichigo.
While sleeping, Yhwach has a vision of Ichigo arriving and bifurcating him. He then wakes up as morning arrives, regaining The Almighty as he remarks that his dream was wonderful to the point of being a nightmare. Ichigo then arrives at the throne room, and Yhwach asks him what took him so long to arrive, referring to him as his "son of darkness".[126] Ichigo stands before Yhwach, who notes that Ichigo's newly-attained true power is causing his Reiatsu to become visible around him before revealing that he is not using The Almighty to predict Ichigo's moves because he wants to savor this reunion. When Yhwach claims that Isshin Kurosaki was merely a surrogate father for him, Ichigo decries him being his parent because he is the one who killed Masaki Kurosaki.[127]

Yhwach stops Ichigo's assault.
As Yhwach claims Ichigo is still a petulant brat, Ichigo leaps toward him and fires a Getsuga Tenshō, which Yhwach blocks with a torrent of Reiatsu that attacks Ichigo, prompting Orihime to block it with Santen Kesshun. When the Reiatsu pushes past the barrier, Ichigo cuts through it with his shorter sword before leaping toward Yhwach once more, only for the Reiatsu to stop his assault as Yhwach claims that Masaki died so he could create Ichigo. Proclaiming that Ichigo should not sulk because there is no greater honor than this, Yhwach flings him into a wall before standing up as he prepares to demonstrate his true power.[128]
Yhwach tells Ichigo that they are done talking as Ichigo charges at him again. Berating Ichigo for charging in so recklessly, Yhwach stifles Ichigo with Reiatsu again as he says that they should not rush things since Ichigo's death is inevitable. Yhwach tells Ichigo that it took a lot of work to create him and that he should stop making light of it, as his abilities were never his to begin with, before surrounding Ichigo with his Reiatsu.[129] As Ichigo continues to charge him, Yhwach wonders why he is so eager to die and notes that he will destroy both Soul Society and the Human World if not stopped. When Orihime covers Ichigo with her Sōten Kisshun, Yhwach points out how she is saying "no" by healing Ichigo and telling him to keep fighting before blasting Ichigo with more Reiatsu while ordering him to expend all his Reiatsu and die for his allies. However, upon seeing the tip of his blade turning white, Ichigo has Orihime block Yhwach's next blast with Santen Kesshun. An explosion of Reiatsu engulfs Ichigo, prompting Yhwach to realize what his endgame is as the dust clears to reveal Ichigo has entered a partially Hollowfied form.[130]

Yhwach is slashed by Ichigo's augmented Getsuga Tenshō.
After greeting a shocked Orihime, Ichigo confirms Yhwach's assessment that this is the form he takes on when melding with his Hollow powers before explaining how he reforged his Zanpakutō after his Hollow and Quincy powers came into balance with one another. As Yhwach grins at Ichigo's strategy of awakening his powers with his Reiatsu, Ichigo moves in front of Santen Kesshun while telling Orihime to keep up her guard before unleashing his Reiatsu, which destroys most of the room around them. Yhwach commends Ichigo's power and forms his broadsword, only for Ichigo to grab him before slashing at close range. As more of the tower is destroyed by the force of the attack, Yhwach blocks Ichigo's blade with his bare hand and claims that he could not be harmed by Ichigo's level of strength before tossing him back. However, Ichigo proceeds to form a Getsuga Tenshō and fuse it with a Gran Rey Cero before firing it at Yhwach, who is cut deeply.[131]

Yhwach clashes with Ichigo.
Noting that a combined attack like this is fitting for a racial hybrid like Ichigo, Yhwach grabs and repels the augmented Getsuga Tenshō before proclaiming that Ichigo is out of his league. Ichigo clashes with Yhwach, who details Ichigo's probable train of thought before declaring that his window of opportunity is gone as he activates The Almighty, which he admits is the result of him no longer being able to underestimate Ichigo's power. Clashing with Yhwach repeatedly, Ichigo draws his other sword and strikes, only for Yhwach to form a second sword and repel Ichigo in turn. As Ichigo moves around, his feet are impaled by shadow blades emerging from the places he lands on, causing him to realize that Yhwach has set up traps. After planting his sword in the ground, Yhwach states that Ichigo has likely been told that The Almighty allows him to see the future, prompting Ichigo to note that his attack should not connect if this is true. Grinning, Yhwach slashes at Ichigo, who leaps back and lands on top of a pillar as Yhwach details his thought process of growth during a fight causing the future to change before telling him to stay there if he believes this. As Ichigo is stabbed by long shadowy blades from the wall behind him and falls to the ground below, Yhwach appears in front of him and reveals how Ichigo miscalculated by assuming that the future is linear before explaining how it is instead akin to countless grains of sand in the wind that he can choose and move between at will. Telling Ichigo to keep pushing forward and moving between grains of sand without despairing, Yhwach watches as Ichigo activates his Bankai.[132]

Yhwach breaks off part of Ichigo's Bankai.
Immediately after Ichigo activates his Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu, in a burst of energy, Yhwach breaks off part of the blade with his bare hand, leading a shocked Ichigo to wonder how he did this without moving. Yhwach notes that Tensa Zangetsu is indeed a fearsome Bankai and reveals that he used the future to break it before breaking off Ichigo's horn as well while reminding him to not drop his guard. When Yhwach throws his horn at him, Ichigo bashes it away with the remainder of his Bankai, only for Yhwach to appear behind and slash him out of the air and into the ground below. Attacking Ichigo once more, Yhwach closes in on him and slashes, only for Orihime's Santen Kesshun to block his blade. However, Ichigo is still wounded, prompting Yhwach to reveal that The Almighty lets him transform the future as well as foresee it before telling Ichigo to despair for him.[133]

Yhwach grabs Ichigo after breaking his spirit.
Yhwach states that The Almighty is no different from Ichigo and Orihime's powers because he can also influence only what he can see, which is the entirety of fate. Yhwach claims that Ichigo has only been able to overcome his despair and change his fate up until now because he was not present and declares that he will cut down any future Ichigo tries to create for himself before telling Ichigo that he can begin despairing now, prompting Ichigo to begin screaming in anger. Soon afterward, Ichigo coughs up blood after being attacked by Yhwach, who grabs him by the head while noting that he expected more of a fight from Ichigo. When Ichigo loses all hope of winning, Yhwach drops him while claiming that all Ichigo accomplished was providing him with some entertainment before preparing to take back the power he had given to Ichigo.[134]

Yhwach departs from the Soul King Palace to bring ruin to all of existence.
Black veins encompass Ichigo and the surrounding area as Yhwach absorbs his Quincy and Hollow powers. As his merged Hollow form dissipates, Ichigo falls to the ground, unconscious, as Yhwach laughs maniacally before initiating a third Auswählen, which drains power from Haschwalth and kills Gerard. Power is drawn from all over the area to the top of Wahrwelt, where Yhwach has opened a portal and bids Ichigo farewell while promising to bring ruin to all of existence now that he no longer has need for him or the Sternritter. When Rukia and Renji appear, Yhwach expresses annoyance at having so many weaklings be sent after him and notes that they are probably too exhausted to take another step before deciding to leave the portal open so they can pursue him if they wish, which he will reward them for by slaughtering them in their time of greatest happiness. As he promises them that they will feel the looming shadow of death for all eternity, Yhwach steps into the portal.[135]

Ichigo and Renji attack Yhwach.
Shortly afterward, Yhwach arrives in the Seireitei, where he is greeted by Aizen in his chair. After destroying Aizen's restraints, Yhwach responds to Aizen's claim of Ichigo giving him too much trouble in the Soul King Palace by reminding Aizen that he was the one whom Ichigo defeated before noting that protecting Soul Society does not seem like something that would be in Aizen's best interests. When Ichigo and Renji suddenly attack him from behind, Yhwach repels them and claims to have already foreseen Ichigo coming here and having his Bankai broken once more. However, when Tensa Zangetsu is merely cracked instead of completely destroyed as he had planned, Yhwach notes that Ichigo possesses a great deal of good fortune.[136]

Ichigo unleashes a powerful Getsuga Tenshō on Yhwach.
After pushing Ichigo back with a blast of Reiatsu that destroys part of Sōkyoku Hill, Yhwach questions why he did not let Orihime heal his wounds prior to coming here before reminding Ichigo that he was told he would be unable to do anything even if he followed. When Renji seemingly attacks him with his Bankai, Yhwach severs his left arm while claiming that all Bankai are rendered impotent against him before deciding to crush Renji with his own hands in order to prove this point. Suddenly, Aizen appears with Kyōka Suigetsu in hand and intervenes, prompting Yhwach to ridicule him for defending one of the "losers" which he so detests, before using Hadō #99. Goryūtenmetsu, which ruptures the ground around them and forms a large energy dragon in the air above as Aizen rushes forward. Despite this, Yhwach merely points out that Aizen's sword is cracked before sending him hurtling back with an energy blast. When Ichigo appears behind him, Yhwach blows off his arm and stops his blade while noting that Ichigo decided to ally himself with Aizen before pointing out how even Kyōka Suigetsu was useless before his power. Reminding Ichigo that he can see everything, Yhwach shatters Tensa Zangetsu and bids Ichigo farewell before seemingly blowing a hole in his torso as he prepares to destroy Soul Society. However, Aizen, having disguised himself as Ichigo, merely notes that Yhwach's vision of Ichigo attacking him is interesting while impaled on Yhwach's hand. Suddenly, the real Ichigo impales Yhwach from behind with Tensa Zangetsu before unleashing a powerful Getsuga Tenshō.[137]

Ichigo cuts Yhwach in half.
As Ichigo cuts him in half, Yhwach dissolves into a mass of darkness, which shortly afterward engulfs a shocked Aizen. Noting that the power of Kyōka Suigetsu appears to have run out, Yhwach reforms as he asks Ichigo if he really thought an attack of that caliber would be enough to kill him before proclaiming that he can even rewrite futures where he dies using The Almighty. Yhwach bashes Tensa Zangetsu out of Ichigo's hand and engulfs him and the rest of the Seireitei in his darkness before declaring that everything will lose its form and become one before his power. However, Yhwach is interrupted when Uryū fires the silver arrowhead through his chest, to the surprise of both him and Ichigo, as his darkness suddenly clears from his body, prompting Uryū to tell Ichigo to move now. With his cracked Bankai in hand, Ichigo leaps toward Yhwach, who is beginning to regain his powers and seemingly shatters the blade in his hand. However, the blade instead crumbles to reveal the original Zangetsu in Ichigo's hands, prompting a stunned Yhwach to realize that this is what Haschwalth was trying to warn him about with his dream as Ichigo cuts him in two.[11] Yhwach grabs hold of Zangetsu and laments to Ichigo how the path is being closed to the world without fear, and further laments how existence will continue as it always has in a cycle of life and death.[9]
Ten years in the future, Yhwach attempts to use The Almighty to destroy the future by infiltrating it with his Reiatsu, but due to Ichigo defeating him ten years prior the Reiatsu vanishes altogether.[138][139]

Yhwach's Quincy Cross.
Quincy Cross: Yhwach carries a version of the Quincy Cross, consisting of five points, which forms part of an elaborate, circular medal featuring a number of stars and a descending striped ribbon. This is attached to the left breast of his trench coat, so it is often concealed beneath his cloak.[140] The Cross was rendered useless when Ichibē Hyōsube used his Ichimonji to remove its name, and therefore its power.[141]
Medallion: Yhwach possesses a round device which is roughly the size of a person's palm and has the Wandenreich insignia etched onto its surface. When activated, the device can steal a currently released Bankai in the immediate vicinity. Yhwach used it to take Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's Zanka no Tachi.[142] Yhwach discarded the Medallion when he threw it out of Kirio Hikifune's Cage of Life so Uryū Ishida could use his Antithesis to switch the Medallion and Yhwach, allowing the Emperor to escape the Cage.[143]
Powers & Abilities[]

Yhwach's power returns to him.
Soul Distribution Power (魂を分け与える力, Tamashī o Wakeataeru Chikara): Yhwach was born with the innate ability to distribute a piece of his soul to another by being touched by them.[3] He is a type of rare Quincy who cannot naturally absorb Reishi, as his natural power is to give power to others. However, by bestowing an ability, allowing its wielder to cultivate it, and then taking it back, Yhwach is able to obtain and accumulate power, enabling him to manipulate Reishi like other Quincy.[4]
- Flawless Healing: In Yhwach's distribution of his soul, the wounds which one's soul could not heal alone would finally heal. This power healed the physical, mental, and spiritual ailments of those who touched Yhwach. While the wound of a person healed, all of their knowledge, skills, and talents would be engraved inside the piece of soul they received from Yhwach. Those healed in this way had their lifespan drastically reduced, and once the person had died, the augmented fragment would return to Yhwach. In turn, Yhwach slowly gained the usage of his dormant motor skills and senses.[43] [144]
- Power Bestowal (via Letter Empowerment): While all Quincy have the power to collect Reishi from their surroundings to make it theirs, Yhwach can do the opposite: he has the power to share his spirit with others. However, he eventually discovered a much more powerful way to distribute his soul: by engraving a letter, signifying an ability, directly onto another's soul, he could share out his soul more deeply, and with greater power. He does this by having others drink his blood within a ritual.[145] The powers granted by this ritual are named Schrift.[146]
- Soul Absorption: Yhwach can forcibly retake the soul fragments of his soul that he has shared out.[147] The only time that Yhwach can return to being the Father of the Quincy and gather his strength is in his sleep. None can be permitted to disturb him while he rests. If he does not continue to absorb souls, he will eventually revert to his original state, completely deprived of his senses once more.[148]
- Enhanced Condition & Longevity: Every time he regains a piece of his soul, Yhwach becomes stronger and lives longer.[149]

Yhwach trades places and powers with Jugram Haschwalth during his slumber.
- Sleep-Induced Power Swapping: Yhwach and Haschwalth are two sides of a balanced scale. While Yhwach returns to being the Father of the Quincy, Haschwalth take up the mask of the ruler in his stead, as they are connected.[7] Once night falls and Yhwach falls asleep, his power will be swapped with Haschwalth's.[150] This is marked by Yhwach disappearing into a Shadow that Haschwalth appears from whenever he falls asleep.[151]
- The Balance (
世界調和 , Za Baransu; Japanese for "World Harmony"): Yhwach gains Haschwalth's The Balance while Haschwalth gains Yhwach's The Almighty. However, since Yhwach is asleep whenever he gets The Balance, he does not use it.[152]
- The Balance (

Yhwach uses Auswählen.
Auswählen (
- Self-Power Restoration: Should Yhwach's physical or spiritual capabilities be impaired by his opponent, he can easily restore them. When Ichibē Hyōsube's Name Curse crushed Yhwach's voice and prevented him from speaking, Yhwach granted himself the power of voice once more by digging his fingers into his throat and channeling Reishi into the openings.[157] When Ichibē's sealed Zanpakutō caused Yhwach's physical and spiritual power to be halved due to Ichibē cutting his name in half,[158] Yhwach restored them by summoning and absorbing several ribbons of Reishi inscribed with Roman letters.[159]

Yhwach uses Sankt Altar in an attempt to steal Ichibē's power.
- Sankt Altar (
簒奪聖壇 , Zankuto Arutāru; German for "Saint Altar", Japanese for "Usurpation Altar"): Yhwach summons five orbs of energy in the air around a target that shoot out concentrated beams of energy at the target, forming the pattern of a large Quincy Zeichen; these beams rob the power of their target and gives it to Yhwach.[160]
- Sankt Altar (
- Reiatsu Infusion: Yhwach can transfer his Reiatsu to others through contact with a object he has infused his Reiatsu into. If a Quincy receives some of his Reiatsu, their Quincy blood forces them to attack the Soul King if he is nearby because the king "cannot be forgiven";[161] this is visually represented by Blut Vene veins spreading across the part of the user's body where they received Yhwach's Reiatsu.[162]

Yhwach revives himself using The Almighty.
The Almighty (
- Omni-Precognition: Yhwach can see everything that is to occur from the present moment into the far-flung future. He can "know" everything that lies within that gaze.[166] Rather than seeing a linear future, Yhwach observes all possible futures at once like countless grains of sand in the wind, and can thus act accordingly using the knowledge he has gained to anticipate and counter his opponents.[167] However, Yhwach is unable to predict the actions of Mimihagi, the right hand of the Soul King.[168]
- Future Acausality: Yhwach states that the true power of The Almighty is the ability to alter the future into whatever outcome he desires.[169] He utilizes this power by setting up traps where he knows his opponents will be[170] and preemptively attacking them before they realize. He can also outmaneuver any defense and countermeasure they use to protect themselves in order to facilitate his attacks.[171] He can even alter the future if it would end in his death,[172] in which the last remnants of his powers would attempt to resurface ten years later.[173]
- Instant Adaptability: Yhwach states to Ichibē is that any power which he "knows" through The Almighty would immediately adapt to him, making him able to use said power and rendering him impervious to harm in anyway from it.[174]
- Concussive Force: Yhwach can fire blasts of force powerful enough to send combatants as powerful as Yoruichi Shihōin and Ichigo Kurosaki flying from his hands.[175]

Yhwach absorbs the Soul King, drastically augmenting his power while also momentarily incapacitating him.
- Consumption: Yhwach can consume other beings via physical contact, including higher beings and in doing so, absorbs their powers and energy, and can contain their great essence within his body, making their power his own. The process can vary in length, being instant with those lower in power than him and taking longer for more powerful beings.[176][177]
Reishi Manipulation: As a Quincy, Yhwach primarily absorbs Reishi from the atmosphere and coats it with his own Reiryoku to form weapons,[178] and he has an easier time collecting Reishi in environments with higher concentrations of it, such as in Soul Society or Hueco Mundo.[179] Yhwach can collect Reishi and solidify it at will. He created an intricate throne, which he later deconstructed with ease, and reconstructed it into a set of steps in order to ascend to a higher level of Silbern.[180] Yhwach was able to deconstruct the pillars of the Soul King Palace Front Approach and use them as building material for a set of steps to ascend to the top level of the Soul King Greater Palace, all without needing a gesture.[181]

Yhwach attacking Mimihagi with a blast of fire.
- Blue Flames: Yhwach can condense Reishi into powerful blue flames that can burn normally incombustible spiritual matter, such Hueco Mundo's rocks and sands.[182] During the Invasion of Hueco Mundo, Yhwach was seen floating above his army with his hands aflame, after defeating Tier Harribel.[183] Later at the Soul King Palace, Yhwach was again seen emitting the blue flames from his hands, such as to blast away Yoruichi Shihōin and Yasutora Sado[10] or in an attempt to burn Mimihagi off the Soul King (only to be repelled by Mimihagi's Reiatsu).[184] In addition to generating these flames from his hands, Yhwach can summon them by sheer force of will, as seen when he set Yoruichi Shihōin's razor wires ablaze without any movement (while controlling the flames' spread enough that they went on to burn the curtains around the Soul King's crystal, but not anything else).[37] Yhwach can also make large structures (like a castle) be engulfed in fire by shooting them with one of his Sankt Bogen's giant Heilig Pfeil.[185]

Yhwach easily keeps up with Ichigo Kurosaki's hypersonic speed.
- Hirenkyaku Master: After destroying the 1st Division HQ, Yhwach moved a great distance and appeared behind Yamamoto without being noticed.[186] Using Hirenkyaku, he easily kept up with the hypersonic speed of Ichigo's Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu, during their first battle.[52]
- Blut (
血装 , Burūto; German for "Blood", Japanese for "Blood Guise"): An advanced Quincy technique which grants one inhuman offensive and defensive capabilities, generated by making Reishi flow into the user's blood vessels. The independent forms for attack and defense cannot be employed simultaneously.[187] Yhwach is also able to regulate the strength of Blut for the entire Wandenreich, and can alter it as required.[188]
- Blut Vene (
静血装 , Burūto Vēne; German for "Blood Vein", Japanese for "Stilled Blood Guise"): With his Blut Vene active, Yhwach withstood a Bankai-enhanced Getsuga Tenshō from a distance without sustaining any injury[189] and a point-blank one with only his left arm being burnt.[190]
- Blut Vene (

Blut Vene Anhaben.
- Blut Vene Anhaben (
外殻静血装 , Burūto Vēne Anhāben; German for "Wearing the Blood Vein", Japanese for "Shell of Stilled Blood Guise"): Yhwach extends his Blut Vene outside of his body to create a forcefield that blocks incoming attacks. It can easily block mid-level Kidō spells, such as Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan, even when employed by a member of the Royal Guard. The forcefield consumes everything around it, including living beings, in order to maintain itself. When activated, it creates the Blut Vene vein pattern on the surface of whatever it attempts to consume.[191]
- Blut Vene Anhaben (
Quincy Spell Master: As an ancient and powerful Quincy with extensive knowledge of their techniques, Yhwach can employ certain "spells" which result in effects similar to Kidō, having used Qual Kreis to overpower and nearly incapacitate Ichigo during their first battle.[52] Yhwach also utilized Sankt Zwinger during their second confrontation.[37]
Immeasurable Spiritual Power: Yhwach is the most powerful Quincy in existence. His power is far above that of an Espada: according to Quilge Opie, Tier Harribel was "utterly powerless" before him.[58] He claims to be the only Quincy powerful enough to steal and wield Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's Bankai.[142] Yhwach easily defeats Mimihagi, the Soul King's right arm, and taunts it by saying it is far inferior to what he is now.[192] 1000 years ago, he pinned dozens of people, including a teenage Bazz-B, to the ground with his Reiatsu alone, causing Bazz-B to label him a monster.[193] When battling Ichigo for the first time while the latter's Bankai was active and his Reiatsu was flaring in rage, Yhwach remained unfaltering and unharmed during their dozens of clashes and even overpowered Ichigo in a direct clash of Reiatsu.[52]
Immense Strength: During his short fight with Ichigo, Yhwach displayed impressive physical strength. When he stabbed Ichigo in the neck, the force of his attack caused the ground beneath them to shatter.[194] Yhwach was able to stop a punch from Yasutora Sado, Brazo Izquierda del Diablo with just his right hand and not feel the impact.[10]
Immense Endurance: Yhwach is a considerably resilient combatant, piercing his own throat and impaling himself with a Heilig Pfeil during his fight with Ichibē Hyōsube without slowing down or showing any signs of physical strain afterward.[195]
Enhanced Durability: Yhwach has demonstrated considerable physical durability; when sent flying back to the Royal Palace by one of Ichibē's attacks, he struck the edge of Vestibule Road with great force but emerged uninjured.[196]
Shadow: Yhwach is able to create portals using his Shadows, however unlike other Quincy, Yhwach does not use a stance to summon a portal, he instead can use it will without any movement.[197] Yhwach can even choose the specific individuals he wishes to summon.[198] When Yhwach goes to sleep, he is automatically replaced by Haschwalth with this technique.[199]
Master Swordsman: Yhwach is proficient enough in swordsmanship to effortlessly clash with and repel a Shinigami captain including Ichibē Hyōsube the commander of the Royal Guard. In battle, he can easily perform a take-down on his opponent with one hand while wielding his sword in the other.[200] During his first battle with Ichigo, Yhwach clashed with him dozens of times at high speeds and intensity while never once sustaining injury, further demonstrating his skill.[52]
Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Aside from his Quincy skills, Yhwach possesses a certain level of proficiency in hand-to-hand combat. He was able to quickly subdue and pin down Ichigo, who had his Bankai active at the time, before the latter could react or defend himself properly.[201]
Spirit Weapon[]

Yhwach's sword.
Reishi Sword: Using his Quincy Cross, Yhwach can gather both spirit energy and particles and transform them into weapons. Unlike the bows displayed by most other Quincy, his particular weapon manifests in the form of an ornate sword, reminiscent of a Dadao, with a relatively long handle and a cross-guard shaped like a bird.[202] The weapon's name had been erased by Ichibē Hyōsube's Ichimonji, thus Yhwach was unable to speak of it.[203]

Yhwach's Sankt Bogen.
Sankt Bogen (

Yhwach unleashes a barrage of Heilig Pfeil from his fingertip.
- Heilig Pfeil (
神聖滅矢 , Hairihhi Pufairu; German for "Holy Arrow", Japanese for "Sacred Destruction Arrows"): By collecting Reishi, Yhwach can form spiritual arrows, but unlike most Quincy, he can generate them without the need of a Spirit Weapon, instead forming and firing them with just an outstretched finger. These arrows appear as simple blasts of Reishi shaped like the Quincy Cross, though they still retain enough force to create deep cavities in the ground.[205] He can fire them in rapid succession as a continuous barrage and with enough power to destroy an adversary as durable as Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.[206]

Yhwach wielding a Heilig Pfeil in the form of a Reishi Broadsword.
- Reishi Broadsword: With a simple, horizontal cutting motion directed at the sky, Yhwach manifests Sankt Bogen in the air above himself, which in turn fires a massive Heilig Pfeil towards the ground in front of him. The length of this Reishi arrow is comparable to Yhwach's own height and, by gripping it near the base of the shaft, he can wield it in a manner similar to a large broadsword. Two protrusions jutting out diagonally on either side form the sword's cross-guard which, alongside the handle, form a shape reminiscent of the Wandenreich insignia. The blade of this Heilig Pfeil can effortlessly bifurcate an opponent, including one as powerful as Yamamoto.[207]
Soul King Powers[]
After absorbing the Soul King, Yhwach gains a wide variety of new powers and abilities.
- Energy Manipulation: After absorbing the Soul King and Mimihagi, Yhwach is now surrounded by very thick black energy which he can manipulate as he pleases, both for offense and defense.[208]
- Barrier Generation: Yhwach can create an enormous black barrier over an area by merely unleashing darkness from his fingertip.[209] He can target an area hundreds of miles away from him, and the barrier is large enough to cover the entire Seireitei.[210] However, the barrier can be cracked by attacks of extreme power (such as a Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi), and because of its sheer density, it will collapse in on itself if such a crack is targeted with concentrated Reiatsu.[211]

The eyeball creatures swarm Suì-Fēng.
- Torrent of the Soul King's Power (霊王の力の奔流, Reiō no Chikara no Honryū):[212] Yhwach gains access to the unrestrained power of the Soul King, which manifests itself in the form of masses of tiny, black, baby-like,[213] single-eyeballed creatures that swarm from Yhwach himself. These creatures do not appear to possess sentience, but will actively and only target Shinigami due to them being the enemies of the Soul King, ignoring other nearby spiritual beings like Quincy in the process.[214] When attacking Shinigami, the creatures will swarm them in droves[215] and attempt to devour them with sharp fangs.[216][212] However, though they are resistant to physical attacks,[217] the creatures are easily crushed by intense Reiatsu[218] and can be obliterated entirely by high-level Hadō spells.[219]

Yhwach's Reiatsu protects him from Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō.
- Enhanced Spiritual Power: Yhwach's spiritual power is bolstered to incredible heights, to the point where he refers to it as "an excess of power". By simply exerting his Reiatsu, he can destroy large structures like the Greater Soul King Palace.[220] In his battle with Sōsuke Aizen, Yhwach destroyed his Reiatsu-suppressing chair, which Aizen was incapable of doing even with a full-power Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi and high Reiatsu in his own right.[221] His Reiatsu itself takes on a constantly visible form of darkness flowing from him[222][223] and is potent and concentrated enough that Yhwach can actually use it in combat for both offense and defense.[224][225][226] According to Szayelaporro Granz, Yhwach's immense Reiatsu was potent enough to be central in keeping the Gates of Hell sealed shut alongside Aizen's own.[227]
- Increased Reishi Control: Yhwach's natural control over Reishi in the atmosphere as a Quincy have been greatly increased, to the point where he can manipulate all the Reishi in the Royal Realm so that only Quincy can use it to create stepping platforms in midair, greatly hindering his Shinigami enemies.[228]
- Matter Transmutation: Yhwach gains some degree of control over physical matter; his first true demonstration of his newfound power was to move the Wandenreich City that had replaced the Seireitei to the Royal Realm[229] and reshaping it and the existing structures in the palace to form a gigantic Quincy Zeichen.[230] Furthermore, in order to goad his enemies into attacking, Yhwach created a massive, towering fortress in the center of the new palace in a matter of seconds.[231]
- Hollow Immunity: Yhwach's assimilation of the Soul King grants him an immunity to the detrimental effects of Hollow powers on Quincy. After he broke Tensa Zangetsu, he absorbed Ichigo's Quincy and Hollow powers with no ill effect, despite Hollows normally being poisonous to Quincy.[232]

Yhwach creates a portal to Soul Society.
- Dimensional Portal: Yhwach can open and enter a circular portal, shrouded in darkness, to cross vast distances almost instantly.[233][234]
- Worldly Assimilation: Yhwach can manually merge the Human World, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo into one. In the process of doing so, his power sprouts from the ground, enveloping and collapsing everything.[235]
- Power swapping: Yhwach's power is destroyed if Jugram Haschwalth dies while having it.[236] Furthermore, if Haschwalth uses The Almighty, it relays to enemies that Yhwach is defenseless.[237]
- Still Silver: If Yhwach's blood makes contact with the silver created in the hearts of his Auswählen victims, his powers will be briefly disrupted, leaving him vulnerable to attack.[238]
Appearances in Other Media[]
Video Game Appearances | |||||
Novel Appearances | |||||
Video Games[]

Promotional art for Yhwach in Bleach: Brave Souls.
As part of the third anniversary celebration of the game Bleach: Brave Souls, Yhwach has been introduced to the game's roster as the first character who did not appear in the anime prior. In this form, Yhwach is a ranged character with the "Mind" Attribute and the "Captain Killer" ability who normally has a chance to inflict Paralysis with every attack other than his special and whose second Strong Attack is his Sankt Bogen, while his third is his Sankt Zwinger. His unlockable skills are "Berserker +50%", "Bombardment", "Bruiser +30%", "Debilitator +5 secs.", "Sprinter +1", and "Start Barrier +10", while his Soul Trait is "Damage Taken -16%"; meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Strong Attack Damage +13%" and "Focus +30", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Strong Attack Damage +10%" at level 5 and "Strong Attack Damage +20%" at level 10. Yhwach's special is The Almighty (全知全能, Zenchi Zennō; Japanese for "All-Knowing and All-Powerful"), where he strikes with a sword infused with the Soul King's power, inflicting immense damage and Weaken; from this point onward, all of his attacks can inflict Weaken instead of Paralysis.

Yhwach's "The End" variant.
- Yhwach is also playable in a variant of his Soul King form called "The End". In this form, Yhwach is a melee normal attack character with the "Heart" Attribute and the "Captain Killer" ability who has a chance to inflict both Paralysis and Drain with every attack other than his second Strong Attack, which is a combination vortex and boost move. He has three Innate Skills built in at ★5: "Poise", "Sprinter +1", and "Weaken Duration -100%", and his unlockable skills are "Brave Battles Only Increased Normal Attack Damage When Enemy or Ally is KO'd +20%", "Brave Battles Only Prevent Last-Ditch Survival", "Half Stamina Only Decreased Damage Taken -50%", "Berserker +50%", "Booster +30%", "Debilitator +5 secs.", "Enhancer +10 secs.", "Flurry +2", "Guard Break", and "Ignore Brave Battle Invincibility", while his Soul Trait is "Damage Taken -16%"; meanwhile, his Arena Traits are "Normal Attack Damage +13%" and "Focus +30", while his Arena Abilities other than "All Stats +5%" are "Normal Attack Damage +10%" at level 5 and "Normal Attack Damage +20%" at level 10. Yhwach's special is The Almighty (全知全能, Zenchinzen'nō; Japanese for "All-Knowing and All-Powerful"), where he creates a series of black auras that inflict immense damage, Paralysis, and Drain.
In the novel Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World by Ryōgo Narita as well as the novel Bleach: WE DO knot ALWAYS LOVE YOU by Makoto Matsubara it is established that, following his death in combat against Ichigo, Yhwach's defeated corpse is turned into the new linchpin to sustain the worlds by Ichibē. This is possible due to Yhwach having absorbed the previous Soul King's power.[239][240] It also remains ambiguous whether or not Yhwach was genuinely the biological offspring of the Soul King, or rather an aspect of his being like Mimihagi was.[241]
- YHWH (Hebrew: יהוה, also known as the Tetragrammaton) is one of God's names in the Abrahamic religions, and specifically one of God's seven holy names in Judaism.
- In the tenth character popularity poll, Yhwach was ranked 22nd.[242]
- In the second best bout poll, Yhwach's fight with Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto ranked 29th, his fight with Ichibē Hyōsube ranked 38th, and his fight with Kenpachi Zaraki ranked 83rd.[243]
- Ōetsu Nimaiya addresses him as Y.H. (ユーハー, Yūhā).[244]
- Although Yhwach is considered the Father of the Quincy, he is not the first Quincy: it is said that, before Yhwach's birth, a Quincy who cannot absorb Reishi is born once every few decades.[245][4] Additionally, the Soul King's left arm and heart have natural Quincy abilities and identify as Quincy.[246][247]
- Ichibē Hyōsube referred Yhwach as a "lowly human".[248] Whether Yhwach is actually a human or Ichibē was being condescending is unconfirmed.
Klub Outside Trivia[]
- According to Q&A #281 by Tite Kubo on his fansite "Klub Outside", Yhwach can see in advance which Schrift a chosen Quincy would receive on their soul, and thus selects Quincy to empower based on those criteria, both concerning the power and which letters are unaccounted for.[249]
Battles & Events[]
Quincy Blood War[]
Participants | Chapter(s) | Episode(s) |
Rise of the Wandenreich | Chapter 484, 485 | Episode 367, 368 |
Fall of the Seireitei | Chapter 489, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514 | Episode 369, 370,371, 372, 373 |
Rise of Uryū Ishida | Chapter 542, 543, 544, 546 | None |
Fall of the Soul King | Chapter 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 625, 626 | Episode 393, 394, 395, 396, 397 |
Participants | Chapter(s) | Episode(s) | Result |
Yhwach vs. Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto | Chapter 510, 511 | Episode 372, 373 | Win |
Yhwach vs. Ichigo Kurosaki | Chapter 512, 513, 514 | Episode 373 | Draw |
The Royal Guard vs. The Wandenreich | Chapter 588, 597, 599, 600, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611 | Episode 390, 391, 392, 393 | Win |
Yhwach vs. Ichibē Hyōsube | Chapter 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610 | Episode 391, 392, 393 | Win |
Yhwach vs. Ichigo: Rematch | Chapter 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680 | None | Win |
Yhwach vs. Ichigo: Final Fight | Chapter 683, 684, 686 | None | Loss |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Bleach manga; Chapter 543, page 16
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Bleach manga; Chapter 609, page 16
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 2
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Bleach manga; Chapter 633, page 9-11
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Bleach manga; Chapter 537, pages 7-10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 546, page 16
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 611, page 16
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Bleach manga; Chapter 686, pages 12-13
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Bleach anime; Episode 395
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 684, pages 1-17
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Bleach manga; Chapter 484, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 495, color page
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 540, pages 15-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 409
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 4
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 554, page 5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 620, page 16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 626, page 10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 673, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 547, page 14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 607, pages 4-5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 511, page 11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 603, page 13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 632, page 10
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 380
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 514, pages 8-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, pages 8-9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 544, pages 1-2
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 485, pages 14-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 537, page 10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 506, pages 9-11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 680, pages 13-15
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 603, pages 12-17
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Bleach anime; Episode 390
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 37.2 Bleach anime; Episode 394
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 615, page 7 and 14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 612, page 2
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 614, pages 13-16
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 380
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 611, page 16
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 565, pages 3-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 11-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 646, page 14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 656, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 631, pages 13 & 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 632, pages 6-7 & 13-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 633, pages 1-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 489, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 506, page 2
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 Bleach anime; Episode 373
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 544, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 546, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 570, pages 1-3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 485, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 486, page 10
- ↑ 58.0 58.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 487, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 485, pages 1-2
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 485, pages 12-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 486, pages 14-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 489, pages 12-13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 493, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 497, pages 13-14
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 372
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 387
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 684, pages 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 514, pages 12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, pages 4-10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, pages 11-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 511, pages 4-13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 511, pages 13-18
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 512, pages 13-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 513, pages 4-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 514, pages 1-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 537, pages 15-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 542, page 15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 543, pages 1-7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 544, pages 1-5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 546, pages 14-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 547, pages 10-11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 554, pages 4-5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 554, pages 13-14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 554, page 17
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 383
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 559, page 10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, pages 5-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 577, pages 5-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 582, pages 15-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 584, pages 3-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 584, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 585, pages 2-5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 586, pages 8-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 587, pages 17-18
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 588, pages 3-13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 597, pages 5-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 599, pages 1-7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 602, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 604, page 15-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 605, pages 6-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 606, pages 1-3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 606, pages 10-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 607, pages 2-18
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 608, pages 3-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 609, pages 1-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 610, pages 6-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 611, pages 1-4
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 612, pages 1-2
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 611, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 613, pages 11-13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 614, pages 10-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 615, pages 5-10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 615, pages 15-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 617, pages 6-9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 618, pages 9-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 619, pages 1-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 620, pages 13-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 621, pages 3-10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 625, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 626, pages 9-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 627, pages 8-9 & 14-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 628, pages 14-17
- ↑ 124.0 124.1 Bleach anime; Episode 405
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 635, pages 1-4
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 672, pages 7-9, 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 673, pages 5-8
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 673, pages 8-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 674, pages 1-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 675, pages 6-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 676, pages 4-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 677, pages 1-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 678, pages 6-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 679, pages 1-4 & 14-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 680, pages 2-6 & 16-18
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 682, pages 1-2 & 11-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 683, pages 1-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 685, page 16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 686, pages 3 & 10-11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 506, page 13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 608, page 11
- ↑ 142.0 142.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 510, page 11
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 390
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 2-3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, pages 11-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 543, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 8
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 630, page 17
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 384
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 659, pages 11-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 537, pages 7-8
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 603, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 604, pages 9-10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 684, page 11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 605, pages 14-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 606, pages 13-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 607, pages 2-3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 608, pages 12-14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 615, pages 6-7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 614, page 15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 609, page 12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 610, page 2
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 610, pages 15-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 610, page 7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 677, pages 14-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 617, page 8
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 678, page 16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 677, pages 8-10 & 13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 678, page 12-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 684, page 7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 686 page 12-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 610, page 7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 619, pages 11 & 14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 620, pages 14-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 621, pages 6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 49, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 547, page 11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 485, page 15
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 393
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 487, page 9
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 368
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 396
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 404
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, pages 5-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 499, pages 8-9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 492, page 16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 513, pages 11-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 514, pages 1-2
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 607, pages 10-14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 620, page 14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 632, pages 14-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 513, page 14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 605, pages 14-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 606, pages 15-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 597, page 14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 599, pages 4-7
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 384
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 513, pages 13-14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 513, pages 12-13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, page 12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 608, page 6-11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 605, pages 15-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, pages 7-8
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 511, pages 12-13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, pages 12-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 673, page 11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 620, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 621, pages 3-5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 622, page 16
- ↑ 212.0 212.1 Bleach anime; Episode 397
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 621, page 15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 621, pages 7-10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 621, page 13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 622, page 7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 621, pages 13-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 621, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 622, pages 9-11 & 14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 626, pages 12-13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 682, page 12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 626, page 8-9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 676, page 6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 673, pages 12-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 674, pages 4-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 675, pages 5, 7-8 & 10-11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Echoing Jaws of Hell one-shot, page 67
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 628, pages 9-10
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 627, pages 7-11 & 14-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 628, pages 4-5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 628, pages 13-14
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 680, pages 2-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 680, pages 16-18
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 682, page 1
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 684, pages 4-9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 630, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 661, page 4
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 684; page 11
- ↑ Bleach novel; Can't Fear Your Own World, Prologue 1
- ↑ Bleach novel; WE DO knot ALWAYS LOVE YOU, Chapter 1, Part 2
- ↑ Bleach novel; Can't Fear Your Own World, Chapter 22
- ↑ https://www.viz.com/blog/posts/bleach-popularity-poll-results-sept-2022?wpsrc=Twitter&utm_campaign=CAR_BleachOctPollResultsTwitterLinkclick_vizwebsite&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social
- ↑ 13 BLADEs., page 255
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 601, page 16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 632, page 2
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 640, pages 8-11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 656, pages 3-4
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 607, page 16
- ↑ Klub Outside official site
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 493, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 510, pages 11-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 511, pages 11-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 514, page 8
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 514, page 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 544, pages 2-4
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 546, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 554, pages 14 & 17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 565, page 19
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 607, pages 2-5
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 393
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 619, pages 5-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 672, page 9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 673, pages 8 & 15-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 677, pages 14-16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 680, pages 17-18
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 686, pages 15-16
Preceded by Title Creation |
Emperor of the Wandenreich ? - Current |
Succeeded by Heir: Uryū Ishida |
Members | 'A: Yhwach (Sovereign) • Other associates: Asguiaro Ebern • Luders Friegen • Guenael Lee |
Schutzstaffel | A: Uryū Ishida • C: Pernida Parnkgjas • D: Askin Nakk Le Vaar • M: Gerard Valkyrie • X: Lille Barro |
Sternritter | B: Jugram Haschwalth • E: Bambietta Basterbine • F: Äs Nödt • G: Liltotto Lamperd • H: Bazz-B • I: Cang Du • J: Quilge Opie • K: BG9 • L: PePe Waccabrada • N: Robert Accutrone • O: Driscoll Berci • P: Meninas McAllon • Q: Berenice Gabrielli • R: Jerome Guizbatt • S: Mask De Masculine • S: James • T: Candice Catnipp • U: NaNaNa Najahkoop • V: Gremmy Thoumeaux • W: Nianzol Weizol • Y: Loyd Lloyd • Y: Royd Lloyd • Z: Giselle Gewelle • ?: Shaz Domino |
Related | Wandenreich • Jagdarmee • Sternritter • Schutzstaffel • Quincy • Arrancar |
Soul King | Adnyeus • Heart • Left Arm • Right Arm |
Soul King Palace | Soul King Palace • Gatonden • Hōōden • Kirinden • Irazu Sandō |
Royal Guard | Kirio Hikifune • Ichibē Hyōsube • Senjumaru Shutara • Tenjirō Kirinji • Ōetsu Nimaiya |
Related Articles | Ōken • Yhwach • Soul King Palace Residents • Primordial Sea • Torrent of the Soul King's Power |
Soul King Hosts | Jūshirō Ukitake • Hikone Ubuginu • Aura Michibane • Rangiku Matsumoto • Fullbringers |
Related Articles | Ōin • The Almighty |