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Last released chapter: 422. the silent victory

Incoming chapter: 423. Farewell swords

Raw from Ohana of 2ch

Translation from Sheetz of FLOL

Click "show" to read the spoiler. 

396 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/10/05(火) 19:44:45 ID:MoUCbhVaP


46室 判決を言い渡す!!

Central 46: The sentence is announced!

元五番隊隊長 藍前惣右介 地下監獄最下層 第八監獄無間にて 1万8800年の投獄に処す! !

Former 5th Division Captain, Aizen Sousuke, is sentenced to 18,800 consecutive years in the 8th Prison, the lowest dungeon level.

藍前 成程 君達如きがこの私に判決か 些か滑稽に映るな

Aizen: Indeed. People such as yourselves are passing judgement on me? Don't joke.

46室 大逆人めが!!不死であるからと図にのりおって!!さっさ眼と口にも拘束をかけろ!! 刑を2万年 に引き上げろ!!

Central 46: Just because you are immortal you go too far, traitor! Bind his eyes and mouth!! Add 20,000 more years to his sentence!!

423 Farewell Swords

ヤマジー ぶわっかもん!!!!隊長羽織をなくしたじゃと!?破れたならともかく無くしたとは 何事じゃ!!

Yamajii: Absurd!! You lost your Captain's haoris? It'd be different if they were destroyed!!

それでよく おぬしら平気な顔をしておるな!!心配になるわい!!

Don't have such calm expressions!! I'll be worried!!

ビャクヤ 総隊長 心配されるな 安物の羽織程度私が立て替えておく故

Byakuya: Commander, don't be worried. It's cheap so I've placed an order for another.

ヤマジー そういう心配をしとるんじゃないわ! 

Yamajii: That's not what I'm worried about!

それに安物でもないわ馬鹿者!! よいか!!戦いというものじゃ勝てば良いよ言うものではない !! 

That's it's cheap isn't the issue, idiot!!


What on earth do you think a haori is!!

ケンパチ 邪魔

Kenpachi: A hindrance.

ビャクヤ 安物

Byakuya: A cheap thing.

享楽 お洒落?

Kyouraku: A fashion accessory?

ヤマジー 馬鹿もん度もがっ!!

Yamajii: You're all fools!!

浮竹部下 お元気そうっすね総隊長

Ukitake's subordinate: The Commander seems healthy!

浮竹 ああ 戦いから十日か… 左腕は失くされたが体力は戻られたようで安心したよ あの人の代わりをつと められる死神は  まだソウルソサエティにはいないからね…

Ukitake: Yes, ten days after the battle?...He lost his left arm but I'm relieved his strength seems to have returned. There still isn't a shinigami in Soul Society who can take his place.

変な死神1 隊長 クロツチ隊長どちらですか!!

Weird shingami 1: Captain, where can I find Captain Kurotsuchi!

クロツチ部下 隊長ならいねえぞ 研究だとかでウエコムンドだ

Kurotsuchi's subordinate: If you want the captain he's not here. He's in Hueco Mundo doing research or something.

変な死神1 ええ!?またですか!?まいったなあ 今臓器回復で雛森副隊長が十二番隊に預けられてるじゃな いですか 

Weird shinigami 1: Huh? Again? I give up. Didn't he leave VC Hinamori with the 12th Division? She had her internal organs restored.


VC Matsumoto has come to pay her a visit.

クロツチ部下1 仕方ねえな俺から説明してやる

Kurotsuchi's subordinate: It's no use. I'll explain it to her.

変な死神1 すいません 松本副隊長

Weird shinigami 1: Sorry, VC Matsumoto.

クロツチ部下 いねえじゃねえか

Kutsotsuchi's subordinate: Isn't she here?

変な死神 あれ!?

Weird shinigami: Huh?


A cave.


Hitsugaya is swinging his sword.

ヒツガヤ このままじゃダメだ このままじゃ… このままじゃ俺は… いつまでたっても雛森を守れねえ 卍 解を氷輪丸を もっと自在に扱えるようにならなきゃいけねえ

Hitsugaya: It's no use like this. If I remain this way...I'll never be able to protect Hinamori. I need to be able to handle bankai and Hyourinmari more freely.

影で松本 松本 前に進んでる 修兵も恋次も隊舎には居なかった きっと今頃どこかで刀を磨い てる  

In the shadows is Matsumoto. Matsumoto steps forward. Neither Shuuhei and Renji are in the company house. They must be somewhere polishing their swords.

あたしもーーー 消えてしまうのに形見の一つも残してくれない 

I...even though you've disappeared you didn't leave me a single memento.

あんたの そういうところが嫌いだった だけど もしもあんたが形見を残していたら 

I hated how you're like that, but if you were to leave a memento

あたしはきっと そこから いつまでだってうごけずにいたわ あんたはきっと あたしのそういう処も見抜い ていたのね  ありがとうギン  あたしはあんたのそういう処がーーー好きだったんだわ

I might never move on from there. You even perceived me in that spot. Thank you, Gin. That's what I loved about you.


Ichigo's room.

織姫 あ!!

Orihime: Ah!

眼が覚める一護 髪は普通に戻ってる

Ichigo wakes up. His hair is back to normal.

織姫 黒崎くん!!

Orihime: Kurosaki-kun!!

一護 え?あれ?ここ… 俺ん家か?

Ichigo: Huh? Wha? my room?

ルキア ああ 貴様はあれから一月ちかくも眠っておったのだ…

Rukia: Yes. You've been asleep for nearly a month.

織姫 みんな落ち着いてる…あたし一人大きな声だしてはずかしい…

Orihime: Everyone's calmed down. I'm embarrassed I screamed aloud by myself.

一護 一月… そうだ!俺んもチカラは…

Ichigo: One month...really? And my power is...

ルキア …一護 裏原から聞いた 貴様は…死神の力をうしなったそうだな

Rukia: ...Ichigo, I heard from Urahara that you...lost your shinigami powers.

一護 そうかきいたのか どうもそうらしいぜ 死神代行も返上しねえとな

Ichigo: He told you that? I guess so. Looks like I'll have to give up being a shinigami agent.

ルキア 消失の第一段階では激痛を伴い 意識を失い 断界の中で肉体に起きた時間経過が逆流する 髪が短く なっておるだろう 

Rukia: When your powers disappear the first stage is intense pain and loss of consciousness. When your body passed through the dangai the passage of time was probably reversed and your hair became shorter.

それは我々がきったからではないぞ その時点で死神の力を失い 第二段階で残った霊圧が安定して眼を覚まし  

Although we didn't ask. At the time you lost your shinigami powers. The second stage is the stabilization of the spirit pressure and regaining consciousness.

程無く 残る全ての霊力も消えてゆく

Soon all your remaining spiritual power will disappear.

一護 そうか やっぱりな

Ichigo: Really? I expected it.

ルキア お 驚かぬのか?

Rukia: You're not surprised.

一護 いや なんとなくな そんな気がしてたんだ 外に出ていいか?

Ichigo: No. I somehow had the feeling. Can I go outside?


Ichigo leaves the front door.

一護 (霊の気配を感じない ルキアの気配も少しづつ薄れていってる 本当に俺の力はきえるん だな)

Ichigo: (I can't sense the presence of spirits. Rukia's presence is fading. My power really is fading.)

ルキア お別れだ 一護

Rukia: This is farewell, Ichigo.

一護 そうみてえだな

Ichigo: Looks like it.

ルキア なんだ そうさびしそうな顔をするな 貴様に私がみえなくなっても私からは貴様が見え ているのだぞ

Rukia: Hey, don't look so sad! Even if you can't see me I'll be able to see you!

一護 何だそれ 全然嬉しくねーよ あとさびしそうなカオもしてねえ!

Ichigo: What? That's not something to be glad about! I won't even make a sad face later on!


Rukia disappears.

一護 みんなに よろしく伝えといてくれ

Ichigo: Give my regards to everyone.

ルキア ああ

Rukia: Yes.

一護 じゃあな ルキア ありがとう

Ichigo: See ya later, Rukia. Thanks.


Onto quieter days.


The end.


  • Incoming Episode: 292. All Out War! Aizen vs. Shinigami

Future episode titles

  • 2010-10-05:
    • 291. Desperate Struggle with Aizen! Hirako, Shikai!


  • 2010-10-12
    • 292. All Out War! Aizen vs. Shinigami


  • 2010-10-19
    • 293. Blade of Hatred! Hitsugaya, Enraged!


  • 2010-10-26
    • 294. The Sealed Genryūsai


Additional Information


  • The Arrancar ended with chapter 421.[1]
  • A short arc will follow; after that, a much longer arc will begin.
  • Please note that Bleach is taking a two week break after chapter 423, the new arc will start in earnest after that.
  • Just to reiterate: BLEACH IS NOT FINISHED.