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Sekkiseki (殺気石, Spirit Reducing Stone; Viz "Lethal Presence Rock") is a special mineral with properties that allow it to repel all Reiryoku.



The Shakonmaku surrounding Seireitei.

Sekkiseki is rare even within Soul Society and cannot be found naturally in large quantities; the majority of it comprises the wall that surrounds Seireitei, known as the Seireiheki (瀞霊壁, Pure Soul Wall). The mineral projects a unique wave of spiritual energy from its cut surfaces, enveloping the city with a spherical barrier called the Shakonmaku (遮魂膜, Soul-Warding Membrane; Viz "Soul Shield Membrane"). Because of the stone’s properties, any Reishi that passes through the barrier is instantly vaporized. However, it is possible for Reishi of sufficient density to pass through, albeit with difficulty.[1] The Shakonmaku is even capable of preventing direct transportation into and out of Seireitei.[2]

The walls of the Shishinrō (四深牢, Four Deep Prison; Viz "Repentance Cell") within the Senzaikyū are also made of Sekkiseki. Its presence interferes with the prisoners’ ability to sense Reiatsu.[3] In addition, the constant exposure to the mineral drains their Reiryoku, reducing it to its absolute lowest level. This leaves them particularly vulnerable to powerful Reiatsu.[4]

In the past, Shinigami criminals were cast into pits walled with Sekkiseki. Hollows are then thrown into the pits alongside the powerless criminals as a means of executing them. This ancient form of execution was deemed too barbaric and was discontinued.[5]


  1. Bleach manga; Chapter 80, pages 9-11
  2. Bleach manga; Chapter 485, page 8
  3. Bleach manga; Chapter 115, page 1
  4. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 29
  5. Bleach manga; Chapter 87, page 5