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Hadō #33. Sōkatsui (蒼火墜, Blue Fire, Crash Down; Viz "Pale Fire Crash") is a Kidō spell.


Blue flames discharge from the palm.[1] The practitioner aims the palm of their hand at their target and generates a torrent of blue energy before firing it at their target. The energy moves like a direct blast or a large wave of energy, dependant on the amount of power which is placed into it.[2] Depending on the user's proficiency with the technique, it can damage an opponent's Bankai.[3] Kuchiki Clan members are well versed in this Hadō.[1]


"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!!"

"君臨者よ! 血肉の仮面・万象・羽搏き・ヒトの名を冠す者よ! 真理と節制 罪知らぬ夢の壁に僅かに爪を立てよ!!"

"Kunrinsha yo! Chiniku no kamen, banshō, habataki, hito no na o kansu mono yo! Shinri to sessei, tsumi shiranu yume no kabe ni wazuka ni tsume o tate yo!!"[2]

Known Practitioners[]


  • In the Viz release of chapter 9 and chapter 142, Rukia and Byakuya mistakenly classify this spell as Bakudō #33.
  • In some of the video games, its color often varies:
    • In the DS Treasure-developed games, it is mistakenly colored orange-yellow akin to normal fire, though still different apart from Shakkahō.
    • In various video games, mainly in Shattered Blade and the Heat the Soul games when used by Rukia, it is colored purple.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Bleach Official Character Book 2 MASKED, page 71
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Bleach manga; Chapter 9, pages 9-10
  3. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, pages 4-8
  4. Bleach manga; Chapter 266, pages 10-11
  5. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, page 4
  6. Bleach manga; Chapter -100, page 7
  7. Bleach anime; Episode 105
  8. Bleach anime; Episode 327

