These are various members of the Quincy race, particularly part of the Lichtreich and Wandenreich.
Algora Lallau[]
Algora Lallau (アルゴラ・ララウ, Arugora Rarau) was a member of Yhwach's original Schutzstaffel 1,000 years ago.[1]
Algora was a large man with a large, narrow head and pronounced facial features, particularly his lips. He had light colored hair and a large scar that lay diagonally across his forehead, extending from the top left corner to the bottom right corner.[2] He wore the standard uniform of Yhwach's army with a white shirt buttoned up to the neck and a plain, white cap.[3]
Little is known of his personality but he seemed skeptical that Yhwach would choose a young Haschwalth as his right-hand man.[4] He was loyal and protective of his comrades, as stepped in to defend a fellow Quincy from Ichibē Hyōsube's counterattack during negotiations with Yhwach without a second thought.[5]
Over 1,000 years ago during the Lichtreich's rule, Algora accompanied Hubert on horseback to search for recruits for their new army, the Sternritter. Algora was carrying a banner with the sigil for the new unit, and he placed it on the ground with force when Hubert announced their intentions to the villagers of a nearby town.[6] Along with Hubert, Algora was shocked to learn that Jugram Haschwalth was considered special by Yhwach and that he would become his adviser.[7]
He was later present when Yhwach and Ichibē Hyōsube entered to negotiate a truce with the Lichtreich, during which Algora stepped in to protect his comrades from Ichibē's counterattack.[5]
At a later time, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto killed Algora in battle[8] by burning him alive with Zanka no Tachi.[9]
The Thousand-Year Blood War[]
While battling Royd Lloyd, who had taken the form of Yhwach, Yamamoto makes use of Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūman'okushi Daisōjin to bring forth the skeletal corpses of those he has killed, and among them appears Algora, whose visage visibly unnerves Royd.[8]
Powers & Abilities[]

Algora cuts down soldiers with his Reishi Axes.
Reishi Manipulation: As a Quincy, he primarily absorbs Reishi from the atmosphere and combines it with his own Reiryoku to form weapons.[10] He has an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of Reishi such as in Soul Society or Hueco Mundo.[11]
Enhanced Durability: Algora possesses great resilience, protecting his fellow Quincy from Ichibē's counterattack during negotiations with Yhwach.[12]
- A relationship chart is provided at the end of Episode 406, detailing the thoughts of the original Schutzstaffel from the Lichtreich.
Huburt Alexander Kleich[]
Huburt Alexander Kleich (ヒューベルト・アレクサンダー・クライヒ, Hyūberuto Arekusandā Kuraihi) was a member of Yhwach's original Schutzstaffel 1,000 years ago.[1] He was also the vice-captain of the Sternritter, serving under Jugram Haschwalth.[13]
Huburt was a young man with a somewhat feminine face. He had black hair, which he wore parted to one side, and thin eyebrows. He wore a white military cap with three 3-branched star emblems on it, a white military uniform with a black tie, a waist-length cape pinned to his shoulders by two pins that were connected with a length of string across his chest, white pants held up by a thick black belt, and black dress shoes with white heels and toes.[14]
Huburt was generally calm and focused, having initially delivered his message of the formation of the Sternritter to a nearby village without losing focus until he was interrupted by Bazz-B. However, he could be somewhat condescending toward strangers, and if he was challenged by someone whom he deemed inferior to himself, Huburt would begin grinning manically while taunting them and accepting their challenge. He was also very respectful toward Yhwach, kneeling before him and apologizing profusely for accepting Bazz-B's challenge to fight when Yhwach interrupted their battle.[15] Though surprised by some of Yhwach's decisions, he would not question them, and would angrily confront and berate anyone who did.[16] He held an odd relationship with Jugram Haschwalth; though he wondered aloud if Bazz-B continuing to challenge him was a sign that Haschwalth was not properly respected as a captain in a passive-aggressive manner, he also offered to teach Bazz-B a lesson for Haschwalth, indicating some degree of respect; he was willing to ignore Yhwach's direct order of the Sternritter not fighting each other in order to do this, though he was irritated when Haschwalth stated that he would report it if Huburt did so.[17]

Huburt and Algora announce the formation of the Sternritter.
1,000 years ago during the rule of the Lichtreich, Huburt and Algora entered a village to deliver the news of Yhwach's formation of the Sternritter. While Huburt was detailing the new vanguard to the townsfolk, he was interrupted by Bazz-B, who introduced himself and Jugram Haschwalth as willing to join the Sternritter. However, Huburt merely began riding away, and when Bazz-B demanded to know where he was going, Huburt revealed that the examinations were going to be held in a few days before telling Bazz-B to train until then, as he did not believe he would do very well anyway. Irritated by this, Bazz-B fired a Heilig Pfeil in front of Huburt and challenged him to combat for his position, and a manically smiling Huburt accepted. However, just as Huburt and Bazz-B were about to begin fighting, Yhwach arrived and forced everyone nearby to the ground with his Reiatsu. Huburt apologized for his behavior, but Yhwach forgave him.[15] When Yhwach declared that Haschwalth would join him as an integral part of the Sternritter, Huburt was stunned into silence, but when Haschwalth questioned Yhwach's declaration of him becoming an integral part of the Sternritter, an irritated Huburt berated him for daring to do so and told him to know his place.[16]

Huburt asks Haschwalth if he should teach Bazz-B a lesson.
Three years later, Huburt served under Haschwalth as vice-captain of the Sternritter. After witnessing Haschwalth decline to fight Bazz-B once again, Huburt wondered if this meant Haschwalth was not properly respected as the captain before offering to teach Bazz-B a lesson. Haschwalth reiterated Yhwach's rule against the Sternritter fighting each other, but Huburt claimed he would not know if no one saw it, only to be irritated when Haschwalth stated he would be watching.[17]
He was later present when Yhwach and Ichibē Hyōsube entered to negotiate a truce with the Lichtreich, during which Huburt and another Quincy summoned draw their weapons once the talk took a turn.[5]
At some point, Huburt was killed by Yamamoto[8] by burning him alive with Zanka no Tachi.[18]
The Thousand-Year Blood War arc[]
During his fight with Royd Lloyd (who was impersonating Yhwach and possessed his memories), Yamamoto uses Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūman'okushi Daisōjin to summon the skeletal corpses of those whom he has killed. Among them is Huburt, whose visage visibly unnerves Royd.[8]
Powers & Abilities[]

Huburt cuts down soldiers with his Reishi Saber.
Reishi Manipulation: As a Quincy, Hubert primarily absorbs Reishi from the atmosphere and combines it with his own Reiryoku to form weapons.[19] He has an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of Reishi such as in Soul Society or Hueco Mundo.[20]
Spirit Weapon[]
- Reishi Saber: Huburt wielded a medium-length saber, which he kept in a black sheath on his left hip. It had a black handle and a light-colored hilt, which curved slightly toward the handle at the ends.[21]
- A relationship chart is provided at the end of Episode 406, detailing the thoughts of the original Schutzstaffel from the Lichtreich.
Johann Seydlitz[]
Johann Seydlitz (ヨハン・ザイドリッツ, Yohan Zaidorittsu) was a member of Yhwach's original Schutzstaffel 1,000 years ago.[1]
Seydlitz was a middle-aged man with a formal and dignified appearance. He had short, white hair that parted on the left side of his head and neatly swept behind his ears. He had a short mustache, but was otherwise clean-shaven, and wore an eyepatch over his left eye. He wore the standard uniform of Yhwach's army with a long, white coat that stopped below his waist and buttoned up to the neck with a collar.[22]
Seydlitz was very loyal and obedient to Yhwach, but was not above expressing his dissenting opinions about his king's plans and ideas, having cautioned him when Yhwach revealed his desire to form another fighting unit despite their Lichtreich being at peace. He was visibly shocked upon learning that Yhwach wanted to attack Soul Society with the new unit.[22]
1,000 years ago, Yhwach ruled over the Lichtreich after subjugating every region of the Human World. Yhwach summoned Seydlitz and informed him of his plans to create a new fighting unit. Seydlitz pointed out that the Empire was at peace and that forming another army was pointless as a result, but Yhwach clarified that he was not speaking of conquering another part of the Human World and made clear his plans to form this army specifically for invading Soul Society, something that shocked Seydlitz, who learned that this army would be called the Sternritter.[23]
He was later present when Yhwach and Ichibē Hyōsube entered to negotiate a truce with the Lichtreich, during which Seydlitz stood by in silent.[5]

Seydlitz is burned alive by Yamamoto.
At a later time, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto killed Seydlitz in battle[8] by burning him alive with Zanka no Tachi.[24]
The Thousand-Year Blood War arc[]
During his battle with the Sternritter Royd Lloyd, who had taken the form of Yhwach, Yamamoto uses Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūman'okushi Daisōjin to summon the skeletal corpses of those he has killed. Seydlitz is among those summoned, the sight of whom visibly unnerves Royd.[8]
Powers & Abilities[]
Reishi Manipulation: As a Quincy, Seydlitz primarily absorbs Reishi from the atmosphere and combines it with his own Reiryoku to form weapons.[25] He has an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of Reishi such as in Soul Society or Hueco Mundo.[26]
Spirit Weapon[]

Seydlitz shoots down soldiers with his Reishi Pistols.
Reishi Pistols: Using his abilities as a Quincy, Seydlitz can concentrate both spirit energy and particles in order to transform them into weapons. His favored weapon manifests in the form of a pair of handguns.
- Heilig Pfeil (
神聖滅矢 , Hairihhi Pufairu; German for "Holy Arrow", Japanese for "Sacred Destruction Arrows"): Seydlitz can also fire a bullet-shaped Heilig Pfeil from his pistols.
- A relationship chart is provided at the end of Episode 406, detailing the thoughts of the original Schutzstaffel from the Lichtreich.
- Seydlitz thinks he is Yhwach's right-hand man (at least before Jugram Haschwalth).
- Seydlitz thinks Huburt is capable, but he is still green.
- Seydlitz thinks Algora is reliable.
- Seydlitz thinks Nikita is strong and dependable.
Nikita Deslock[]
Nikita Deslock (ニキータ・デスロック, Nikīta Desurokku) was a member of Yhwach's original Schutzstaffel 1,000 years ago.[1]
Nikita was a thin woman of medium height with long blonde hair, tied up in a ponytail at the back and covering her left eye with thick bangs while transitioning to aquamarine on the tufts framing her face. She wore a form-fitting white jacket with two downward-facing gray arrows over each breast and hip, as well as aquamarine stripes running along the top of her sleeves, fastened at the neck with a red ribbon and at the waist with a black belt sporting a plain metal buckle, as well as white gloves reaching the middle of her forearms, tight black pants, and white heeled boots, each bearing two aquamarine stripes on the front and two downward-facing gray arrows at the top.[1]
Nikita was a stoic individual, who showed no emotion when executing her targets, even if they are non-combatants.[27] Amongst the original Schutzstaffel, Nikita reacted the quickest when the negotiations between Yhwach and Ichibē Hyōsube went badly, immediatly opening fire on the Royal Guard leader without hesitation.[5]
She aided the other members of the Schutzstaffel when they attacked Bazz-B's mansion, killing several soldiers and Bazz-B's mother. She later appeared with the other Schutzstaffel members on horseback when they began recruiting people to join the Sternritter, cocking her gun when Bazz-B threatened them.[27]

Nikita attempts to shoot Ichibē.
When Ichibē Hyōsube came to the world of the living to negotiate with Yhwach, all members of the Schutzstaffel were present for the meeting. When Ichibe began to show Yhwach the true origins of the world, Nikita attempted to interrupt by shooting at Ichibe; however, Ichibe reflected her bullets back, forcing Argolla to shield her from the counterattack.[5]
Powers and Abilities[]
Reishi Manipulation: As a Quincy, Nikita primarily absorbs Reishi from the atmosphere and combined it with her own Reiryoku to form weapons.[28] She has an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of Reishi such as in Soul Society or Hueco Mundo.[29]
Spirit Weapon[]

Nikita shoots down soldiers with her Reishi Rifle.
Reishi Rifle: Using her abilities as a Quincy, Nikita could concentrate both spirit energy and particles in order to transform them into weapons. Her favorite weapon manifested in the form of a powerful rifle, with a bayonet attached, which could produce a muzzle flash similar in shape to the Wandenreich's five-pointed cross emblem.[5][27]
- Heilig Pfeil (
神聖滅矢 , Hairihhi Pufairu; German for "Holy Arrow", Japanese for "Sacred Destruction Arrows"): Nikita could also fire a barrage of bullet-shaped Heilig Pfeil from her rifle within a few seconds.
- Nikita was personally created by Tite Kubo for the anime.[30] She does not appear in the manga.
- A relationship chart is provided at the end of Episode 406, detailing the thoughts of the original Schutzstaffel from the Lichtreich.
Marcel Halpmann[]
Marcel Halpmann (マルセル・ハルプマン, Maruseru Harupuman) was a Soldat of the Wandenreich.
Marcel was a fair skinned man with short sandy brown hair, green eyes and a mole under his right eye. He wears the standard outfit of the Wandenreich army, including a cap.
Marcell was a naive and imprudent man since he emotionally accepted Bambietta's order to accompany her to her room, this would be fatal for him.
The Thousand-Year Blood War[]
After Yhwach announces his sucessor, Bambietta Basterbine orders Marcel to her room under false pretenses, having been frustrated by the recent developments. Sometime later, she bisects him in half in her room.[31]
- Although he wasn't named in the anime or manga, he was given a name in an illustration drawn by Tite Kubo.
Haschwalth's Aide[]
Jugram Haschwalth's aide was a member of the Wandenreich.
She is a fair-skinned woman with blonde hair and completely black eyes who wears a variant of the Sternritter coat folded to the left side as well as a triangular military cap with no brim, overall giving her a prim and proper look.[32]
She is loyal to Haschwalth and always addresses him respectfully, but is not afraid to let her frustrations be known when Haschwalth was passed over as Yhwach's successor in favor of Uryū Ishida, and advised Haschwalth to confront Yhwach over it.[33]
The Thousand-Year Blood War[]
After Yhwach announces his successor, Haschwalth's aide confronts Haschwalth in his chambers upon his return. Though Haschwalth instructs her to rest since it is late, the aide brings up Yhwach's announcement and suggests that Haschwalth should provide his own counsel on the matter to Yhwach. When Haschwalth inquires about her lack of approval for Uryū's appointment, she questions if Haschwalth does approve, leading Haschwalth to inform her that this was Yhwach's wish and points out how naming his successor in this manner was guaranteed to breed unrest among the Sternritter, thus generating great scrutiny that will be focused on Uryū.[33]
Appearances in Other Media[]
- In Ryōgo Narita's novel Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World, Haschwalth’s aide was revealed to have survived the events of Wahrwelt, where following Haschwalth's final orders to his direct subordinates, saved as many of the remaining Quincy as possible. With the aide having successfully saved and evacuated Liltotto Lamperd, Giselle Gewelle, and Bambietta Basterbine from the Soul Society and brought them to a Wandenreich safehouse in the living world to recover. There, after Liltotto regained consciousness, she explained her reason for saving them was due to Jugram having seen a vision of the future while in possession of the The Almighty, where he deemed it necessary to preserve the Quincy race no matter the cost. It is also mentioned by Liltotto that the aide was an extremely powerful Quincy and had power surpassing most of the other Sternritters, but she refused to accept a Schrift due to her loyalties being to Haschwalth first and foremost and to Yhwach second.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Bleach anime; Episode 406
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 509, page 8
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 632, page 6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 633, page 1
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Bleach anime; Episode 390
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 632, page 6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 633, page 2
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Bleach manga; Chapter 509, pages 4 & 8
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 373
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 49, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 547, page 11
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 380; prologue
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 634, page 7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 632, page 6
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 632, pages 6-15
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 633, pages 2 & 7
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 634, pages 7-8
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 373
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 49, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 547, page 11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 632, page 12
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 631, page 16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 631, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach anime; Episode 373
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 49, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 547, page 11
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Bleach anime; Episode 404
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 49, page 3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 547, page 11
- ↑ Klub Outside official site
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 544, pages 6-7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 544, page 12
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 Bleach manga; Chapter 544, pages 11-13
Members | 'A: Yhwach (Sovereign) • Other associates: Asguiaro Ebern • Luders Friegen • Guenael Lee |
Schutzstaffel | A: Uryū Ishida • C: Pernida Parnkgjas • D: Askin Nakk Le Vaar • M: Gerard Valkyrie • X: Lille Barro |
Sternritter | B: Jugram Haschwalth • E: Bambietta Basterbine • F: Äs Nödt • G: Liltotto Lamperd • H: Bazz-B • I: Cang Du • J: Quilge Opie • K: BG9 • L: PePe Waccabrada • N: Robert Accutrone • O: Driscoll Berci • P: Meninas McAllon • Q: Berenice Gabrielli • R: Jerome Guizbatt • S: Mask De Masculine • S: James • T: Candice Catnipp • U: NaNaNa Najahkoop • V: Gremmy Thoumeaux • W: Nianzol Weizol • Y: Loyd Lloyd • Y: Royd Lloyd • Z: Giselle Gewelle • ?: Shaz Domino |
Related | Wandenreich • Jagdarmee • Sternritter • Schutzstaffel • Quincy • Arrancar |