Ichigo Kurosaki vs. The Bambies is a fight taking place during the second invasion of the Quincy Blood War, focusing on Special War Power Ichigo Kurosaki's battle against Sternritter "G" Liltotto Lamperd, Sternritter "P" Meninas McAllon, Sternritter "T" Candice Catnipp, and Sternritter "Z" Giselle Gewelle.

Candice Catnipp, Liltotto Lamperd, Meninas McAllon, and Giselle Gewelle arrive after Kenpachi Zaraki's battle.
Following his fierce battle against Sternritter "V" Gremmy Thoumeaux, 11th Division Captain Kenpachi Zaraki is left heavily wounded and discovers that his lieutenant, Yachiru Kusajishi, has gone missing. Suddenly, while his subordinates run off in search of Yachiru, they are blasted by a large bolt of lightning from Sternritter "T" Candice Catnipp, startling Kenpachi, as she celebrates taking out the Shinigami in one attack and arrives alongside Sternritter "G" Liltotto Lamperd, Sternritter "P" Meninas McAllon, and Sternritter "Z" Giselle Gewelle.[2] Having been fried by the lightning, several of Kenpachi's subordinates call out to him before collapsing, leaving their comrades to cradle their corpses and curse at Candice. With the Shinigami demanding that the four Sternritter come down and fight them even if they are women, Giselle mocks Candice for barely killing any of them since many are getting back up, and as a flustered Candice prepares to blast them again, Kenpachi reappears in the air behind a startled Candice with Shunpo and slashes at her.[3]

Liltotto bites off and consumes the top halves of several Shinigami when they confront her.
Forced to evade behind Kenpachi, Candice engulfs him in a surge of lightning between her hands. As Kenpachi begins to fall, Meninas punches him hard, sending him crashing into the ground with enough force to crater it, and a startled Candice admits that this was close while wondering how Kenpachi can still move after fighting Gremmy. The remaining Shinigami begin to rally to protect Kenpachi, but Liltotto lands before them and asserts that them exploiting his condition is a reasonable action to take since they are fighting Kenpachi, a Special War Power. When the Shinigami attempt to attack her and demand that she leave, Liltotto promises that they will be rid of her soon enough and forms a large mouth that bites off the top halves of several Shinigami at once, continuing to eat more as she laments that she is still so hungry and does not even find them tasty.[4]

Meninas McAllon prepares to drop a large building on the Shinigami from high above.
When Kenpachi attempts to warn his subordinates to stop, an annoyed Candice blasts him with another massive bolt of lightning to get him to stop moving, and with more of the Shinigami running over to him, Meninas appears above them with a large building held in one hand and crushes them with it while claiming they cannot go that way because it is pointless for them to rush to the aid of a captain who is about to die. Simultaneously, Giselle is confronted by several more Shinigami and points out they should be helping Kenpachi rather than attacking her, though the Shinigami counter that she must be trying to kill them with her Schrift.[5]

An explosion occurs in the air above the Bambies.
A sweating Giselle promises them that she does not have that kind of combat capability and that nothing good will come of killing her, but one of the Shinigami steps forward and slashes her diagonally across the chest regardless, leaving a large gash in her left shoulder. However, as her blood splashes across the assembled Shinigami, an unfazed Giselle makes note of this occurring and straightens up with her arm still hanging off her body while revealing that those touched by her blood will become corpses that only follow her commands. After Giselle has the assembled Shinigami kill themselves with their Zanpakutō, the four Bambies assemble around a charred and immobile Kenpachi, who internally realizes that he cannot move due to his extensive injuries and wonders if this is finally it for him. Suddenly, while Giselle observes that Kenpachi is barely breathing, Liltotto questions who is going to finish him off, Meninas suggests that they play a variant of rock-paper-scissors with only rock and paper where rock wins, and an aggravated Candice points out to her that everyone will choose rock if that is how it works, the four of them are alarmed by an explosion occurring in the sky far above them.[6]

Byakuya Kuchiki cautions Rukia Kuchiki against rushing to help Kenpachi because she has yet to recover from her battle.
Elsewhere in the replaced city, 13th Division Lieutenant Rukia Kuchiki and 6th Division Captain Byakuya Kuchiki move through the air, where Rukia insists they have to hurry because of the lightning she has seen striking at Kenpachi's location, only for Byakuya to warn her to be patient since she still has not recovered from her previous battle. However, a protesting Rukia stops moving and looks up at the sky before asking Byakuya if he senses what she does just as he stops in surprise as well. With someone falling through the clouds above the Shakonmaku, 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai, 11th Division 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, and 5th Seat Yumichika Ayasegawa look up as well while a delighted Rukia recognizes the Reiatsu she is feeling.[7]

Ichigo Kurosaki appears behind the Bambies before they can react.
As Candice, Liltotto, Meninas, and Giselle look up in shock at the figure breaking through the Shakonmaku, they see it crash into a tower miles away, leaving them confused and unimpressed until Ichigo Kurosaki appears behind them with Shunpo and admits that he came in too fast. While the Bambies whirl around in shock, Ichigo stands over Kenpachi, whom he observes is way more injured than usual, and when Kenpachi questions why he is here, Ichigo admits that he never thought he would say this prior to announcing that he is here to save Kenpachi,[8] who is bemused and admits that he never thought the day would come when Ichigo would be saving him. Despite this, once Ichigo asks him if he can stand, Kenpachi warns him to be more concerned about himself.[9]

Candice comes down on Ichigo with a surge of lightning as he talks to Kenpachi.
Suddenly, a smirking Candice comes down on Ichigo with lightning emanating from her hand, and in response, Ichigo grabs Candice by the arm and throws her into the side of a tower several hundred feet away, destroying it on impact. With the other Bambies coming at him in turn, Ichigo evades Giselle and Meninas, but finds his cape snagged by Liltotto's enlarged mouth, forcing him to punch all three of them in the chests with enough force to send them crashing into other buildings in order to free himself when Giselle and Meninas approach him again, forcing Meninas, Liltotto, and Giselle to dig themselves out of the rubble.[10]

Angered by Ichigo covering her in dirt, Candice fires Galvano Blast at him.
Liltotto responds to Meninas reprimanding herself for letting her guard down by identifying Ichigo and asserting that this was to be expected, leaving Meninas shocked and Giselle to eagerly note that Ichigo is the main Special War Power. Suddenly, an enraged Candice generates a massive blast of lightning from the remnants of the tower and tells them to shut up because this is irrelevant compared to Ichigo covering her in dirt, which is an insult to how early she wakes up in order to prepare her hair every day. After popping the Heilig Bogen out of her belt, Candice pulls back a Heilig Pfeil that crackles with electricity and fires a Galvano Blast at Ichigo, who is engulfed in a cloud of smoke, before proclaiming that its five gigajoules will turn him to ash.[11]

Ichigo withstands the blast without injury and emerges in his new outfit.
Despite this, Liltotto states that one or two Heilig Pfeil will not be nearly enough to defeat Ichigo, who expresses relief that all four of them are alright because he was worried about doing too much damage when fighting girls as he stands in the clearing smoke in a secondary outfit with a red-scaled pad on his left shoulder and an X formed across his chest after his Ōken clothing is destroyed by the blast. Pointing out how she was right to a startled Candice, Liltotto summons her Heilig Bogen alongside Meninas and Giselle, and with the Bambies all firing Heilig Pfeil at him, Ichigo draws his Shikai, Zangetsu, and prepares to counter them.[12]

Candice decides to execute Ichigo upon seeing that the Bambies' ordinary attacks are not working and activates her Quincy: Vollständig, Barbarriel.
In the resulting explosion of energy, the surrounding buildings are ruptured and leveled as Candice crashes into the side of a building and has Giselle, Meninas, and Liltotto slam into her in succession, causing her to lash out with lightning and accuse them of doing this on purpose as the other Bambies move down to the ground. Looking up at Ichigo, Giselle notes that he is strong and Liltotto points out how he parried every Heilig Pfeil they fired at him in a way that made her hungry, and when Meninas calls him annoying and Giselle states that she wishes he was dead, Liltotto admits that this is a rare occasion when she agrees with them. In turn, Candice declares that there is nothing left to discuss if they all agree and activates her Quincy: Vollständig, Barbarriel, before suggesting that they execute Ichigo.[13]

Meninas, Liltotto, and Giselle envision their ideal rewards.
However, Liltotto merely questions if she is serious, Giselle declines to activate hers because it is tiring, and Meninas claims that murder is not right even if Ichigo makes her mad, prompting Candice to demand to know how they will face Yhwach if they let Ichigo make a fool of them. With the others continuing to make fun of her despite this, Candice decides to do it by herself and asserts that Yhwach will grant her any wish if she kills the top Special War Power by herself, causing Meninas to envision a gilded and ornate bedroom, Liltotto to envision piles of food, and Giselle to envision darkness.[14]

Candice removes one of her wings and throws it at Ichigo in the form of Galvano Javelin after he easily matches her in melee combat.
Rushing toward Ichigo, Candice removes two of her wings and attacks him with them, prompting Ichigo to block them with both blades of Zangetsu and observe that it is a good thing he uses two swords as well. In turn, Candice tells him to shut up because she uses six and repels him with a blast of electricity before throwing one of her wings at him with Galvano Javelin, but Ichigo simply fires a small Getsuga Tenshō from his smaller sword that completely cancels out the blast, leaving him unharmed,[15] prior to elbowing a shocked Candice hard in the stomach. Upon seeing Candice hurtle past her and the other Bambies into the side of a building, Liltotto muses on her being unable to kill Ichigo even with her power increase, which means Ichigo is stronger than their Daten indicates.[16]

Meninas attacks Ichigo with Dumbbell Duster: Baton Beat after activating Pornipora.
Giselle, Meninas, and Liltotto proceed to use Sklaverei and activate their respective Quincy: Vollständig, Azhalbiora, Pornipora, and Gagael, before rushing toward Ichigo, whom Meninas attacks with Dumbbell Duster, forcing Ichigo to fend off her dumbbell blows with both blades of Zangetsu. Using Dumbbell Duster: Baton Beat to extend the dumbbells into batons, Meninas continues clashing rapidly with Ichigo, only for Liltotto to expand the cuff on her right arm and fire it as Spork at them, which prompts Ichigo and Meninas to quickly separate while the projectile punches through a nearby building below.[16]

Giselle produces a horde of bones to raise into skeletons with Dancing Dead Boys Club.
After unrolling her left cuff into a whip-like shape, Liltotto slams it into Ichigo as Spife with enough force to push him down to the ground below, where a waiting Giselle shakes a multitude of bones out of her wings and raises them into four distinct skeletons with Dancing Dead Boys Club, causing them to rush toward Ichigo and attempt to slam into him. Upon dodging all four skeletons' rushes, Ichigo destroys them with a dual slash of his blades, but the scattered bones reverse course in midair and pin his limbs in place, allowing Giselle to form skulls over her fists and attack him with Munchy Munchy Babies.[16]

Ichigo holds back Liltotto's Golden Crunch with his bare hands.
Before Giselle can reach Ichigo, Liltotto notes that a Special War Power must taste good and closes a greatly enlarged version of one of her cuffs around Ichigo and Giselle with Golden Crunch, only for Ichigo to free himself from the bones and hold back the two sides of the cuff with his bare hands, to Giselle's relief. Suddenly, Meninas drops onto Ichigo from above with one of her dumbbells formed into a broad axe-like shape from Dumbbell Duster: Halteres, prompting Ichigo to leap out of the cuff, which closes onto Giselle's neck and draws a large amount of blood as her head tilts, just before Meninas crashes into it.[16]

Ichigo responds to Candice's Electrocution by firing Getsuga Jūjishō at it.
With the cuff rolling into Liltotto and sending all three Bambies flying, Candice bats them aside in midair with her electrified hand and tells Ichigo to not get cocky prior to using Sklaverei to enhance her own Quincy: Vollständig, which she names Barbarriel.[16] After telling Ichigo that he can feel good if he is still breathing after this, Candice channels the electricity around her arm as her eyes spark and unleashes it in a massive blast that she calls Electrocution. In response, Ichigo slashes his two swords through the air in an X-formation to counter with Getsuga Jūjishō, an even larger cross-shaped blast.[17]

Candice loses her left arm below the shoulder to the Getsuga Jūjishō.
As the Getsuga Jūjishō blasts through her Electrocution and hurtles toward her, a surprised Candice refuses to be hit by it and attempts to counter with more electricity, but Ichigo urges her to dodge instead just before the blast explodes upon contact with her. Seconds later, in the clearing smoke, a screaming Candice curses and clutches the stump of her left arm, which was lost in the blast, before ordering Giselle to heal her without using her own blood, which an initially ecstatic Giselle accepts while grumbling that she could not turn Candice into a zombie unless she was already dead since she is a Quincy.[18]

Candice is shot through the abdomen alongside the other Bambies by Burner Fingers 1 from Bazz-B after having her arm restored.
After Giselle manipulates flesh from one of the dead Shinigami into the air and reforms her arm with it, Candice praises her handiwork and responds to Liltotto criticizing her impatience by telling the latter to shut up before rushing toward Ichigo and vowing to kill him. However, all four Bambies rapidly shot through the abdomen by separate Burner Fingers 1, causing them to curse and fall to the ground as Sternritter "H" Bazz-B stands atop a nearby building with his own Quincy: Vollständig active and asks them to all stay dead for a short time, as glory is meant to be stolen by those who show up late to the battle to claim it, which he looks to a stern Ichigo for affirmation on while an angered Candice crashes into a rooftop in the distance.[19]

Four Sternritter join the Bambies and surround Ichigo, seeking to claim the glory of killing him.
In turn, Sternritter "U" NaNaNa Najahkoop appears in the air behind Bazz-B alongside Sternritter "L" PePe Waccabrada and "N" Robert Accutrone, where he observes that he should have shown up later if this is how it works prior to Robert suggesting that they all share the stolen glory equally instead since four have shown up at the same time. Despite this, Liltotto asserts there are still eight of them and rises up with her wound still bleeding alongside Candice, Meninas, and Giselle, where she tells an annoyed Bazz-B that they cannot be taken down with a single Burner Finger 1 each and that the one who kills Ichigo will receive all the glory, resulting in all eight Sternritter surrounding Ichigo, who eyes them all in turn.[20]

Yhwach enacts his plan to invade the Soul King Palace by taking advantage of Ichigo's return.
Suddenly, a blue beam of light pierces the sky behind Ichigo, who turns to see it emitting from the tower where Yhwach is standing and questions what it is, as Yhwach proclaims that his sons will go and be one with him.[21] Yhwach addresses Ichigo as the one who will guide them to the light, knowing that his voice reaches Ichigo, and thanks him for making Yhwach's invasion of the Soul King Palace possible, to Ichigo's shock. Yhwach reveals that the robe Ichigo is wearing is Ōken clothing, woven from the bones and hair of Royal Guard members, in order to force him though the 72 barriers between the Seireitei and the Soul King Palace, as well as protect him from the friction caused by doing so where all other materials would be insufficient. Though he praises the magnificent resistance and protection of the clothing that makes it the best garment a Shinigami can wear, Yhwach announces that the sheer defensive power of it means that the 72 barriers it broken cannot be closed for the next 6,000 seconds, alarming Ichigo, who begins rushing toward the tower.[22]

Robert Accutrone catches Ichigo and prepares to shoot him in the head as he rushes toward Yhwach.
Suddenly, Meninas shoves Ichigo head-first through several nearby buildings, criticizes him for the naivety of thinking he can reach Yhwach when surrounded by eight Sternritter, and smacks him into the air with Diamond Push.[16] Regaining his footing, Ichigo evades a two-handed strike from NaNaNa, who is startled by his speed, but finds Robert's Reishi Pistol pointed at his face as the latter comments on his durability, and when Ichigo pushes away his gun arm just before he fires and slashes at Robert, who evades, Bazz-B grabs Ichigo by the collar and prepares to fire Burner Finger 1 at point-blank range. Before he can do so, however, Renji's Shikai, Zabimaru, hurtles between Ichigo and Bazz-B, separating them.[23]

Renji Abarai and Ichigo's other friends confront the Sternritter.
Standing on a nearby rooftop, Renji comments on how he saved an aghast Ichigo just in time. When an outraged Ichigo points out that Renji almost cut open his neck, Renji counters that Ichigo did not get hit and tells him to go while he holds off the Sternritter before bringing up Ichigo having a score to settle with Yhwach and asserting that this is his responsibility now. With Ichigo dashing off, Bazz-B and NaNaNa attempt to follow him, only to be cut off by Byakuya's Shikai, Senbonzakura, as he, Rukia Kuchiki, Ikkaku, Yumichika, and 9th Division Lieutenant Shūhei Hisagi join Renji, who expresses annoyance at having to repeat himself and reiterates that the Sternritter are not getting through.[24]
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 536, page 16
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 579, pages 15-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 580, pages 1-3
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 580, pages 3-9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 580, pages 9-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 580, pages 12-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 581, pages 8-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 581, pages 13-18
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 582, page 1
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 582, pages 2-5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 582, pages 6-11
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 582, pages 11-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 583, pages 1-5
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 583, pages 6-7
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 583, pages 7-11
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Bleach anime; Episode 387
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 583, pages 11-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 584, pages 1-2 & 7-9
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 584, pages 9-13
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 584, pages 13-15
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 584, pages 16-17
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 585, pages 1-6
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 585, pages 8-12
- ↑ Bleach manga; Chapter 585, pages 12-17