Bleach Wiki
Bleach Wiki
Bleach Wiki

This is a Policy & Standards Committee project that aims to provide the summaries for Manga chapters currently lacking such summaries. This is the successor of the Volume a week club and works on the same principles.

Project Status[]

Project Successful!
Having completed all the summaries for chapters release to date, this project is in maintenance mode. Thank you and well done to all who contributed!
Project participants listed in alphabetical order:
  • Agate genbu
  • DeliManjoo
  • Saru_Lunarjack333
  • TheDevilHand888
  • Tinni
  • Twocents
  • UltraSaint4121
  • Yyp

How to Participate[]

If you want to participate in this project just claim a chapter from either the main volume or the alternative volume below by putting your name next to the chapter and list the status as incomplete. When you have finished adding the summary for the chapter, just change the status to complete. Once all the chapters are done, we can move on to the next volume. The goal would be to get one volume done per week. But of course if it is done sooner then we'll move on to the next volume sooner. Of course, if you are done with your chapter and want to do another one (that hasn't been claimed yet) then you can do so. But remember! This is supposed to be fun and not stressful! So if you claim a chapter but find that the week has become busy, just unclaim it and don't worry about it.

Also, you do not have to be a committee member to participate. However, please be aware the committee members will be reading over all summaries, including those by other committee members, for quality assurance purposes. This is all for the sake of making the summaries the best they can be for the benefit of all wiki users.

Contribution Box[]

Those who participate in the project may choose to use the following contribution box on their userpage. If you wish to use it, you can use it using the command {{ContributionBoxVolumeSummary}}

ACBTBVolume 13 Cover Comparison I contributed to the Volume Summary Project of Bleach Wiki.

Suggested Article Guidelines[]

These are some friendly suggestions to keep in mind when writing summaries and they are also things that might be helpful if you writing a chapter summary for the very first time. They are also designed to comply with wiki best practice.

This section is a work in progress. Please feel free to add your own suggestions, tips and tricks.

  1. Please keep in mind that this is a wiki and so please do not speculate when writing the chapter summary. Just describe things as they unfold, and when in doubt, go for neutral tone and wording.
  2. The chapter summary is not supposed to be a substitute for actually reading the chapter. As such, there is no need to give minute details of everything that's happening. Remember, it is a summary only.
  3. Links - please consider providing one where you think that the reader of the summary might want more information on either a character or a term.
  4. Adding Chapter covers - as we go through the volume, you will find that come chapters are missing the chapter cover. Chapter covers should be thumbnail of 190px and left aligned. If the chapter does not have a cover but does have a page where the chapter number is visible, that page can be used as a chapter cover. If in doubt about which page to use as a cover, for chapters that do not have a clearly identifiable chapter cover, then leave it be and flag the issue in the discussion for input.

Completed Issues Summary[]

  • Volume Layout - all volume pages should now have the same layout
  • Bleach All Star consistency - the Bleach All Star's template was changed and should now be more consistent and hopefully not overlapping with the info box for the majority of browsers and users
  • Chapter Cover Images - all volume pages now have title cover pictures for each chapter
  • Characters in Order of Appearance - all volume pages now have the characters listed in order of appearance
  • Cross-linking to Episodes - all chapters that have been animated now have links to the episode(s) they were featured in
  • Chapter Cover Licensing - all chapter covers now has the license information affixed to them
  • Full Chapter Summaries - all chapters now have summaries
  • One line summaries - all chapter now have one-line summaries
  • Chapter title consistency - seems to be ok.

Finished Volumes[]
