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Хиори Саругаки (Flag of Japan 猿柿 ひよ里 [Саругаки Хиёри])Хиори СаругакиFlag of Japan 猿柿 ひよ里 [Саругаки Хиёри]
— бывшая лейтенант двенадцатого отряда, служившая под командованием капитанов Кирио Хикифуне и Кисуке Урахары, а теперь — вайзард.


Хиори — девушка очень маленького роста, с карими глазами и светлыми волосами, которые она собирает в колючие хвостики. Её чёлка скреплена тремя заколками. Хиори носит белую футболку и красный спортивный костюм с белыми линиями, проходящими вниз от плеч, кроме того, он украшен первым иероглифом из её имени, а также желтые шлёпанцы. На её щеках по три веснушки.[4] Один из её клыков очень длинный и часто торчит изо рта, за что Шинджи и Ичиго называют её «зубастиком».[?] Хиори носит свой меч за спиной.

Будучи лейтенантом, Хиори носила стандартную форму синигами с шевроном на левой руке. В это время ее хвостики были довольно длинными и свисали, также она не носила заколки.


Несмотря на свой небольшой рост, Хиори является агрессивной и вспыльчивой девушкой, склонной к жестокости. Её наиболее частой жертвой является Шинджи Хирако, которому она часто даёт пощечину одним из своих шлёпанцев или просто бьёт ногами и руками. Она рефлекторно использует его в качестве живого щита, когда это необходимо, и вообще показывает полное отсутствие уважения к нему. Хиори так относилась к Шинджи даже ещё тогда, когда они оба служили в Готее, несмотря на то, что он был старше неё по званию. Она очень агрессивна, часто набрасывается на людей без особой причины.

Она мало уважает большую часть своего окружения, легко теряет самообладание и влезает в драку. Привязавшись к своему бывшему капитану Кирио Хикифуне как к матери, Хиори испытывала боль из-за её отъезда и сначала отказывалась принять Урахару как её замену, относилась к нему со своей обычной грубостью и неуважением, несмотря на все его попытки подружиться. Когда Кирио Хакифуне была ответственной за нее, Хиори была очень почтительна к старому капитану в знак уважения и доверия, но обычно девушка била всех вокруг. Хиори, кажется, питает ненависть как к синигами, так и к людям. Из-за ее колючего характера и, возможно, неуверенности Хиори никогда не показывает много эмоций, кроме гнева, и всегда кажется недовольной.

Во время тренировок ей так и не удалось заставить Ичиго называть её «Хиори-сан» (вежливое обращение). С другой стороны, она сама называет Ичиго и Шинджи придурками.


История персонажа не переведена с английского.

Хиори, когда она ещё была лейтенантом.

Примерно 110 лет назад Хиори была лейтенантом двенадцатого отряда. Её капитаном была Кирио Хикифуне — до тех пор, пока последнюю не повысили. Когда капитан пятого отряда Шинджи Хирако прибыл в главное отделение Первого отряда для проведения церемонии посвящения в капитаны Кисуке Урахары, Хиори, открывая дверь, ударила его. She got knocked on the head by Captain Love Aikawa, who stated she should apologize, which only prompted Hiyori to question his authority in disciplining her. Love stated since her captain was not present, someone had to keep her in line. Regardless of Love's attempts to get her under control, Hiyori insisted she would not apologize.[5]


Хиори обвиняет Урахару в подлом убийстве.

Later, Hiyori waited with the other captains as the newly appointed 12th Division captain, Kisuke Urahara, arrived to the meeting. Hiyori, looking on, was unimpressed upon his arrival.[6] Later that day, when Urahara formally introduced himself to the 12th Division and Hiyori, she, flat out telling him she would not accept him as her captain, slapped away Urahara's hand, which shocked him. Stating she already could not stand that Captain Hikifune left without a moment's notice and now they had to deal with a 2nd Division member as their captain, she noted he was from the Onmitsukidō, so he was most likely a sneaky murderer.


Хиори бьёт Урахару в промежность.

When the other 12th Division members tried to tell her she was going too far, Hiyori stated she was only saying what they were all thinking, though the other 12th Division members refused to side with her opinion. When she confronted Urahara, trying to get a rise out of him, he, laughing it off, told her he has already been made the captain of the 12th Division. He explained he had already decided the role he would play would be their captain, and no longer a member of the 2nd Division. Urahara told Hiyori if she had a problem, it was hers to change. Hiyori, kicking him in his crotch, ran off, only succeeding in injuring her foot.[7]


Урахара уклоняется на секунду, улыбается и подставляется под удар.

While walking around the 12th Division barracks, Hiyori, becoming irate when she found the division moving Urahara's vast amount of personal items, got into another confrontation with him when he tried to be of aid to her. The following day, at a division meeting, Urahara revealed he had decided to change the policy of the 12th Division, but had yet to determine what course of action he thought would be a good role for them. Becoming increasing angry upon hearing he was still thinking about it, Hiyori attacked him. Later, she was walking around the 12th Division barracks when she was confronted by Shinji. They got into a small argument, and Hiyori attacked him for saying something Urahara commonly said which she could not stand. Confronting Urahara, she challenged him to a fight, which he accepted, but asked that they fight hand-to hand. As they prepared to fight, Urahara told her to attack him from any angle. Hiyori, running at him, kicked him square in the face.

Hiyori Mad

Хиори злится когда Кисуке Урахара переделывает комнату её бывшего капитана.

Hiyori ran off, and at the entrance to the division headquarters, she realized Urahara, seeing through her attack, moved out the way and back in place so she would hit him. She became confused as to what drove this action.[8] The following morning, she arrived at the captain's chamber. As Hiyori became enraged at how Urahara had changed the room from its former state, he, trying to calm her down, told her in getting to know him, he would get to know her. Undeterred, Hiyori attacked him, but he, brushing it aside, asked her to accompany him to the Nest of Maggots.[9]


Хиори в шоке от Гнезда Личинок.

Hiyori accompanied Urahara onto the 2nd Division grounds, where he proceeded to explain to her the purpose of the detention unit and what truly happened to those found under their jurisdiction. He further explained what the Nest of Maggots was and what function it entailed. Upon entering the facility, Urahara, telling her the inmates were not permitted to leave, but they were still free within the facility, warned her to be careful, as the inmates could become violent. When Hiyori asked what they did, Urahara told her "nothing", causing Hiyori to question the methods, but Urahara explained to her the dangers these inmates could bring and why they were imprisoned, making note of the true dealings of what happened to those who withdrew from service in the Gotei 13. Urahara explained though the people in the facility were possibly dangerous, he had always felt that, given a suitable outlet, they could channel their power into something more productive.

Urahara Saves Hiyori

Урахара спасает удивлённую Хиори в Гнезде Личинок.

When one of the inmates tried to attack Hiyori, she realized she could not fight, as she had left her Zanpakutō behind. Easily stopping the inmate, Urahara apologized, as he had noticed she had left her Zanpakutō behind and had chosen to say nothing. He made note that in the facility, they were not allowed to carry weapons, so hand-to-hand combat mastery was the key.[10] When this prompted the other inmates to attack, Urahara, easily defending himself, took out all his attackers, much to Hiyori's surprise. Eventually, one of the inmates, trying to take Hiyori hostage, was quickly overwhelmed by her as she demonstrated her own capabilities in hand-to-hand combat.[3]


Выражение лица Хиори, когда она первый раз встречает Маюри Куроцучи.

Urahara told Hiyori they were going to meet the only inmate who was so dangerous he required his own cell, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, whom Urahara asked if he wanted to leave the Nest of Maggots.[11] After Mayuri and Hiyori got into a small argument, Urahara, explaining she was his lieutenant, asked Mayuri for an answer to his proposition. He revealed that in his capacity as the captain of the 12th Division, he had decided to make an organization; the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. Hiyori was surprised and further amazed he would put such a dangerous criminal in the line to a position of power.[12]

12th division past

Хиори с Урахарой и Куроцучи.

9 years later, Hiyori was with Urahara and now 12th Division 3rd Seat & Vice-President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. The trio were greeted by Captain Shinji Hirako and Lieutenant Sōsuke Aizen. Beginning to inform Urahara of current events, Shinji was attacked by Hiyori, who claimed he did not say "Hi" to her. The two got into a fight which left Aizen to explain to Urahara the 9th Division had been sent on a special investigation to find out what was happening with the disappearances in Rukongai.[13]


Хиори ссорится с Куроцучи.

During her time as a member of the Institute, Hiyori served as a lab manager while clashing with then 3rd Seat & Vice-President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute Mayuri Kurotsuchi over who had more authority under the captain. The two got into an ongoing argument about who was in charge, prompting Hiyori to call in Urahara. He explained to her that, with the disappearances occurring, he had created a new type of Gigai. Before Hiyori could respond, they were interrupted by the arrival of Tōdō, the 6th Seat of the 9th Division. Agreeing to send a researcher over to the investigation site as per the request of Captain Kensei Muguruma of the 9th Division, Urahara elected Hiyori to go to the site. When she, becoming irate, asked why he could not send someone less important, referring to lab assistant Akon, he asked if she should continue being a lieutenant, prompting Hiyori to attack him, though he simply dodged her. Though reluctant, Hiyori gave in once Urahara explained she was the only one he could trust with the task.[14]

Hiyori Hollowfied

Hiyori Hollowfied, struggling to remain in control of her body.

Some time later, Hiyori was running for her life from a shadowed creature, which was revealed to be a Hollowfied Kensei. Just when he was about to deal her a devastating blow, his attack was deflected by the arrival of Shinji Hirako.[15] Moments later, a team of various captains and lieutenants who were sent to investigate the disappearance of Kensei's Division arrived. They began to attack Kensei and a Hollowfied Mashiro Kuna, lieutenant of the 9th Division. In the midst of this, Shinji, picking up Hiyori, pulled her out of harm's way.[16] Gathering after the fight, the investigation team talked about the situation. Starting to cough, Hiyori became Hollowfied herself. A darkness fell around the rescue squad, and they were attacked by an unseen assailant.[17]


Тоусен ранит Пустифицированную Хиори.

The assailant was found to be Kaname Tōsen, Kensei's 5th seat, who was acting under the orders of Sōsuke Aizen, who was the one behind the disappearances and Hollowfication experiments.[18] Just as Aizen gave the order to kill the Hollowfied Shinigami, Captain Kisuke Urahara and Captain Tessai Tsukabishi, arriving, saved them from destruction. Aizen, Gin Ichimaru, and Tōsen made their escape, and Tessai used Forbidden Kidō to preserve and transport them to the 12th Division barracks. In his lab, Urahara tried to reverse the process using his creation, the Hōgyoku,[19] which ended up as a failed process, not having the effect Urahara expected.[20]


Aizen's victims in the underground chamber.

The next day, Urahara and Tessai were arrested under the orders of the Central 46. The Hollowfied Shinigami were sentenced to execution as Hollows. Before any of their sentences could be executed, both were rescued by 2nd Division Captain Yoruichi Shihōin, who brought them to a secret underground area.[21] In this secluded area, she had brought Hiyori and the other Hollowfied Shinigami, along with the prototype for the new Gigai which Urahara was working on. With this epiphany, Urahara resolved to make ten Reiatsu-blocking Gigai to help him, Tessai, and the eight victims escape to the Human World, where they would find a way to undo the Hollowfication process.[22]

Силы и способности

Эксперт рукопашного боя: Хиори очень хороша в рукопашном бою. Она обычно комбинирует различные удары с использованием своего духовного меча. Саругаки вспыльчива и агрессивна, и эти качества часто заставляют её делать опасные выпады в сторону окружающих даже по пустяковым поводам или же вовсе без них. Её навыки развиты настолько, что она легко смогла сокрушить опасного заключенного Гнезда Личинок, когда тот взял её в заложники.[23][24]

  • Gatling Mad-Stomping (Flag of Japan ガトリング地団駄 [Gatoringu Jidanda])Gatling Mad-StompingFlag of Japan ガトリング地団駄 [Gatoringu Jidanda]
    [25]: Hiyori performs multiple foot stomps on an opponent's face. The technique is powerful enough to send Ichigo flying and completely shatter his Hollow mask.[26]
  • Super Harisen Slipper (Flag of Japan スーパーハリセンスリッパ [Sūpā Harisen Surippa])Super Harisen SlipperFlag of Japan スーパーハリセンスリッパ [Sūpā Harisen Surippa]
    [27]: Hiyori smacks her opponent with her sandal. This technique, while simple, possesses enough force to send Shinji Hirako flying through a nearby wall and Hachi's barrier.[28]

Эксперт владения мечом: Hiyori's skills in swordsmanship are considerable, having spent time as a lieutenant in the Gotei 13. Her fighting style is aggressive and unpredictable, as she channels a lot of her attitude and anger into her attacks. She has fought off numerous Menos Grande, held her own against an experienced fighter like Ichigo Kurosaki, and held her own against the 3rd Espada, Tier Harribel (while fighting alongside Lisa Yadōmaru and Tōshirō Hitsugaya).[29][30]

  • Suikawari (Flag of Japan 西瓜割, Japanese for "Watermelon Splitting")SuikawariFlag of Japan 西瓜割
    Japanese for "Watermelon Splitting"
    [25]: Hiyori comes down with her sword upon an opponent. She used this technique to cleanly cut down through the head and mask of a Gillian with ease.[31]

Высокая физическая сила: Она жестоко избила Шинджи и Ичиго, используя свою разрушительную силу и навыки рукопашного боя.[32][33]

Высокая скорость: У Хиори высокая скорость, и она регулярно использует ее, чтобы дополнить свои умения в борьбе.[34] Во время тренировок Ичиго, она использует поступь.[35]

Духовный меч

Кубикири Орочи (Flag of Japan 馘大蛇 [Кубикири Ороти], «обезглавливающий Змей»)Кубикири ОрочиFlag of Japan 馘大蛇 [Кубикири Ороти]
«обезглавливающий Змей»
: Меч Хиори представляет собой стандартную катану с сердечками на гарде. В дни, когда она была лейтенантом, она обычно носила его на поясе, но как Вайзард она носит свой меч за правым плечом на спине.


Шикай Хиори.

  • Шикай: Команда её шикая: Руби (Flag of Japan ぶっ手切れ [буттэгирэ])РубиFlag of Japan ぶっ手切れ [буттэгирэ]
    . Катана Хиори становится большим тесаком с зубчатым лезвием.[37]
Способности шикая: Неизвестны.


Файл:Hiyori's mask.jpg

Маска Пустого Хиори.

Маска пустого: По внешнему виду её маска черепообразная с расположенным посередине рогом и рядом ромбообразных знаков над её бровями. После того как она надевает свою маску Пустого, белки глаз становится чёрными, а радужка - коричневой.[38][36] Она дольше всех остальных вайзардов подчиняла своего внутреннего пустого (не считая Ичиго, который потратил чуть больше времени) — 69 минут и 2 секунды. Когда Хиори разозлена или спровоцирована, сила ее маски растет.[?]

Увеличение силы: Надев маску, Хиори получает огромную прибавку к её силе синигами в виде силы пустого. Её скорость и сила атак многократно возрастают.
Hiyori Cero

Серо Хиори

  • Серо: Хиори может выстрелить красным серо из раскрытого рта своей маски. Также она может повернуть луч и сразить несколько целей сразу.[39]
Большая духовная сила: Одевая маску пустого, духовное давление Хиори легко превосходит духовное давление Ичиго, сражающегося в форме шикая. [40]


Hiyori stabbed by gin

Хиори пронзил Гин

Hirako holds Hiyori

Шинджи держит раненную в живот Хиори

В манге, когда Хиори собирается атаковать Айзена, Гин Ичимару разрубает её напополам и Шинджи ловит верхнюю половину её тела.[41]

Файл:Screenshot 2-1412069006.jpg

Hiyori bifurcated by Ichimaru

В аниме, когда Хиори собирается атаковать Айзена, Гин наносит колющую рану в спину на уровне живота и Шинджи ловит её всю.[42]

Появление в других проектах

Раздел не переведён с английского. [Я хочу перевести!]

Hiyori is a playable character in a couple of Bleach video games, including Bleach: Heat the Soul (series), Bleach: Blade Battlers 2nd, and Bleach: The 3rd Phantom. She can use her Visored mask, which is quite powerful in the game. In Bleach: Heat the Soul 7, she uses Kubikiri Orochi's Shikai as one of her attacks while wearing her Hollow mask. In Bleach: The 3rd Phantom, she can use several Kidō, like Haien and Kurohitsugi, and can heal one of her allies.


  • (Обращаясь к Ясуторе Садо и Орихиме Иноуэ) "Принцесса и тигр, хах? Какие красивые имена! Наши имена означают «обезьяна» и «развратница»! Мне так завидно!"[43]
  • (Обращаясь к Тоширо Хицугая) "Я не хочу помогать синигами!! Но сейчас не время для этого!!"[45]
  • (Обращаясь к Шинджи Хирако) "Я... прошу прощения... Шинджи... Я... была нетерпеливой..."[46]

События и сражения

  • Холодная война
  • Тренировка у вайзардов
  • The Arrival: The Visored Appear
  • Тоширо Хицугая, Хиори Саругаки и Лиза Ядомару против Тии Харрибел
  • Aizen's Impatience: Tense Situation


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 RefMasked
  2. Bleach bw Глава -103, стр. 8
  3. 3,0 3,1 Bleach Серия 208
  4. Bleach bw Глава 189, стр. 14
  5. Bleach manga; Chapter -108, pages 8-10
  6. Bleach manga; Chapter -107, pages 1-3
  7. Bleach manga; Chapter -107, pages 10-14
  8. Bleach anime; Episode 207
  9. Bleach manga; Chapter -107, pages 20-21
  10. Bleach manga; Chapter -106, pages 3-16
  11. Bleach manga; Chapter -106, pages 17-19
  12. Bleach manga; Chapter -105, pages 1-6
  13. Bleach manga; Chapter -104, pages 4-9
  14. Bleach manga; Chapter -103, pages 8-13
  15. Bleach manga; Chapter -102, pages 15-19
  16. Bleach manga; Chapter -101
  17. Bleach manga; Chapter -100, pages 8-15
  18. Bleach manga; Chapter -100, pages 16-19
  19. Bleach manga; Chapter -98
  20. Bleach manga; Chapter -98, page 3
  21. Bleach manga; Chapter -97, pages 4-14
  22. Bleach manga; Chapter -97, pages 15-18
  23. Bleach Серия 207-208
  24. Bleach bw Глава 216, стр. 7
  25. 25,0 25,1 Bleach Official Character Book UNMASKED, page 152
  26. Bleach manga; Chapter 225, pages 11-12
  27. Bleach Official Character Book UNMASKED, page 155
  28. Bleach manga; Chapter 215, page 16
  29. Bleach manga; Chapter 216, pages 1-19
  30. Bleach manga; Chapter 375, pages 19-20
  31. Bleach manga; Chapter 366, page 6
  32. Bleach manga; Chapter 215, page 20
  33. Bleach manga; Chapter 216, page 7
  34. Bleach manga; Chapter 228, pages 8-9
  35. Bleach anime; Episode 126; Only portrayed in the anime.
  36. 36,0 36,1 Bleach anime; Episode 122
  37. Bleach manga; Chapter 375, pages 16-17
  38. Bleach manga; Chapter 215, pages 24-25
  39. Bleach bw Глава 366, стр. 6-7
  40. Bleach Bleach: Official Character Book 2 MASKED|Purpose of Battle|стр. 205
  41. Bleach manga; Chapter 377, page 12-14
  42. Bleach anime; Episode 285
  43. Bleach manga; Chapter 190, page 2
  44. Bleach manga; Chapter 190, page 5
  45. Bleach manga; Chapter 367, page 9
  46. Bleach manga; Chapter 377, page 15


Лейтенант 12 отряда
? — 1901
Нему Куроцучи

