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Лав Аикава (Flag of Japan 愛川 羅武(ラブ) [Аикава Рабу])Лав АикаваFlag of Japan 愛川 羅武(ラブ) [Аикава Рабу]
по прозвищу Лав (Flag of Japan ラヴ [Раву])ЛавFlag of Japan ラヴ [Раву]
— вайзард и бывший капитан седьмого отряда Готея 13.


Лав — высокий мужчина с карими глазами и причёской типа афро в виде шипов, которая увеличивает его и так немалый рост. Лав носит зелёный спортивный костюм и зеркальные солнцезащитные очки. Когда он был капитаном 110 лет назад, у него на голове было классическое афро, также он носил бакенбарды. Он одевался в стандартную форму синигами и капитанское хаори без рукавов. Он носил тёмные очки.


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Love is a laid-back and easy-going man, usually reading Shōnen Jump or some of Lisa's erotic manga in his spare time, more often than not, spoiling a piece of the story by quoting lines and explaining what the character meant by it in a dramatic, tough-guy demeanor, almost as if he was an actor rehearsing movie lines. As with most Visored, Love's attitude switches from serious to carefree within a moment's notice. During his time as a captain, Love believed in respect and maintaining the peace, quick to uphold those standards when no one else will.[1]

He also appears to have little love for posturing, as indicated when he slaps the back of Rōjūrō's head, for talking about former enemies, banding together in times of war, in order to fight a common foe, just before they're about to fight Coyote Starrk. True to his more carefree side, right before starting his battle against Starrk, Love makes a manga reference in response to Starrk questioning what happened when Loves' mask dissipated.[2] Despite his comparatively friendly attitude, Love is a rather brutal and merciless fighter, not letting his opponents make a move against him and using his Shikai's special ability mixed with his mask right at the start of his battle with Starrk.


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Love; Captain

Love as the Captain of the 7th Division

Approximately 110 years ago, Love was the captain of the 7th Division of the Gotei 13. He was first seen knocking Hiyori Sarugaki on her head for attacking Shinji Hirako, telling her to act her age and to apologize. Love asked her why she had to be so difficult. Hiyori yelled at him and asked him who he thought he was, smacking law abiding lieutenants who didn't fall under his jurisdiction. Love calmly replied that seeing as her captain was not there someone had to keep her under control otherwise she would just run amuck.[3]


Love keeps Hiyori away from Shinji.

After the incident Shinji asked Love who had shown up for the meeting the captains had been called to, to which Love replied that almost everyone was already there. Shinji stated that he saw no one from the 11th division show up. Love explained that was his way, as he did what he wanted. Shinji said just because he was the 10th 'Kenpachi' no one had the guts to keep him in check. He went on to say that he couldn't understand why they let such a loose cannon like him become captain. Love tried to ease him explaining that there was no use getting upset over it, as the chosen 'Kenpachi' had always held the position of the 11th Division captain, as it was a sort of legacy and it wouldn't change anytime soon. Love went on to say that if Shinji wanted to complain about anything then he should complain about the fact that the previous Kenpachi's ineptitude made it possible.


Captains discuss the changes within the Gotei 13.

The two captains were interrupted by the arrival of the 8th Division captain Shunsui Kyōraku being accompanied by his lieutenant Lisa Yadōmaru and 13th Division captain Jūshirō Ukitake. Shunsui accused the two of gossiping behind others backs. Love was noticeably surprised stating that hell must have frozen over if Shunsui was on time. Shunsui stated that he had no idea what Love was talking about as he was always on time. Love then bore witness to the conversation between Shunsui and Ukitake about who had been captain the longest and what had happened to the previous 12th Division captain, Kirio Hikifune.[4] Love was later waiting in line with the other captains as the newly appointed 12th Division captain Kisuke Urahara arrived to the meeting.[5]


Kensei attacks Love.

Nine years later, Love was dispatched with a group of other Shinigami to investigate the disappearance of Kensei Muguruma and the members of his division.[6] Love was the second to show up at the site of the disappearances after Shinji, immediately asking if Hiyori was alright, he then noticed a hollowfied Kensei and was greatly surprised at his current state. He immediately asked what was going on, to which Rose denoted that while the reiatsu was clearly similar to Kensei's he had a Hollow mask and he wondered if he was a Hollow. Shinji stated that he didn't know if it was Kensei, but that if they didn't draw their swords they were as good as dead. Love went to attack the Hollowfied Kensei, but was caught off guard by his speed as he easily appeared behind him.

Файл:Love; Zanpakuto.jpg

Love after fighting a Hollowfied Kensei.

Kensei hit him with a powerful punch that produced a lot of smoke in its wake, which attracted the attention of Rose and Lisa. Though Kensei went for a second attack, Love blocked it with his sword. As the smoke cleared Love had managed to withstand the attack despite a significant part of his garment being destroyed and him suffering some burns. Love calmly admitted that he was strong therefore it was obviously Kensei.[7] After Kensei and Mashiro Kuna were subdued thanks to the intervention of Hachigen Ushōda, Love and the others began discussing what to do next when Hiyori attacked Shinji and revealed herself to be Hollowfied as well. Love asked what was going on but before he could act a darkness fell around the rescue squad and they were attacked by an unseen assailant.[8]


Love begins Hollowfying.

The assailant was then found to be Tōsen, Mugurama's 6th seat, who was acting under the orders of Sōsuke Aizen who was the one behind the disappearances and Hollowfication experiments.[9] Just as Aizen gave the order to kill the Hollowfied Shinigami Kisuke Urahara and Tessai showed up and saved them from destruction. Aizen, Gin and Tōsen made their escape and Tessai used Forbidden Kidō to preserve and transport them to the 12th Division barracks. In his lab, Urahara tried to reverse the process using his created item, the "Hōgyoku".[10] Unfortunately, it ended up as a failed process, not having the desired effect Urahara expected.[11]


Aizen's victims in the underground chamber.

The next day, Urahara and Tessai were arrested under the orders of the Central 46. The Hollowfied Shinigami were sentenced to execution as hollows. But before any of their sentences could be executed, both were rescued by Yoruichi Shihōin, who brought them to a secret underground area.[12] In the secluded area, she had also brought Hachi and the other Hollowfied Shinigami, along with the prototype for the new Gigai that Urahara was working on. With that epiphany, Urahara resolved to make ten Reiatsu-blocking Gigai to aid him, Tessai, and the eight victims escape to the real world, where they would find a way to undo the Hollowfication process.[13]

Силы и способности

Мастер владения мечом: As a former captain, Love is no doubt quite skilled in swordsmanship. He faces off against a Hollowfied Kensei one on one, without releasing his Zanpakutō. He even managed to block a spiritually charged attack from Kensei with his unreleased blade.[14]

Эксперт поступи: His Shunpo is fast enough to keep up with the other captains when they were rushing to the scene of the conflict, albeit he seems slower than Shinji.[15]

Высокая крепкость: When Love was brutally attacked by a Hollowfied Kensei, with a spiritually charged attack at point blank range, Love sustained only minor injuries and kept on fighting with no signs of faltering.[16]

Большая духовная сила: As a former captain, he possessed a great-level of spiritual power. Being a Visored Love possesses a dual type spiritual energy, part Shinigami and part Hollow.[17]

Проницательность в бою: During his fight with Coyote Starrk the 1st Espada, Love has shown to be very intuitive and can predict the actions an opponent may make and how to counter them.

Духовный меч

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Tengumaru (Flag of Japan 天狗丸 [Long-Nosed Goblin])TengumaruFlag of Japan 天狗丸 [Long-Nosed Goblin]
: In its sealed form, Tengumaru is an average katana with a white hilt-wrapping and heart-shaped tsuba (befitting his name). As a Shinigami, he wore it at his waist, but after becoming a Visored, he carries it by a tōju over his shoulder.

Tengumaru's Shikai.

  • Shikai: His release command is "Crush Down" (Flag of Japan 打ち砕け [uchikudake], Viz: "Slam")"Crush Down"Flag of Japan 打ち砕け [uchikudake]
    Viz: "Slam"
    . Tengumaru transforms into a large black kanabō, more than twice the height of Love himself. It is covered with bladed protrusions in a way resembling a cactus, and the handle itself is almost taller than Love. It is also very sturdy, as shown when it blocks, and even appears to dispel, Starrk's Cero blasts with ease.[18]
Shikai Special Ability: Tengumaru possesses the ability to manipulate fire.
  • Hifuki no Koduchi (Flag of Japan 火吹の小槌 [Fire-Blowing Gavel])Hifuki no KoduchiFlag of Japan 火吹の小槌 [Fire-Blowing Gavel]
    : Love swings Tengumaru up and it ignites itself in flames. He then points it downwards and a huge fireball fires from the tip where upon making contact with the target the fire explodes outwards a great distance with the resulting blast being strong enough to cave in buildings near the center of impact. At the site of impact a huge column of burning flames forms further incinerating anything in the area.[19]

Тенгумару (Flag of Japan 天狗丸 [Тэнгумару], Тенгу)ТенгумаруFlag of Japan 天狗丸 [Тэнгумару]
. В запечатанной форме Тенгумару выглядит как обычная катана с белой рукояткой и гардой в форме сердца. As a Shinigami, he wore it at his waist, but after becoming a Visored, he carries it by a tōju over his shoulder.


Tengumaru's Shikai.

  • Шикай: Восвобождается по команде "Crush Down" (Flag of Japan 打ち砕け [uchikudake])"Crush Down"Flag of Japan 打ち砕け [uchikudake]
    .  Tengumaru превращается в большое чёрное канабо, которое раза в два больше самого Лава. Она покрыта выступами, таким образом, она напоминает кактус, а сама ручка почти выше Лава. Канабо также очень крепкое, Лав смог им блокировать серо Старка.[20]
Способности шикая: Tengumaru способен манипулировать огнём.
  • Hifuki no Koduchi (Flag of Japan 火吹の小槌 [Fire-Blowing Gavel])Hifuki no KoduchiFlag of Japan 火吹の小槌 [Fire-Blowing Gavel]
    : Лав качает Tengumaru,тем самым воспламеняет его, затем указывает его вниз, и огромный огненный шар летит на землю, где после контакта с целью взрывается с достаточной силой,что бы снести зданния.[21]


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Файл:Aikawa Love Mask (anime).png

Love's Hollow mask.

Hollow Mask: His Hollow mask takes the form of a traditional Japanese Oni mask.[22]

Power Augmentation: While wearing the mask, Love's Hollow powers supplement his Shinigami powers, giving him a vast increase in both strength and durability.
  • Enhanced Strength: Love has displayed that usage of his mask grants him brutal physical strength.
  • Kagamibiraki (Flag of Japan 鏡開 ["Mirror Opening"])KagamibirakiFlag of Japan 鏡開 ["Mirror Opening"]
    :[23] a technique of pure, raw strength that allowed Love to rip a Menos Grande in half by sticking his bare hands through its head and pulling it apart.[24]
  • Enhanced Durability: Love naturally possesses considerable durability, but it appears he must still Hollowify to effectively counter an attack like a Cero.[25] According to Love, his and Rose's mask time limit is 3 minutes, which he jokingly says is because they are 'superheroes'.[26]
Файл:Aikawa Love Mask (anime).png

Love's Hollow mask.

Маска пустого:Его маска пустого похожа на традиционного японского демона Они.[27]

Увеличение мощи:В то время, как на нём одета маска пустого, его силы синигами дополняются силами пустых, тем самым увеличивая его силу и способности.
  • Увеличение физической силы:Маска пустого даёт Лаву огромную физическую силу.
  • Kagamibiraki (Flag of Japan 鏡開 ["Mirror Opening"])KagamibirakiFlag of Japan 鏡開 ["Mirror Opening"]
    :[28] Благодаря маске,Лав смог голыми руками разорвать голову Меноса Гранда пополам.[29]
  • Увеличение крепкости:Лав обладает большими способностями,но всё же, он должен научится эффективно противостоять атакам, типа серо.[30] Лав и Роз могут находится в масках в течении 3 минут,поэтому,он называет себя и Роуза "супергероями".[31]

Интересные факты

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  • In the anime, later when he and the Visored aid the Gotei 13 against Aizen's army Love is portrayed with brown hair, despite Tite Kubo's official colorings showing him with black.
  • Love appears to have an Oni-theme to his abilities. His Shikai is a kanabō, a traditional mythological weapon for Oni in Japanese myths, and his Hollow mask bears resemblance to a typical Oni's face.
  • Because Love wears bright gray colored sunglasses, his eyes are usually never seen because of the light reflects on the lenses. However, the lenses have been shown to be transparent when he wears his Hollow mask, as well as when it starts to disappear after being used.
  • At one point, Love quotes from a manga "you're already dead...haven't you noticed you're a walking dead-man..." Love refers to this a "deep shit" as the character informs someone else of their own death in the middle of combat when they didn't know it themselves.[32] This is cruel irony, as Sōsuke Aizen later says something to the same effect to the Visored to provoke them.[33]


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  • (To Starrk, referring to the Visored and their masks) "Oh, mine only lasts about three minutes. I'm a hero, y'see."[34]
  • (After Rose complains about his hair) "Is that right. How about you try and aesthetically not get yourself buried in the first place in the future."[35]
  • (To Rose, about Starrk) "Once a guy's comrade falls, the battle gets personal."[36]
  • (Regarding Starrk's non-avenging personality) "That's what makes him so scary. There's not a guy in the world who isn't affected at all by a comrade's death. If his comrade's death causes him to falter, we take advantage. If his comrade's death drives him to anger, we strike him down before he can let it out. In either case, speed is of the essence!"[37]
  • (To Starrk) "Now that's a surprise! I always thought you Hollow scum didn't have hearts or feelings!"[38]

События и сражения

  • Тренировка у вайзардов
  • Появление вайзардов
  • Лав Аикава и Роджуро Оторибаши против Койота Старка
  • Aizen's Impatience: Tense Situation
  • Сосуке Айзен против Готея 13 и вайзардов


  1. Bleach manga; Chapter -108, page 9
  2. Bleach manga; Chapter 367, page 12
  3. Bleach manga; Chapter -108, page 9
  4. Bleach manga; Chapter -108, page 10-15
  5. Bleach manga; Chapter -107, page 6
  6. Bleach manga; Chapter -102, page 3-6
  7. Bleach manga; Chapter -101, page 1-7
  8. Bleach manga; Chapter -100, page 9-15
  9. Bleach manga; Chapter -100, page 16-19
  10. Bleach manga; Chapter -98
  11. Bleach manga; Chapter -97, page 3
  12. Bleach manga; Chapter -97, page 4-14
  13. Bleach manga; Chapter -97, page 15-18
  14. Bleach manga; Chapter -101, page 5-7
  15. Bleach manga; Chapter -101, page 1
  16. Bleach manga; Chapter -101, page 6-7
  17. Bleach manga; Chapter -102
  18. Bleach manga, chapter 372, pages 4-5
  19. Bleach manga, chapter 372, pages 14-15
  20. Bleach manga, chapter 372, pages 4-5
  21. Bleach manga, chapter 372, pages 14-15
  22. Bleach manga; Chapter 365, pages 18-19
  23. Bleach Official Character Book UNMASKED; page 153
  24. Bleach manga; Chapter 366, pages 15-16
  25. Bleach manga; Chapter 222, pages 4-5
  26. Bleach manga; Chapter 367, page 13
  27. Bleach manga; Chapter 365, Page 18-19
  28. Bleach Official Character Book UNMASKED; page 153
  29. Bleach manga; Chapter 366, page 15-16
  30. Bleach manga; Chapter 222, page 4-5
  31. Bleach manga; Chapter 367, page 13
  32. Bleach manga; Chapter 229, page 7
  33. Bleach manga; Chapter 377, page 10
  34. Bleach manga; Chapter 367, page 13
  35. Bleach manga; Chapter 372, page 2
  36. Bleach manga; Chapter 372, page 3
  37. Bleach manga; Chapter 372, pages 3-4
  38. Bleach manga; Chapter 372, page 13


Капитан седьмого отряда
? — 1901
(?) Саджин Комамура

