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Шаблон:Инфобокс/Модифицированная душа

Кон (コン, Кон) — искусственая душа, созданная в результате проекта Острие копья Общества душ. Искусственные модифицированные души планировалась вселять в мёртвые тела, чтобы они помогали синигами сражаться с пустыми, используя свои особые способности. Особенностью Кона является увеличенная сила ног.[1] Его имя — сокращение от японского 改造 魂魄 (Кайзо: Конпаку, модифицированная душа). Ичиго использует его, чтобы превратиться в синигами, оставляя своё тело ему на попечение, точно так же, как обычные синигами используют искусственные души для присмотра за их гигаями. Обычно телом Кону служит плюшевый лев.


Kon primarily serves as a comedic foil in the series; when not inhabiting Ichigo's body, his normal plushy body is treated with little respect and much disdain, sometimes bordering on abuse.

Kon is quite perverted and is preoccupied by sex much of the time. He will often try to take advantage of his plushy body to get girls to hug him to their chests. Kon is especially attracted to girls with large breasts, which makes Orihime the center of many of his fantasies. In the manga he is also seen using Ichigo's body to gratify himself while fantasizing about Orihime and Rukia.[2]

Kon's redeeming quality, which allows Ichigo and Rukia to see him as someone worth saving, is his views on the sanctity of life. Because he spent many years in the form of a pill, fearful that one day he would be discovered and disposed of, Kon has developed a moral stance that prevents him from killing anything. He will also risk his own life in order to save even the lowliest of creatures,[3] and is angered to see people who belittle their creations and dispose of them off-hand.[4]


Модифицированные души появились в результате проекта "Острие копья" Общества душ. Предполагалось, что искусственные души будут вселены в мёртвые человеческие тела и станут солдатами или пушечным мясом в войне с пустыми. У каждой души была суперспособность, которая помогала бы ей сражаться.[5]

Кон был одной из последних модифицированных душ. Вскоре после его создания проект был назван бесчеловечным и был закрыт. Все уже созданные души были уничтожены.[6] Кону каким-то образом удалось сбежать, после чего он попал на склад магазина Урахары в контейнере с обычными искусственными душами. Урахара положил его в коробку с бракованным товаром и собирался уничтожить его, но так этого и не сделал.[7]

Плюшевое тело кона — поддельная игрушка Понкичи, главного героя популярного ТВ-шоу "Царство хищников" (肉食帝国, Никушоку Теикоку). Её купили на фестивале и подарили одному ребёнку вместо более дорогой официальной игрушки. Ребёнку она не понравилась, и он выкинул её.[8]


Protective Charm: A Kidō-based charm originally given to Ichigo by his father. If the owner is attacked by hostile forces, it acts as a defense by forming a powerful barrier, as seen when Kon (in Ichigo's body) was attacked by the Arrancar Grand Fisher. Isshin later reveals that he created the charm for Kon in the first place.[9][10][11]

Karakura-Raizer Watch (anime only): As part of the Karakura-Raizer team, he is given a task to defeat the Hollows in Karakura Town. For this, he needs powers of his own, so he is given a watch, which activates his suit. His suit is Karakura-Raizer.[12]


Kon, as Karakura-Raizer, using Raizer Beam.

  • Karakura-Raizer Suit: The Karakura-Raizer Suit gives Kon abilities of his own such as:
Raizer Beam (Flag of Japan ライザービーム [Raiza Bimu])Raizer BeamFlag of Japan ライザービーム [Raiza Bimu]
: As Karakura-Raizer he can fire beam strong enough to kill a large Hollow. He first has to spell "Raizer" with his body in charades, otherwise he will be electrocuted.

Силы и способности

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: During the few times that Kon is in combat, he has proven to be able to hold his own; in addition to possessing all the potential combat abilities of whoever's living body he inhabits, he was designed to have exceptionally powerful leg strength. He was able to fend Ichigo off in combat by using just kicking attacks and leg-blocks, and is able to kick aside massive Hollows.[13]

Enhanced Strength: With his enhanced leg might, he is also capable of jumping over 13 meters and 56 cm from standing position in Ichigo's body and effortlessly smash through a metal fence with a single kick.[13][14]

Enhanced Speed: Kon can run 100 meters in 3.8 seconds.[13]

Spiritual Power: Being a Mod-soul, Kon possesses some spiritual power, though not as much as spiritually aware Humans, such as Yasutora Sado or Orihime Inoue.

Интересные факты

  • His theme song, as chosen by Tite Kubo, is "Nichiyoubi Dansu" by Kuuki Koudan (Kon Theme #1) and "Bushman" by Rip Slyme (Kon Theme #2)


  • (To Ichigo Kurosaki) "Right after I was born, Soul Society ordered the mod souls to be destroyed... and the day after I was born I was already chosen to die! Everyday while I was in that pill I was afraid. As I watched my friends disappear each day. Even after I got lucky and escaped the storage among other pills, I feared being discovered and killed. As I trembled in fear I would think... life isn't something that should be taken from others. I was born like this! I should at least have the right to live and die freely! Whether it's humans or insects... or even us... it's the same. That's why I won't... kill anything.[15]
  • (After Rukia Kuchiki stepped on him and he looked up her skirt) "Nice angle!"[16]
  • (Daydreaming about being smothered by women) "Extra large...puffy wuffy...booby woobies!"[17]
  • (About Orihime Inoue) "Well, I could tell whether or not Orihime is the real one...if she would invite me into her Valley of the Gods!"[18]
  • (About Yuzu missing Ichigo) "How could you make this poor kid cry? What a worthless brother!"[19]


  1. Манга Блич, глава 15, стр. 11
  2. Bleach manga Chapter 182, page 17
  3. Bleach manga Chapter 16, page 16
  4. Bleach manga Chapter 15, page 18
  5. Манга Блич, глава 15, стр. 11
  6. Манга Блич, глава 16, стр. 15
  7. Манга Блич, глава 14, стр. 3
  8. Интервью Weekly Shonen Jump, 2004 год, выпуск 42
  9. Bleach manga; Chapter 69, page 12-13
  10. Bleach manga; Chapter 186, page 16-17
  11. Bleach manga; Chapter 187, page 8
  12. Bleach anime; Episode 213-214
  13. 13,0 13,1 13,2 Bleach manga; Volume 3, Kon's character profile
  14. Bleach manga; Chapter 14, page 5-6
  15. Bleach manga; Chapter 16, pages 15-16
  16. Bleach manga; Chapter 17, page 7
  17. Bleach anime; Episode 50
  18. Bleach anime; Episode 67
  19. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок cry не указан текст

