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Версия от 16:49, 18 декабря 2014

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Шаблон:Инфобокс/Квинси/Старый Канаэ Катагири (Flag of Japan 片桐叶絵 [Катагири Канаэ])Канаэ КатагириFlag of Japan 片桐叶絵 [Катагири Канаэ]
гемишт квинси[1] и мать Урюу Исиды. Когда-то она работала горничной в доме Исид. Она умерла девять лет назад в результате Аусвелена.


У Катагири чёрные волосы, завязанные в узел. Она носит старомодное платье горничной.


Как горничная, Катагири является очень вежливой и воспитанной женщиной. Она называет Рюукена «юным господином», терпеливо выслушивает его мысли и проблемы. Канаэ осознаёт, какую ношу держит на себе Рюукен как эхьт квинси, и всегда готова дать ему совет.[2] Катагири очень привязана к нему, будучи его защитником, она не может вынести того, что ему грустно.[3]


История персонажа не переведена с английского.

On one particular evening, Katagiri approached Ryūken and asked him if she could prepare the table, because dinner was ready. Affirming this, Ryūken then confided in Katagiri that he was unsure if Masaki would be happy marrying him or not, because their engagement existed for the sole purpose of maintaining their pure Quincy blood. Seeing his inner dilemma, Katagiri kindly replied that Masaki couldn't possibly be unhappy with Ryūken when he puts love before status, and she remarks on how wonderful a person he is. When Ryūken replies that he is merely concerned about the Quincy's future, she looks sadly on as it begins to rain outside.[2] Later, while she is attending to laundry with another maid, she is contacted via an unknown device by Ryūken, who orders her to prepare the Reishi Armor.[4] She later arrives to the scene of the battle along with Ryūken, but they do not interfere in the battle and leave once the hollow is defeated.[5]

Later Katagiri tells Ryūken's mother about Masaki's fight with the hollow and that she saved the Shinigami. When Ryūken's mother confronts Masaki, Ryūken realizes that Katagiri must have told his mother about it. He runs to find Katagiri, he soon finds her and pins her to the wall, asking her why she told his mother about what happened despite him telling her not to. She answers that she did it so that Masaki could be healed and the Ishida bloodline be preserved. Ryūken says that he doesn't think it was reason enough, but she answers by saying that it is everything and Ryūken said so himself.[6]

Файл:Katagiri and Isshin.JPG

Katagiri and Ryūken meet for the first time.

After Masaki was healed, Katagiri met Ryūken outside in the rain, where she was standing with an umbrella. Katagiri asks Ryūken if he left Masaki with the Shinigami, he confirms that he did so. Ryūken then tells her to go home and tell his mother that he can't protect the Quincy. Katagiri refuses and tells him that she can't leave him alone. She then reminds him that it is her duty to protect him, and ever since she first met him her life has been devoted to him. She asks him not to be sad, as it breaks her heart. Ryūken then tells her that it is ok, and that they should go back home, she complies.[7]

Eventually, Katagiri and Ryūken had married, and she eventually gave birth to Uryū Ishida. Nine years ago, on June 17, Katagiri lost consciousness and died three months later, since Yhwach performed Auswählen (Flag of Japan 聖別 (アウスヴェーレン) [аусувэрэн], Holy Selection)AuswählenFlag of Japan 聖別 (アウスヴェーレン) [аусувэрэн]
Holy Selection
, and took the power of every Gemischt Quincy to make their powers his own.[8]

Силы и способности

Способность ощущать духов: Как квинси, Катагири может видеть синигами, пустых и других духов.

Поглощение духовных частиц: Как квинси, Катагири может собирать духовную энергию и частицы и превращать их в оружие.

