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Тайт Кубо[1]

Генрюусай Шигекуни Ямамото (Flag of Japan 山本元柳斎 重國 [Ямамото Генрю:сай Сигэкуни])Генрюусай Шигекуни ЯмамотоFlag of Japan 山本元柳斎 重國 [Ямамото Генрю:сай Сигэкуни]
был капитаном первого отряда и главнокомандующим всего Готея 13. Его лейтенантом был Чоуджиро Сасакибе.


Ямамото является старейшим капитаном в Готее 13. Он красноглазый старик[2] с очень длинными седыми бородой и бровями[2]. Его тело и голову покрывает множество шрамов, два наиболее заметных из них рассекают лоб, образуя крест, что говорит о его участии в многочисленных битвах. После сражения с Сосуке Айзеном, Ямамото потерял левую руку[3]. Он носит стандартную форму синигами, что примечательно, намного большую по размеру. Его хаори просто накинут на плечи. Несмотря на внешнюю хрупкость и старость, капитан Ямамото очень мускулист, но его могучий торс можно увидеть только в особых сражениях, что, по словам Сюнсуя, бывает не слишком часто.

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Ямамото много лет назад

Когда Ямамото был намного младше, у него были короткие черные волосы с боков головы и уже немалая лысина на темени, а также пучок волос на затылке. Так же у него были густые, черные брови и того же цвета густые длинные усы. На лбу у него был один большой шрам, который и принес Ямамото за свою форму имя «Эйджисай». Также уже тогда у него было видно немало морщин на лбу и возле глаз. Он носил стандартную форму синигами.[4]


Как главнокомандующий Готея 13, Ямамото очень уважаем среди синигами (тут можно выделить Саджина Комамуру, который считает Ямамото благодетелем, спасшим его жизнь). Ямамото чётко исполняет все законы Общества душ и ожидает того же от всех остальных. Он не терпит неповиновения старшим по званию, и поэтому он нередко повышает голос на тех, кто ведет себя неподобающим образом. При малейшем намёке на предательство он впадает в ярость, а также может вести себя очень агрессивно в бою. В мирное же время он настолько окружает себя аурой спокойствия и флегматизма, что даже засыпает, ожидая, когда капитаны соберутся на собрание. Благодаря годам опыта, Ямамото очень редко показывает признаки разочарования или удивления, обычно отвечая на вопросы открыв один или, реже, оба глаза, которые практически всегда держит полуприкрытыми.

Ямамото очень предан Обществу душ, и всерьёз относиться к своим обязанностям, ожидая того-же от остального Готея 13. Его верность настолько велика, что он хочет пожертвовать собой и всем Готеем, чтобы победить Айзена, веря, что это их долг — в случае надобности умереть за Общество душ.[5] Еще одним примером, когда Ямамото показывает свою верность, можно считать эпизод, когда он в открытую разозлился на Сюнсуя, Бьякую и Кенпачи, когда те, потеряв свои хаори, не особо об этом сожалели; для него хаори олицетворяет их статус как капитанов.[3]

Ямамото ценит восточные традиции, он мастер японской чайной церемонии. Соответственно, он недолюбливает западную культуру, в отличие от своего лейтенанта Чоуджиро Сасакибе. Каждый месяц Ямамото проводит в штабе первого отряда чайную церемонию для всего отряда. Раз в месяц он расчёсывает и снова заплетает свою бороду. Он также любит растираться сухим полотенцем, принимая солнечные ванны на своем балконе .[6]


Около 2100 лет назад Ямамото был основателем «Генрюу» и главным инструктором «Школы Генджи». Ямамото лично обучал Сюнсуя Кьёраку и Джуширо Укитаке. Когда они стали капитанами, он гордился ими так, как будто они были его сыновьями.[7]

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Банкай Сасакибе оставил шрам на лбу Ямамото

Когда Ямамото был инструктором, Сасакибе каждый день приходил к нему, всегда обращаясь к нему не иначе как «Эйджисай» (прозвище, которое получил Ямамото из-за шрама на лбу в форме радикала «эй»), невзирая на то, что самого Ямамото это раздражало. Чоуджиро настаивал, что было бы неправильно обращаться к нему, используя настоящее имя. Во время одного из таких визитов, Сасакибе рассказал Ямамото, что хотел бы стать его правой рукой, чтобы помочь ему делать все то, на что сейчас у него не хватает времени. Ямамото предложил ему стать инструктором, но тот отказался. По приказу Ямамото, Сасакибе попытался победить его с помощью своего банкая. Несмотря на то, что он проиграл, он оставил шрам на лбу Ямамото, который пересекал наискось предыдущий. Два шрама образовали иероглиф «джу», и все стали называть Ямамото «Джуджисай», но Сасакибе отказался использовать это новое имя. В результате Ямамото решил называть себя Генрюусай.[8]

Приблизительно тысячу лет назад Ямамото основал Готей 13 и стал его главнокомандующим.[9][10] Около тысячи лет назад, Ямамото не смог убить Яхве.[11]

Спустя некоторое время когда Кенпачи Зараки присоединился к Готею 13, Ямамото заставил его изучать искусство владения мечом, потому что тот не имел никаких навыков в этом.[12] Тем не менее, на следующий день он решил прекратить тренировки.[13]

Обращая маятник вспять

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Ямамото вместе с капитаном Ретсу Уноханой и Гинреем Кучики на квалификационном экзамене капитана Кисуке Урахары.

Примерно 110 лет назад, Ямамото был отмечен как самый старый среди капитанов Готея 13, затем Ретсу Унохана, Сюнсуй и Укитаке. Он заявил, что четыре из капитанов Готея 13 были капитанами еще 100 лет назад.[14] Ямамото рассматривает Кисуке Урахару в штаб-квартире первого отряда на должность нового капитана. Ямамото объявляет, что семь дней назад была открыта должность капитана 12-го отряда, как как прежний капитан Кирио Хикифуне была повышена. Он спрашивает капитанов, есть ли предложения на счет нового капитана 12-го отряда. В течении короткого времени он получил рекомендацию от капитана 2-го отряда, Йоруичи Шихоин, на должность нового капитана поставить её 3-го офицера, Кисуке Урахару. На следующий день, Ямамото вызывает Урахару на тест, он также берет с собой капитанов Ретсу Унахану и Гинрея Кучики, чтобы квалифицированно судить, подходит ли Урахара на должность капитана, или нет. После того как тест прошел удовлетворительно для всех присутствующих капитанов, Кисуке стал новым капитанов 12-го отряда.[15]

Во время смерти Ямамото Генрюсай вспаминал событие тысячилетней давности,а именно когда маленький Кьёраку рассматривал картину с ужасным демоном который явился в общество душ 1000 лет назад.Умер ямамото от руки предводителя вандрейха Яхве при своём ученике Сюнсуе Кёраку


Смерть Ямамото.


История персонажа не переведена с английского.

10 years later Yamamoto called an emergency meeting of the captains of the Gotei 13, where he gave an intelligence report on the unknown disappearances of 9th Division captain Kensei Muguruma and lieutenant Mashiro Kuna. Captain Muguruma and Lieutenant Kuna had previously been sent out to investigate the disappearance of other 9th division members. He then stated he would choose 5 captains to form an investigation team. A very winded and frantic Kisuke Urahara showed up to ask that he be allowed to go with the investigation team, as he had previously seen his lieutenant Hiyori Sarugaki go to the sight of the disappearances. He was told no by Captain-Commander Yamamoto, and when Urahara protested he was chastised by Yoruichi. Yamamoto continued with the meeting and selected 3rd Division Captain Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi, 5th Division Captain Shinji Hirako, and 7th Division Captain Love Aikawa. Yamamoto told them to head to the campground. He ordered Yoruichi to stand by, while 6th Division Captain Ginrei Kuchiki, 8th Division Captain Shunsui Kyōraku and 13th Division Captain Jūshirō Ukitake were ordered to stay behind and guard the Seireitei.


Yamamoto gives out orders.

Captain-Commander Yamamoto then ordered Captain Unohana of the 4th Division to prepare her relief stations for casualties. When Unohana insisted that she should tend to the wounded at the site of the disappearances, Yamamoto stated that he could not send healers without knowing the full extent of the situation. Upon the arrival of the Captain of the Kidō Corps Tessai Tsukabishi and his Lieutenant Hachigen Ushōda, Yamamoto asked Tessai if he had heard the news of the disappearances, telling him that he wanted the two of them to head to the campground as well. Shunsui interrupted and asked if it was a good idea to send both the Captain and Lieutenant of the Kidō Corps when they had no idea of what was going on, prompting Yamamoto to ask what he would suggest. Shunsui told Yamamoto that they should send his Lieutenant Lisa Yadōmaru. With the squad formed, Yamamoto sent them out to investigate the disappearances.[16]

Восстание духовных мечей (только в аниме)

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.

Several centuries ago, during a rebellion that caused a civil war in Soul Society, Captain-Commander Yamamoto praised the actions of Kōga Kuchiki and later gives Kōga the leadership of a special contingent of troops.[17] When Kōga becomes a rogue, Yamamoto helps Ginrei Kuchiki to seal Kōga with a special Kidō spell.[18]


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Общество душ


Yamamoto calls a meeting of the Gotei 13.

Yamamoto is first seen during a meeting between captains over their fellow captain Gin Ichimaru's failure to kill Ichigo Kurosaki. Upon arrival, Gin gets into an argument with 11th Division Captain Kenpachi Zaraki and 12th Division Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Yamamoto tells them to stand down and then asks Gin if he had been informed about the reason he has been summoned. He then details that Gin acted without permission and failed to capture the target, which he feels is unusual for a captain. He then asks for an explanation.[19]

Gin plainly states he has nothing to say, which confuses Yamamoto. Gin goes on to say that he has no excuse and that he made a mistake and he won't try to justify his carelessness. Yamamoto then decides that Gin will have to be punished, but an intruder alert goes off.[20] Shortly after Zaraki leaves, Yamamoto dismisses the meeting, stating that Gin's punishment will be handled later. He orders the captains to return to their defense stations.[21]


Yamamoto alongside his lieutenant at Rukia's execution.

At Rukia Kuchiki's execution Yamamoto asks her if she has any last words.[22] When Rukia requests that Ichigo and his friends be allowed to return to the Human World unharmed, Yamamoto grants her request, though in truth he has no intention of allowing them to live.[23] Upon the activation of the Sōkyoku, Yamamoto explains that the Phoenix produced by it, called Kikōō, is the true form of the spearhead of the Sōkyoku and the executioner of the grand penalty. After it pierces through the criminal's body, the grand penalty ends.[24]

Yamamoto watches as Ichigo appears and saves Rukia by deflecting Kikōō.[25] He sends his lieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe to stop Ichigo while he confronts Shunsui and Jūshirō after they destroy the Sōkyoku. Yamamoto orders them to not move. While he says that the person who made off with Rukia was a replaceable lieutenant and is a matter that can be easily dealt with, he states that he cannot forgive them for what they have done. He notes the severity of their crimes as Captain-rank Shinigami but before they can be dealt with, they escape down the side of the cliff. [26][27] After they get some considerable distance away, they stop. But Yamamoto, who is already there waiting for them, states that it is not often that he has to chase after young children.[28] Yamamoto then releases his spiritual pressure, causing Nanao Ise to collapse, forcing Shunsui to take her far away from the battle.

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Jūshirō Ukitake and Shunsui Kyōraku about to engage a battle with Yamamoto

Upon Shunsui's return, he takes note of the Shunsui and Ukitake's history as they are like sons to him and how powerful they are. He then plainly tells them it is too late for words and to take out their swords.[29] Shunsui and Jūshirō draw their Zanpakutō as they dodge his attack. Yamamoto asks if they intend on fighting him without releasing their Zanpakutō, causing Shunsui to ask if there was any other way than fighting. Yamamoto silences him, stating that he has taught them that there is no mercy for those who obstruct justice. Shunsui then counters that Yamamoto also has said to follow through with your own sense of justice. Ukitake finishes, stating that they have to protect justice with everything they have. Yamamoto dismisses the notion of individual justice as it cannot override global justice. Tired of talking, Yamamoto removes his haori and top, telling them to prepare themselves for battle as he releases his Shikai.[30]

As Yamamoto stands prepared for battle, he asks them what they are waiting for, telling them that they should release their Zanpakutō unless they plan on burning to ashes without any resistance. Ukitake and Shunsui then decided to release their Zanpakutō. Upon their release, Yamamoto notes that they are the only two Zanpakutō in Soul Society that are in pairs. They then charge at each other, causing a large explosion of spiritual power.[31]

The battle suddenly is forced to stop with the announcement of Isane Kotetsu about the true intentions of Sōsuke Aizen, who is responsible for all of the chaos in Soul Society.[32]

When Aizen's true colors are revealed, most of the remaining captains quickly close in on his position and completely surround him. When the Menos Grande come to his, Gin Ichimaru, and Kaname Tōsen's rescue, Yamamoto warns the other Shinigami about the Negación attack the Menos Grande perform to rescue their fellow Hollows.[33]

Связанные (только в аниме)

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.

Yamamoto plays a very small role during the Bount invasion. Yamamoto begins to think that Mayuri Kurotsuchi is betraying Soul Society and has Byakuya get all information he can about the Bounts. He later holds a meeting with the remaining captains and tells them about the Bounts invading Rukongai and the Bounts' origins.[34]



Yamamoto speaking with Hitsugaya, Matsumoto and Orihime.

Yamamoto is seen when he calls all of the captains for an emergency. [35] Later, Yamamoto has a small video conversation with Tōshirō Hitsugaya over the Arrancar invasion of Ichigo's home town, and allows Momo Hinamori to speak with Hitsugaya. Once the conversation begins to revolve around Aizen, Momo begs Tōshirō to rescue Aizen, believing that Gin Ichimaru is manipulating him. Yamamoto cuts their conversation short by knocking Momo unconscious with a Kidō, noting it is too soon to speak as such.[36]

After Orihime Inoue is kidnapped, Yamamoto orders Tōshirō's task force to retreat back to Soul Society in preparation for the war against Aizen, and firmly disapproves of the idea of Ichigo and the others going to her rescue, seeing it as a suicide mission, and believing that Orihime willingly betrayed them.[37]

Уэко Мундо

Yamamoto, along with Byakuya Kuchiki and Jūshirō Ukitake, is told that Rukia Kuchiki and Renji Abarai have disappeared and that the Second Division is looking for them all throughout Seireitei.[38]

After Coyote Starrk recaptures Orihime Inoue and takes her back to Aizen,[39][40] it is explained that Yamamoto ordered the creation of a replacement Karakura Town so that the captains can fight at full strength without damaging the city. He is then seen with several other captains and lieutenants waiting as Aizen and his forces arrive in Karakura Town.[41]

Новый капитан Сюсуке Амагай (только в аниме)

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.
Amagai & the captains

Yamamoto introduces Shūsuke Amagai as the new 3rd Division captain.

Yamamoto presides over Shūsuke Amagai being appointed captain of the 3rd Division.[42] However, Amagai uses his position to attempt to exact revenge against Yamamoto, believing that he killed his father, Shin'etsu Kisaragi. In reality, Shin'etsu had been given a mission to investigate the Kasumioji clan, but was captured by Gyōkaku Kumoi and used as a test subject for the Bakkōtō. As Shin'etsu was possessed by the Bakkōtō, Yamamoto killed him to end his suffering.[43] Amagai, after killing Kumoi, attacks Yamamoto, using his Bakkōtō to prevent Yamamoto from using his Zanpakutō. While Yamamoto is defenseless, Ichigo arrives and fights Amagai, but despite Amagai being outmatched and near death, he stabs Yamamoto. After Yoruichi Shihōin and Yamamoto reveal the truth, Amagai kills himself to atone for his crimes.[44]

Фальшивая Каракура

Yamamoto then unleashes his Shikai to trap the three opposing ex-captains, Aizen, Gin and Kaname, so as to concentrate on the Espada and their Fracción.[45]

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Yamamoto vs. Ayon.

It is revealed that Yamamoto has set up four pillars around the fake town that if destroyed will lure the real Karakura town out of Soul Society. Baraggan Louisenbairn quickly realizes this and sends out his Fracción to obliterate the towers.[46] This plan however, is quickly halted by Yamamoto's four soldiers, Izuru Kira, Yumichika Ayasegawa, Ikkaku Madarame and Shūhei Hisagi, who have been placed at the pillars to protect them. After the pillars are successfully defended and four of Baraggan's Fracción are killed, the Espada and remaining Fracción pair up against a Shinigami and begin to battle. Yamamoto announces that the real fights have begun.[47]

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Yamamoto taking down Harribel's Fracciòn.

When several of the lieutenants are critically injured against the "pet" of Tier Harribel's Fracción, Ayon, Yamamoto steps in and causes a large hole to appear on the left side of Ayon's chest.[48] Ayon then swells to gigantic proportions only to be cut in half by Yamamoto's Nadegiri, and when Ayon's left half returns, he effortlessly incinerates him with his Shikai.[49] Even after Yamamoto kills Ayon, he tells Izuru not to let down the barrier. Just then, Apacci, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun launch a desperate attack from behind even though they are each left with just one arm. However, Yamamoto takes them down effortlessly by swinging his Shikai and "lightly toasting" all three of them, which fatally injures them.[50] He later notices that Harribel has set her sights on him to avenge her fallen subordinates. But before they can engage each other, Tōshirō Hitsugaya intervenes.[51]

Along with the rest of the captains and lieutenants, Yamamoto takes notice of the huge Hollow creature and Wonderweiss joining the battle. When Ukitake and Shunsui are attacked by Starrk and Wonderweiss, he calls out to them as they fall to the town below.[52]

Hirako aproaches Yamamoto

Shinji Hirako discusses the situation with Yamamoto.

Yamamoto appears somewhat surprised at the arrival of the Visored, having not seen them for 100 years. [53] Shinji then approaches Yamamoto to greet him to which the commander asks if he has come for revenge. Shinji plainly tells him that if it was against Aizen, then yes. As for the Gotei 13, he couldn't care less. He then explains that if he was mad at the Gotei 13, it would be for making the barrier around the fake Karakura Town so hard to get through. Shinji then explains if he hadn't found lieutenant Sasakibe outside the barrier they still would be on the outside of it. Sasakibe apologies to the Captain-Commander for allowing them in, saying he thought it was necessary given the circumstances, but before he can finish Yamamoto forgives his actions. Yamamoto then asks Shinji if he is right to assume they are allies, to which Shinji tells him it's obvious they aren't. He states that the Visored are not on the Gotei 13's side but they are against Aizen and they are Ichigo's allies. Yamamoto muses to himself about the statement of the Visored being Ichigo Kurosaki's allies.[54]

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Yamamoto catches Aizen.

After the last combatants are defeated by Aizen, Yamamoto makes his presence known by drawing Aizen's attention with a huge pillar of fire. Aizen states that although he has finally shown himself he is too late, as of now he is the only one left to be counted as manpower. Aizen notes that if he falls, the Gotei 13 will crumble. Pointing to the idea that Yamamoto has lost his chance. Yamamoto asks Aizen if he really thinks he can cut him down with that much power. Aizen responds that he doesn't have to cut him down, as he already has. Yamamoto becomes enraged, but before he can react Aizen appears behind him. As the captain-commander turns to face him, Aizen stabs him through his stomach with his Zanpakutō. Yamamoto grabs Aizen's arm pulling him in closer and exclaims that he has caught him. When Aizen tries to trick him into questioning whether or not he has caught the real Aizen, the captain-commander calls his bluff and states that if he only relied on his eyes or skin then he would say yes, but he instead only needs to rely on sensing the reiatsu of Aizen's Zanpakutō that is impaled into his stomach. Yamamoto then reveals that he has laid a trap for Aizen, and initiates his Ennetsu Jigoku technique, detailing how the entire fight up to this point was to trap him in this technique. Aizen questions that he would use his subordinates to set such a trap, admiring the captain-commander for his cunning. Yamamoto states that he plans to die with Aizen in the flames. He then screams to Ichigo to get back as he is not part of the Gotei 13 and he should not have to endure their fate. When Aizen asks if he would really risk killing the other combatants to try and destroy him. Yamamoto states they are all prepared to die to destroy evil and that is the true spirit of the Gotei 13. A released Wonderweiss Margela then appears behind Yamamoto, who senses his presence and attacks only to have his blade caught by Wonderweiss, who then throws him, sending the captain-commander crashing into the cityscape below. Yamamoto then becomes confused as the flames of Ryūjin Jakka disappear without warning. Aizen then explains that he knows full well that Ryūjin Jakka is the strongest Zanpakutō and that in a one on one battle Yamamoto's strength far outweighs his own. He then details that Wonderweiss is the only modified Arrancar in existence and that his Resurrección, Extinguir, is built solely for the purpose of stopping his Ryūjin Jakka.[55]

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Yamamoto resorts to using hand-to-hand combat to fight Wonderweiss.

Yamamoto still questions what happened, prompting Aizen to state that for the power to seal away Ryūjin Jakka's power, Wonderweiss traded his words, knowledge, memory and reason. He then bids farewell to the captain-commander. Wonderweiss then moves to attack Yamamoto who swiftly lands a devastating punch with force so great that it creates a large hole in Wonderweiss' chest and sends the Arrancar flying several city blocks before crashing into a building. Yamamoto then asks Aizen if he actually thought that by sealing his Zanpakutō that he would be able to strike him down. He tells Aizen that he is naive and asks him if he ever stopped to think how he served 1,000 years as the Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13. He states that there has not been a Shinigami stronger than him born in the past thousand years. He then uses Shunpo and appears in front of Aizen and moves to punch him in the face, but the blow is intercepted by Wonderweiss who takes the impact instead. Yamamoto remarks to the Arrancar that he wasn't planning on leaving anything to chance and that he has some remarkable features. He then resolves that if he can't break one bone he will result to tactics that bring more pain, as he removes his top.

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Wonderweiss momentarily captures Yamamoto.

Wonderweiss goes to attack but Yamamoto quickly dodges out of the way. He then questions Wonderweiss if he is unable to adapt and learn or if all he capable of is regeneration. An arm then extends itself from out of the back of Wonderweiss' shoulder and tries to attack the captain-commander, who promptly grabs it and tears it off. Wonderweiss screams as other arms appear from his shoulders and attack Yamamoto with an onslaught of punches. He then grabs Yamamoto's arms as the top of his shoulders explode revealing a multitude of arms, he then proceeds to pummel the captain-commander with an even greater magnitude of blows. Once he has stopped, Yamamoto, seemingly unaffected, asks him if that is all he has got, as he then rips off Wonderweiss arms that were holding him. Yamamoto then tells him if that was all he is glad that the Arrancar is no longer in child form as he is not going to hold back he is going to blast him to death. As he uses a hand-to-hand technique, Sōkotsu, against Wonderweiss.[56]

Wonderweiss disintigrates

Yamamoto shatters Wonderweiss.

The blow utterly destroys Wonderweiss as the Arrancar screams and then shatters into pieces. The captain-commander laments the whole of Wonderweiss's existence as pathetic and inhuman. Aizen questions in his words and makes note that the very nature of being a Hollow means that they as creatures serve no purpose and only exist to devour souls and that he in fact gave them a purpose. He then tells Yamamoto that the only one inhuman is him as he just crushed a soul with purpose. Yamamoto states he has no intention of entering into a pointless argument with the likes of him, as it will all soon be over. Aizen tells him that he makes light of his words and then explains that captain-commander should remember his previous words. Wonderweiss' Resurrección, Extinguir, was created for the sole purpose of sealing Ryūjin Jakka. Sealing the blade makes it impossible for it create new flames, but Aizen asks what happens to flames already produced, as Yamamoto had flames already in effect before Wonderweiss showed up. He then asks the captain-commander where those flames were sealed. Yamamoto immediately realizes that those flames are sealed in Wonderweiss' body and now that he is dead, they will explode. Yamamoto jumps on the body as it erupts in a large area, destroying buildings around it. Aizen approaches as the flames subside to the captain-commander who has been injured by the explosion. Aizen states that seeing as Yamamoto was able to reduce the damage of an explosion of that size, he is truly worthy of the title captain-commander. Had he not suppressed the explosion with his body, the flames would have vaporized the barrier around the fake Karakura Town and even an area greater than the size of the town would have been turned to ashes. He then thanks Yamamoto for protecting his world. He then moves close to the prone captain-commander and unsheathes his Zanpakutō, telling him that he shouldn't think that he would say something like "I won't kill you". Yamamoto is the history of Soul Society, so at the very least he must finish him off with his own blade. Yamamoto then grabs Aizen by the ankle and tells him not to make him say it again, as he calls Aizen naive.[57] Yamamoto takes advantage of the damage inflicted by Wonderweiss' explosion to use his own charred body as a catalyst for the sacrificial spell, "Ittō Kasō", his arm cracking as he casts it and becomes greatly damaged.[58]

Ten days after Aizen's defeat and subsequent capture, Yamamoto returns to Soul Society, where his injures are healed, save for his lost left arm. He is furious to learn that not only did Captains Shunsui, Byakuya, and Kenpachi lose their respective captain haori, but that they care very little about it. He proceeds to scold the three for their lack of care for the symbol of their station.[59]

Восстание духовных мечей (только в аниме)

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.
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The barrier surrounding Yamamoto

Yamamoto is first seen when the manifestations of Katen Kyōkotsu, Minazuki and Sōgyo no Kotowari approach the doors of the 1st division office while he is doing some paperwork.[60] While unseen what happens, Muramasa later details to the gathered Gotei 13 captains and lieutenants that Captain-Commander has been sealed away by Minazuki, Katen Kyōkotsu and Sōgyo no Kotowari after his own Zanpakutō, Ryūjin Jakka, refused to join forces with Muramasa.[60] Yamamoto is later seen inside a pyramid where Sōgyo no Kotowari, Katen Kyōkotsu, and Minazuki begin pouring their energy into it, resulting in Yamamoto releasing a surge of flames to drive them back.[61]

Following the discovery of where the captain-commander is being held, captains Kenpachi Zaraki, Shunsui Kyōraku, Jūshirō Ukitake alongside Yoruichi Shihōin and Ichigo Kurosaki proceed into the underground caves of Soul Society to save him. Ichigo finally makes it to the chamber where he finds Yamamoto unconscious inside the barrier with flames from his Zanpakutō making it impossible to get near, Ichigo resolves to himself to break the barrier and free the captain-commander.[62] Ichigo is then engaged in battle by Muramasa who goads him into using his full power against him. Ichigo gives him what he asks for by using his Getsuga Tenshō at its most powerful level (enhanced via his Bankai and Hollow Mask), causing a large explosion. When the dust settles, Yoruichi, Ichigo, Shunsui and Ukitake are present to see the barrier crack and shatter. Shunsui notes that Muramasa combined his power with Ichigo's attack while deflecting it toward the barrier in order to break it. They all realize then that they were all wrong in the assessment that Muramasa had placed the barrier around the captain-commander, realizing too late that Yamamoto had put the barrier up himself.[63]

Ryujin Jakka and Shinigami

Muramasa unleashes Ryūjin Jakka

Yamamoto awakens and states that they have lost this round before he uses Shunpo to move next to them. Yamamoto then explains that Muramasa wanted to enter his inner world so that he could take control of his Zanpakutō spirit as he did the others. Muramasa confirms their realization, stating that by placing himself in a barrier and going unconscious, Yamamoto had made sure that he had no way into the captain-commander's mind. In fact, he had brought out the Zanpakutō spirits of the other Shinigami and staged the "Zanpakutō Rebellion" all to lead to his final goal. Yamamoto and the others then witness the enraged Katen Kyōkotsu and Sōgyo no Kotowari move to attack Muramasa for his betrayal and manipulating them. They are all surprised when a large wall of flames incinerates the two pairs and recognize that Muramasa now has control of Ryūjin Jakka. Muramasa escapes in a huge column of flame, leaving Ukitake to ask the captain-commander what Muramasa is, to which Yamamoto states that he is a Zanpakutō with tapeworm-like abilities. He enters his enemy's Zanpakutō and uses it as necessary, making him quite unique. The captain-commander then tells them that the Gotei 13 must stop him.[63]

While the group is trapped in Ryūjin Jakka's flames, Yamamoto tells them that Muramasa is the Zanpakutō of Kōga Kuchiki, a rebel Shinigami who once turned on Soul Society. Kōga was eventually sealed away in Karakura Town, and Genryūsai explains that he knew how to break the seal that was placed on him, knowledge which is now in the hands of Muramasa. After sending Ichigo to Karakura to stop Muramasa, Yamamoto decides it is time to punish his Zanpakutō.[64]

Армия вторжения защитных отрядов (только в аниме)

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.
Nanao Rangiku return E317

Yamamoto present when the lieutenants return.

When Yamamoto is notified of the situation concerning the missing lieutenants, he calls the captain of the 12th Division, Mayuri Kurotsuchi to his office for his opinion on the matter. After hearing Mayuri's explanation, Captain-Commander Yamamoto organises an urgent captains meeting in order to address the current issue occurring in Soul Society. At the captains meeting, Mayuri explains that there is a time gap in the Dangai that further study is needed on order to determine the cause. Yamamoto agrees and states that Mayuri will be in charge of the Dangai unit. He orders Kenpachi Zaraki as security. As the two quarrel about their positions, Yamamoto breaks their argument up, assigning Byakuya, Renji and Hitsugaya to assist them.[65]

Byakuya presents Dangai item

Yamamoto is presented with the Dangai item from Byakuya.

When Byakuya, Renji and Hitsugaya return from their trip to the Dangai, they present an item to Yamamoto. They inform him that they found it at the rendezvous site in which they were meant to regroup, claiming that Mayuri and the others were nowhere to be seen.[65] When many of the members of the Gotei 13 escape from the Dangai to the Human World, Yamamoto holds a captain's meeting in Soul Society, unaware that most of the captains are reigai.[66] He is visited by Ukitake and Kyōraku who reveal themselves to be Reigai by trying to attack him in surprise. However, Yamamoto evades their attack and reveals that he could sense their killing intent and that he will not lose to youngsters like them.[67] They continue their battle with their various techniques with Yamamoto marvelling at how similar the Reigai are to his original students. All three receive injuries from their attacks.[68] The Reigai of Ukitake and Kyōraku fall from the sky, very wor out from their battle. Yamamoto berates them for thinking him weakened with only one arm as they are clearly struggling against his flames. Yamamoto resolves to kill the two of them aftert hey insist that they have their own beliefs that differ from the originals and must remain a secret. Reigai-Unohana arrives on the scene then and heals the two of them but Yamamoto insists this is still a fight to the death regardless of her presence and continues to fight.[69]

Yamamoto unleashes his reiatsu

Yamamoto refuses to go down without a fight.

As the fight continues, Reigai-Ukitake attacks Yamamoto. He knocks the reigai back into a rock face before Kyōraku attacks. Yamamoto dodges with Shunpo and reappears just behind the reigai and kicks him into a rock face. Reigai-Ukitake charges at Yamamoto, to which Yamamoto responds by also charging and stabbing Ryūjin Jakka forward, but Reigai-Ukitake angles Sogy no Kotowari so that Ryūjin Jakka is trapped in the hook-like prong on the back of his blade. Yamamoto then activates Ryūjin Jakka's ability, sending an injured Ukitake flying through the air. As the smoke clears, Yamamoto sees that the Reigai-Unohana has healed Reigai-Ukitake and Kyōraku steps in next to them and raises his sword. Yamamoto calls them "darned children", promptly unleashing his fiery-red reiatsu.[70] The battle rages on as Kyōraku attacks and Yamamoto blasts him away, forcing Reigai-Ukitake to go on the defensive. Reigai-Kyōraku re-emerges, using Bushōgoma. Yamamoto breaks through the attack, forcing the reigais back once more and Unohana steps in to heal them. She comments that his reiatsu is slowly draining and soon he will not have enough to continue the fight. Yamamoto shrugs it off and raises his reiatsu in response. As the reigai attack again, he slams his Zanpakutō into the ground, entrapping them all in Ennetsu Jigoku.[71]

E330 Renji before Unohana, Yamamoto

Yamamoto gives Renji his orders.

Unohana arrives and supports him following his battle with the Reigai. She urges him to fall back and regroup, as the Gotei 13 would fall apart without him. Later, while receiving treatment from Unohana, he asks Renji Abarai about the situation. Renji reports that they have lost contact with the other captains and says that it is hard to believe that the captains were defeated so easily, suggesting that the signal Urahara had received may have been incomplete. Yamamoto tells the lieutenant that there is no need to comfort him. Pointing out that the only battle ready people are the lieutenants and Ichigo's group in the Human World, he says that they must prepare for an invasion. Unohana notes that she has noticed Hollows appearing in large numbers. Yamamoto explains that this is due to the power balance between Soul Society and the Human World being disrupted. He tells Renji that protecting the Human World from Hollows is important, but they must not give Inaba an opportunity to invade. After Renji leaves, Unohana turns to Yamamoto, who tells her that she does not have to say it, which she relents to.[72] Yamamoto is then seen healed by Unohana.[73]

Later after recovering, Yamamoto goes to the living world, arriving in time to save his subordinates from the Reigai-Byakuya with a powerful surge of flames that easily defeats the reigai.[74] Upon landing, he asks about Nozomi, quickly making it clear he isn't interested in her identity beyond being a Mod Soul. Before they could talk further about this, the reigais of Ukitake and Kyōraku appear. Yamamoto insists that everyone stay back, but Nozomi, determined to not let anyone else get hurt because of her charges forward to fight the reigai, prompting Ichigo to back her up. While Yamamoto watches and is annoyed at their reckless behavior, the Reigai-Unohana appears and ensnares Yamamoto is multiple high-level Bakudō spells. Despite this effort, Yamamoto almost effortlessly breaks free from his imprisonment with an enormous eruption of blazing reiatsu.[75]


Yamamoto battles Kagerōza.

As the three captain-reigai prepare to engage Yamamoto, Kagerōza appears to take over the fight, convinced that Yamamoto has been weakened enough. After a brief skirmish, Ichigo warns the captain of Kagerōza's Shikai, which Yamamoto rebuffs by saying he is already aware. While thinking of how to handle Kagerōza, Nozomi offers to be a distraction, allowing for an opening to attack. Before she attacks, Yamamoto secretly gives some of his reiatsu to Nozomi's Shikai. She then attacks Kagerōza who easily dodges her attacks. Finding the opening he needs, Yamamoto attacks with powerful fire blast. Kagerōza sees it and quickly reacts. However, Ichigo also launches an attack of his own. As the explosion settles, Kagerōza emerges unharmed. He explains that as he couldn't copy negate and copy their attacks at the same time, he instead copied Nozomi's absorption power and used it instead to counter Yamamoto and Ichigo's attack. Kagerōza then unleashes all the collect energy Yamamoto, only for Nozomi to appear in front of Yamamoto and attempt to absorb the blast.[75]


Nozomi asks why Yamamoto saved her life.

Nozomi's blade is unable to absorb such large amounts of energy at once and shatters. Before the blast can hit her, Yamamoto intervenes, pushing her out of the way and countering the blast. The colliding blasts erupt and launch them both to the ground. Badly injured, Nozomi asks him why he saved her after voicing his disapproval of her as a Mod Soul. Yamamoto merely says that his pride will not allow him to be saved by a child. He then collapses. Soon afterwards, Kagerōza emerges, hurt but still able to fight. As he attempts to take Nozomi, Yamamoto regains consciousness and launches a fire blast at him, giving Nozomi a chance to retreat. Kagerōza goes after her, but Yamamoto is too weak to follow.[76] He is later brought to the Shinigami's temporary base for treatment. While stable, Unohana states that Yamamoto will not be able to rejoin the fight for a awhile.[77]

After Ōko Yushima is resurrected, he begins his endgame, using his "Renzan: Hajō Kūri" technique to produce a giant structure that begins absorbing the Soul Society's reishi to destroy it. Yamamoto makes a timely return, producing a massive "Danku" spell to repel one of the giant structure's potent blasts. Before the Shinigami can act against the destructive technique, the Reigai approach them. Reigai-Ukitake reveals that their actions have been to protect the Soul Society in their own views. The Reigai then go off to stop their fellow Mod Soul from carrying out his chaotic plan.[78]

Потерянный И.О.

During a meeting with the captains in the 1st Division offices, Urahara asks for help with restoring Ichigo's powers. Yamamoto tells Urahara to come approach with the special sword he would be using for that purpose, prompting Unohana to ask if he intends to help. He replies that they were saved by Ichigo and it is now their turn to save him, regardless of such action going against customs as it would be shameful if they did not help somebody they owed so much to. He orders all the captains and lieutenants to place their reiatsu into the sword.[79]

Yamamoto orders Renji to bring back Kūgo Ginjō's body when he is dead. Later, a messenger reports to Yamamoto that Ichigo has arrived in Soul Society. When Ichigo arrives at the First Division, he meets with Yamamoto and most of the other captains. Yamamoto starts to say that Ichigo had fought an arduous battle, but Ichigo states that that he came to take back Kūgo's body so that he can bury it. After Ichigo explains his reasons to Captain Hirako, Yamamoto states that he believes Ichigo thought carefully about it before making his request.[80] He eventually approves his request, and Ichigo tells him to inform other Shinigami about his Substitute Shinigami licence since he will resume his former position.[81]

Тысячелетняя кровавая война


Yamamoto is confronted by strangers who declare war.

Yamamoto is seen in his office as he receives reports about the investigations carried out by the Eleventh Division and Ninth Division regarding the disappearances in the Rukongai. As his messenger begins to report about the Tenth Division, he is struck down before he can finish his sentence. Yamamoto turns to find that the culprits are seven masked individuals. When he demands who they are, one greets him and informs him that they are there to declare war on the Gotei 13.[82] When one of the group of strangers questions the level of security in the Captain-Commander's chamber, Yamamoto tells him that he himself is the best security there is. When Lieutenant Sasakibe is propelled across the room with a large arrow through his body, the stranger tells him to praise the lieutenant for showing him what his fate would be and states that after fighting and sacrificing everything, Soul Society will be destroyed in five days by the "Vandenreich".[83]


Yamamoto mourns at Sasakibe's funeral.

Yamamoto frees Sasakibe and looks at the masked men. One of the masked men informs him that he can tell that Yamamoto wants to ask who they are and that they would never answer although it is easy to figure out who they really are. They say farewell to Yamamoto and leaves by using a shadow but Yamamoto tries to make them stay and releases his Ryūjin Jakka and burns a large area before realizing that the men had already left. He notices that their Reiatsu has already disappeared from the Seireitei, meaning that they are not affected by the Shakonmaku. Sasakibe wakes up and tells Yamamoto something about the masked men and Bankai[84] before dying.[85] Some time later, Yamamoto solemnly watches on at Sasakibe's cremation, giving the order to light the fire.[86]


Yamamoto announces for the Gotei 13 to prepare for war.

At a Captain's meeting, Yamamoto listens to Akon's report on the recent rebels who have declared war on Soul Society. Captain Kurotsuchi informs them that their enemies are Quincy but he doesn't know how they were able to invade. Yamamoto decides that they have heard enough and now just wants to know where their headquarters are. Kurotsuchi asserts that they do not know so Yamamoto laments that they cannot invade them, but still requests that all captains present prepare for war, so that they will not be unprepared for an attack the next time.[87] Mayuri confirms that he ordered his Division to kill 28,000 Rukongai citizens to correct the balance of souls. Yamamoto asks why he did not attain permission, noting that given the seriousness of the situation, he would have attained it. Mayuri responds that he would have had to take responsibility if things got worse. Yamamoto states that the situation would not have been so bad if the SRDI had reported the problem sooner. This prompts Mayuri to remind Yamamoto that he had dismissed Mayuri's warning when Uryū Ishida entered Soul Society and states that the Captain-Commander is responsible for the current events as he failed to kill "that man" a thousand years ago.[88]

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Driscoll is burned to the bones by Yamamoto's Shikai.

Some while later, the 'Stern Ritter' and the Vandenreich Leader invade Soul Society and Yamamoto looks on from his office. He tells Genshirō Okikiba to stay and protect the office and then leaves.[89] Later on, he arrives just in time to deflect an attack from the Stern Ritter Driscoll Berci who becomes elated at his presence. Driscoll reveals that he possesses Sasakibe's stolen Bankai and threatens to kill the Captain-Commander with it.[90] Yamamoto is struck by the Bankai, but says that it is weaker than when his lieutenant used it. He then proceeds to kill and incinerate the Stern Ritter with his Shikai.[91] Yamamoto then tells Hisagi that he will kill all the Vandenreich and heads off to fight on the front lines. He soon confronts Juhabach, stating that has come to kill him.[92]

Yamamoto is immediately attacked from above by Sternritter members Äs Nödt‎‎, NaNaNa Najahkoop and another Sternritter, with the intention of killing him as they believed him foolish to approach their leader by himself. Yamamoto then effortlessly incinerates them all with Ryūjin Jakka. Juhabach calls them stupid fools as its their own fault for interfering in his battle, Yamamoto simply gives a disappointed look. Juhabach asks what's on Yamamoto's mind to which the captain-commander attacks though the Vandenreich leader blocks it, though still sustains injury to his forearm. Yamamoto tells him that he has no changed and that the wicked way that he looks down on his own subordinates will end here today. Juhabach states that Yamamoto got old, but the way he allows his anger to get the best of him reminds him of when he was younger. Yamamoto tells him to be silent and attacks, Juhabach evades and generates his reishi sword. The captain-commander acknowledges the weapon, to which the Quincy state he acts as though he was waiting for him to bring the sword out, Yamamoto acknowledges he in fact was waiting for it. So that he may destroy Juhabach in entirely. Yamamoto then releases his Bankai, Zanka no Tachi.[93]

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Yamamoto activates his Zanjutsu Gokui technique.

While the Unnamed Vandenreich Member questions the look of what is apparently Yamamoto's bankai. Juhabach tells him that he should not underestimate the sword and further details its power.[94] Yamamoto confirms the Quincy's explanation making note that Juhabach has already seen this bankai, some 1,000 years ago and questions him on if he thinks facing it again will be the same as it was then. Yamamoto then tells the Vandenreich Emperor that he can try Zanka no Tachi's blade on his own body and determine for himself if its the same as 1,000 years ago or not.[95] Yamamoto attacks but Juhabach evades and notes that the point of the blade is the real danger after watching a piece of rubble it touches creates a effortless gash. Yamamoto then releases a technique and explains it ability. He remarks that not even the Quincy's Blut Vene can defend against it. Juhabach notes that the technique is boring and states that he simply has to cut him without touching his sword. He goes to attack the Shinigami and soon finds that his own sword his been incinerated in half, much to his surprise. Yamamoto tells him he is too confident and that he should listen when people talk. He then reveals another technique and explains its powers to the Quincy. He explains he cannot be touched while he is using bankai, surprising the Vandenreich leader.[96]

Yamamoto questions why the Juhabach is just standing around and encourages him to run if nothing else. The Vandenreich leader fires a Heliel Phiel but it is effortlessly destroyed, to which the captain-commander remarks that it would make sense that now that his sword is broken arrows are all he has left. He moves to attack but Juhabach calls on a technique "Kirchen Lied: Sankt Zwinger", a protection spell. Yamamoto undeterred activates his own technique "Zanka no Taichi, Minami: Kaka Juuman Okushi Daisoujin", which calls forth a undead army.[97]

Силы и способности

Боевые данные Ямамото

Боевые данные Ямамото[6]

Мастер владения мечом: Как основатель Академии cинигами с более чем двухтысячелетним опытом ведения боя, Ямамото считается сильнейшим из бойцов Готея 13.[98] Только «избранные» могут надеяться на то, чтобы выстоять бой против него. Он способен одновременно сражаться с двумя синигами уровня капитана, держа меч только одной рукой.[99][69] Его навыки в искусстве фехтования позволяют ему победить своего врага с одного мощного и точного удара.[100][101]

  • Hitotsume: Nadegiri (一つ目・撫で斬り, "The First: Killing Stroke"): This basic technique allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed, it can casually slice through large, multi-story high opponents. The opponent can be killed with one swift slash so precise, that they aren't even aware of until after it has taken place.[100]
  • Onibi (鬼火|"Oni Fire"):[102] a technique where Yamamoto takes his sealed Zanpakutō in its cane form and uses a powerful thrust to cause a large hole in the body of the Hollow creature Ayon.[103]

Мастер мгновенной поступи: Он является высококвалифицированным и опытным в искусстве мгновенной поступи, будучи в состоянии опередить Сюнсуя и Дзюсиро с точки зрения скорости во время погони через Сейрейтей. Он способен легко обогнать обоих капитанов и прибывает в место назначения даже будучи незамеченным двумя другими капитанами[28]

Мастер стратегии и тактики: With his years of experience as a teacher and warrior, along with being the commander of the entire Gotei 13, Yamamoto is a very intelligent man. He is capable of quickly adjusting to new developments and making quick decisions accordingly. He has great tactical acumen, as shown from his preparations for the battle in Karakura Town. As noted by Aizen, Yamamoto is very cunning, setting up a trap to kill him while Aizen was focused on the Visored and the rest of the Gotei 13.[104] He is shown to be also a very perceptive man, demonstrated from how easily he could tell Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi was hiding knowledge on the Bounts. His skill at battle tactics is undeniable, as general he commonly sends the captains and divisions out to engage in battle for over a number of centuries, be it to relatively small or large number of threats.

Гигантская духовная сила: Being one of the oldest members of Soul Society, Yamamoto possesses an exceedingly powerful Reiatsu, capable of making other captain level Shinigami of Kyōraku and Ukitake's caliber sweat in fear and paralyzes Lieutenant Nanao Ise with a simple look. This later caused her to faint, and she had to be taken a safe distance away, by Shunsui, from the Captain General simply to regain her ability to breathe.[105] Its sheer strength is also great enough to easily break free of four overlapping and high-level Bakudō spells restraining him.[75] Even Aizen openly acknowledges Yamamoto's power being superior to his own spiritual power.[98] Yamamoto states that the reason why he has been able to serve as the Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 for over 1,000 years is because there hasn't been a Shinigami stronger than him born in all that time.[106] Yamamoto's spiritual power has the same effect as his Zanpakutō, as it is the elemental representative of fire. He tends to glow with a fiery aura which has the potential to burn and set his surroundings on fire without the use of his Zanpakutō.

Гигантская сила: In addition to his surprising physique for his age, Yamamoto has shown tremendous physical strength as shown from how easily and swiftly he put a large hole into the chest of the monster Ayon without much effort at all, using only the blunt end of his cane. He also just as easily with a single hand stopped one of Ayon's strikes and overpowered it despite it having enlarged its arm and increased its strength several folds.[101] Yamamoto's strength is so immense that one punch was able to put a large hole through the chest of Wonderweiss while he was in Resurrección, as well as sends him flying back several city blocks.[107] He is also shown tearing off Wonderweiss's arms with his bare hands using little to no effort.[108][109] With a single double-fist strike, he can effortlessly shatter the whole of Wonderweiss' body into pieces.[110]

Гигантская выносливость: Despite his old age, Yamamoto is capable of fighting for long periods of time even when outnumbered with no visible signs of exhaustion, even against two of Soul Society's strongest captains, Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake, as he emerged without any sign of injury. He has also shown able to take directed attacks from others without being phased. He has been seen to even take being impaled on a sword without so much as flinching from the perceived damage, even when the blow is dealt by the likes of Aizen.[43][111]

Гигантская крепкость: In addition to resilience, Yamamoto has shown remarkable durability by being able to take an onslaught of punches from Wonderweiss's multiple arms twice and come out completely unfazed by the assault with no more than simple scratches.[112] He was able to sustain a direct explosion of flames that had the power to incinerate all of Karakura Town and a great area around it.[113]


Yamamoto uses Sōkotsu on Wonderweiss Margela.

Мастер рукопашного боя: While it is uncertain how much his ability have declined from his advanced age, Yamamoto remains a highly skilled and dangerous combatant even without his Zanpakutō. As with his skill in swordsmanship, he is also a powerful master in hand-to-hand combat, as evident from his ability to effortlessly catch a strike from the deceptively fast Ayon. Yamamoto is also capable of delivering powerful blows that can smash through Espada-level Hierro and block the majority of multiple punches from a multi-armed opponent.[114] [115][116][117]

  • Иккоцу (Flag of Japan 一骨, «одна кость»)ИккоцуFlag of Japan 一骨
    «одна кость»
    : A powerful punch used by Yamamoto against Wonderweiss. Using this technique, Yamamoto was able to destroy much of Wonderweiss' abdomen and sending him flying along a city street and into a building, destroying it.[118]
  • Сокоцу (Flag of Japan 双骨, «две кости»)СокоцуFlag of Japan 双骨
    «две кости»
    : Эта атака сильнее, чем Иккоцу, она представляет из себя мощный удар двумя кулаками [119] Она может полностью уничтожить противника с одного удара.[110]

Мастер кидо: Yamamoto's vast knowledge of Kidō is so great that he can perform them without calling out a name, while retaining its great potential power, whereas most users require a name to do so, if not a full incantation. He is also able to produce immensely powerful barriers to protect him from all but the strongest of dangers.[63] Yamamoto is capable of using level 96 Hadō without incantation and still uses it to great effect.[120]

Духовный меч

Рюджин Дзякка перенаправляется сюда. Про духа, появлявшегося в арках Восстание духовных мечей и Мечи-звери, см. Рюджин Дзякка (дух).

Рюджин Дзякка (流刃若火, "Текущий клинкоподобный огонь"): His Zanpakutō is the oldest and the most powerful fire-type Zanpakutō and has greater attack power than all other Zanpakutō in Soul Society.[121] In its sealed form, Ryūjin Jakka usually takes the appearance of a harmless wooden staff which can be used like a spear. At any time, Yamamoto can instantly remove that disguise, by peeling off the wood, to reveal its true form of a standard katana with a dark purple handle and a circular hand guard. Its power is so great that even the strongest of Shinigami are afraid of it even in its sealed form.


Высвобожденный Рюуджин Джакка

  • Шикай: Команда высвобождения его шикая — "Обрати всё сущее в пепел" (万象一切灰燼と為せ, бансё: иссай кайдзин то насэ).[122] При высвобождении его меча извергается огромное количество духовной энергии, которую можно ощутить с очень большого расстояния.[123]
Способности шикая: При высвобождении Рюуджин Джакки весь клинок охватывает огонь.[124] Жар это пламени способен испепелить всё, на что Ямамото направляет свой меч; воздух вокруг него превращается в пылающую бурю.[121] Только сильные бойцы, такие как Кьёраку и Укитаке, могут противостоять мощи этого меча, и то они не принимали на себя его ударов. Даже в шикае мощи Рюуджин Джакки достаточно, чтобы одновременно сражаться с сильнейшей парой капитанов в шикае.[125] В отличие от других духовных мечей, при высвобождении Рюуджин Джакки и выходе из шикая наложенные им техники продолжают работать, что видно, когда Ямамото заключает Айзена, Гина и Канаме в Крепость пламени.[126]
Файл:Bleach yamajii0215.jpg

Крепость пламени

  • Крепость из пламени (城郭炎上, дзё:гаку эндзё): Эта способность создает огромную стену огня, которая окружает врагов и обращается в огромную сферу из пламени. Эта способность очень мощна, она, например, способна удержать трех синигами уровня капитана (а именно Айзена, Гина и Канаме) на значительное время.[126]
  • Факел (松明, таимацу):[102] Эта способность может создать гигантское пламя простым взмахом Рюуджин Джакки. Пламя, порожденное этой атакой, поглощает всё, что попадается ему на пути, и оставляет после себя лишь пепел.[127] Ямамото может очень точно управлять пламенем, как его направлением, так и его мощью.[128]
Файл:Ryujin Jakka - Ennetsu Jigoku.jpg

Ямамото готовится атаковать Айзена Адским пламенем

  • Адское пламя (炎熱地獄, эннэцу дзигоку): Эта способность создаёт семь или более гигантских столбов пламени, которые окружают довольно большую площадь. Цель атаки заключается в том, чтобы заловить врага в сеть огня и уничтожить его. Атака имеет огромную мощь, её достаточно, чтобы уничтожить всё в радиусе её действия, включая самого Ямамото.[129] Атака по площади может даже покрыть всю Каракуру.[130]
  • Банкай: Занка но Тачи (残火太刀 , "Тати из оставшегося огня"): В банкае меч принимает форму древнего потёртого выжженного тати.[131]
Файл:Yamamoto bankai.png

Занка но Тачи

Способности банкая: При активации банкая весь созданный Рюуджин Джаккой огонь возвращается в меч.[131] Занка но Тачи заключает в себе всю мощь огня Рюуджин Джакки. Пламя внутри меча бесследно уничтожает всё, чего он касается. У Занка но Тачи также есть некоторый побочный эффект: вся влага поблизости (по крайней мере, на территории размером с Сейрейтей) медленно испаряется. Если он будет использоваться в течение значительного периода времени, даже Общество Душ может стать жертвой мощи этого банкая. Даже Тоширо Хитсугая не может использовать свой ледяной меч Хёринмару из-за жара Занка но Тачи. Ямамото утверждает, что при использовании техники Запад температура его тела достигает температуры Солнца.[132] Также Ямамото подтверждает то, что продолжительное использование его банкая может уничтожить его врага, Общество Душ и даже его самого.[133]
  • Восток Занка но Тачи: Край восходящего Солнца (残火の太刀 "東": 旭日刃, Занка но Тачи, Хигаси: Кёкудзицудзин): Эта способность концентрирует всё пламя Рюуджин Джакки по краю лезвия меча. Оно не жжёт, оно не изливается, оно просто бесследно уничтожает всё, чего касается. Даже защитная техника Ванденрейха, Блют Вене, не способна противостоять этой технике.[134]
  • Запад Занка но Тачи: Тюремная одежда из остатков Солнца (残火の太刀 "西": 残日獄衣, Занка но Тачи, Ниси: Зандзицу гокуи): Эта способность невидима, если Ямамото сам не захочет её показать. Его тело окутывает пламя, жар которого достигает 15 миллионов градусов, таким образом, к Ямамото невозможно даже приблизиться, когда он использует Запад.[135] Такой жар не может принять форму пламени, окутывающий Ямамото огонь — это его духовное давление.[136]
  • Юг Занка но Тачи: Несметная армия павших от великого огня (残火の太刀 "南": 火火十万億死大葬陣, Занка но Тачи, Минами: Кака дзю:манокуси дайсо:дзин): Ямамото вонзает свой клинок в землю и призывает пепел и тела тех, кто пал от его меча, чтобы те вышли и сражались против его врага. Мертвецы будут подчиняться любой команде Ямамото и будут сражаться до тех пор, пока не изотрут тела врагов в пыль.[137]
  • Север Занка но Тачи: Земля и небеса, обратитесь в пепел (残火の太刀 "北": 天地灰尽, Занка но Тачи, Кита: Тэнчи кайдзин): Удар концентрированного огня и жара, который бесследно уничтожает всё, чего касается меч.[138]

Появление в других проектах

Yamamoto is a playable character in most of the Bleach video games. He fights with his Shikai and has a variety of attacks; however he is shown using Jōkaku Enjou as a Special and Nadegiri in Soul Carnival 2. He appears in all four movies, but plays very little role in them. In the Nintendo DS video games, Bleach: The Blade of Fate and Bleach: Dark Souls, he is capable of performing Ama no Murakumo and Yazuhomura no Orochi in those games, the former named after the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi which is later known as the "Kusanagi no Tsurugi", which is one of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan, while the latter made an appearance in Bleach: The 3rd Phantom. When he performs Yazuhomura no Orochi, his strongest attack in those games, he shoots a giant pillar of fire upwards, which falls on the foe and the surrounding area. In Bleach: The 3rd Phantom, instead of the former, it creates a flaming area that burns the opponents. Also in Bleach: The 3rd Phantom, he is capable of using offensive spells, such as Shakkahō and Sōkatsui.

Интересные факты

  • Ichigo calls Yamamoto "Gramps," as seen in the Amagai arc, Kenpachi Zaraki calls him "Old fart," and Kyōraku calls him "Old Man-Yama," while all of the other captains (Ukitake and Komamura, in particular) use the honorifics.
  • Yamamoto has a habit of referring to those he faces in battle as "youngster," and he also refers to a battle as a "beating" or "punishment," giving reference to his age, as he is the oldest character in the series to date.
  • Yamamoto has never made it in the top 50 in the popularity polls but his Zanpakutō, Ryūjin Jakka, came 32nd in the Zanpakutō poll.
  • He is author of Got a minute? in the Seireitei Communication.[139]
  • The Shinigami Women's Association published a Photo Collection of Captain Yamamoto named Skeleton which was scrapped.[140]


  • (To Nanao Ise) "Listen well! Be gone from here! I don't have time nor the patience to teach a mere infant like you how to breathe."[142]
  • (To Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake) "I was proud of you as if you were my own sons. I believed that, even if the character is different, it is fine if they took the same paths."[143]
  • (To Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake) "As I taught you before, there is no mercy for he who obstructs justice."[144]
  • (To Shunsui Kyōraku and Jūshirō Ukitake) "There is no individual sense of justice that can overrule the justice of the world."[145]
  • (To the Gotei 13) "Get ready. Put the entirety of your spirit on the line and crush them here! Even if your flesh is torn asunder, be as a steel wall down to your last shard of bone! You must not let them take even a single step into Soul Society."[146]
  • (To Izuru Kira) "My, my. Making the Captain-Commander come out. What a pitiful bunch of division members."[147]
  • (To Ayon) "You are a beast that can think of nothing but killing people. How pathetic."[148]
  • (To Sōsuke Aizen) "Dying to exterminate great evil. Know that this is the spirit of the Gotei 13."[149]
  • (To Sōsuke Aizen) "You think that you can strike me down if you suppress Ryūjin Jakka? How naive. How dizzyingly naive. Why do you think that I held the position of Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 for a thousand years? It is because, in a thousand years, no Shinigami stronger than myself has been born.[106]
  • (To Wonderweiss Margela) "At the very least I am glad you no longer have the form of a child. I can beat you to death without remorse."[116]
  • (To Byakuya Kuchiki, Kenpachi Zaraki, and Shunsui Kyōraku) "Listen up!! Victory isn't all that matters in battle!! Just what do you all think your Captain Haori are anyway?!"[150]
  • (To the Gotei 13, about restoring Ichigo Kurosaki's powers) "Regardless of the circumstances, we were saved by Ichigo Kurosaki in our time of need. It is now time that we returned the favor. Even if that should require violating our own statutes, to allow such a debt to go unpaid would bring eternal shame upon the entire Gotei 13."[151]

События и сражения

*Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto vs. Shunsui Kyōraku & Jūshirō Ukitake - Draw
  • Conspiracy Revealed: End Game
  • Visored Training
  • Battle of the Chimera: Gotei 13 vs. Ayon - Win
  • The Arrival: The Visored Appear
  • Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto vs. Wonderweiss Margela - Win
  • Gotei 13 vs. Kasumiōji Clan - Win
  • Ichigo Kurosaki vs. Shūsuke Amagai - Interrupted
  • The Rebellion Begins: Rise of Muramasa
  • Turning Point: Rescue the Captain-Commander
  • Trapped by the Flames: Desperate Situation
  • Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto vs. Reigai-Shunsui Kyōraku & Reigai-Jūshirō Ukitake - Win
  • Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Ichigo Kurosaki & Nozomi Kujō vs. Kagerōza Inaba - Loss
  • Gotei 13 vs. The Reigai - Win


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 RefSouls, стр. 200
  2. 2,0 2,1 Манга Блич, обложка 45 тома
  3. 3,0 3,1 Bleach bw Глава 423
  4. Bleach bw Глава 504, стр. 10
  5. Bleach bw Глава 393, стр. 14-15
  6. 6,0 6,1 BleachOfficialBootlegLogo
  7. Bleach bw Глава 155, стр. 10-11
  8. Bleach bw Глава 504, стр. 7-12
  9. Bleach bw Глава 394, стр. 6
  10. RefSouls, стр. 98
  11. Bleach bw Глава 489, стр. 16-17
  12. Bleach bw Глава 311, стр. 15
  13. Bleach bw Глава 520, стр. 14
  14. Bleach bw Глава -108, стр. 13
  15. Bleach bw Глава -107, стр. 1-9
  16. Bleach bw Глава -102, стр. 1-13
  17. Bleach Серия 250
  18. Bleach Серия 251
  19. Bleach manga; Chapter 82, page 5
  20. Bleach manga; Chapter 82, page 17-19
  21. Bleach manga; Chapter 83, page 4
  22. Bleach manga; Chapter 147, page 4
  23. Bleach manga; Chapter 149, page 17-18
  24. Bleach manga; Chapter 150, page 15
  25. Bleach manga; Chapter 151, page 7
  26. Bleach manga; Chapter 152, page 11
  27. Bleach manga; Chapter 153, page 11-13
  28. 28,0 28,1 Bleach manga; Chapter 154, page 18-19
  29. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 1-14
  30. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 20-24
  31. Bleach manga; Chapter 156, page 6-19
  32. Bleach manga; Chapter 172, page 12
  33. Bleach manga; Chapter 178, page 11
  34. Bleach anime; Episode 92
  35. Bleach manga; Chapter 188
  36. Bleach manga; Chapter 224, page 16
  37. Bleach manga; Chapter 238, page 11
  38. Bleach manga; Chapter 247, page 1
  39. Bleach manga; Chapter 313, page 16
  40. Bleach manga; Chapter 313, pages 16-17
  41. Bleach manga; Chapters 314-315
  42. Bleach anime; Episode 168
  43. 43,0 43,1 Bleach anime; Episode 189
  44. Bleach anime; Episode 187-189
  45. Bleach manga; Chapter 316, pages 8-11
  46. Bleach manga; Chapter 318, page 12
  47. Bleach manga; Chapter 329
  48. Bleach manga; Chapter 337
  49. Bleach manga; Chapter 338
  50. Bleach manga; Chapter 339, page 2-7
  51. Bleach manga; Chapter 356 page 4
  52. Bleach manga; Chapter 364, page 8
  53. Bleach manga; Chapter 365, page 3
  54. Bleach manga; Chapter 365, pages 9-12
  55. Bleach manga; Chapter 393
  56. Bleach manga; Chapter 394
  57. Bleach manga; Chapter 395
  58. Bleach manga; Chapter 396, pages 2-4
  59. Bleach manga; Chapter 423, pages 4-6
  60. 60,0 60,1 Bleach anime; Episode 230
  61. Bleach anime; Episode 245
  62. Bleach anime; Episode 246
  63. 63,0 63,1 63,2 Bleach anime; Episode 247
  64. Bleach anime; Episode 248
  65. 65,0 65,1 Bleach anime; Episode 317
  66. Bleach anime; Episode 320
  67. Bleach anime; Episode 323
  68. Bleach anime; Episode 324
  69. 69,0 69,1 Bleach anime; Episode 325
  70. Bleach anime; Episode 326
  71. Bleach anime; Episode 327
  72. Bleach anime; Episode 330
  73. Bleach anime; Episode 331
  74. Bleach anime; Episode 332
  75. 75,0 75,1 75,2 Bleach anime; Episode 333
  76. Bleach anime; Episode 334
  77. Bleach anime; Episode 335
  78. Bleach anime; Episode 341
  79. Bleach manga; Chapter 461, pages 12-15
  80. Bleach manga; Chapter 479, pages 6-15
  81. Bleach anime; Episode 366
  82. Bleach Chapter 482; pages 15-17
  83. Bleach manga; Chapter 483, pages 2-4 & 17-18
  84. Bleach manga; Chapter 484, pages 2-7
  85. Bleach manga; Chapter 485, pages 7
  86. Bleach manga; Chapter 486, pages 7-8
  87. Bleach manga; Chapter 488, pages 10-14
  88. Bleach manga; Chapter 489, pages 15-17
  89. Bleach manga; Chapter 494, pages 10-11
  90. Bleach manga; Chapter 503, pages 14-16
  91. Bleach manga; Chapter 504, pages 1-17
  92. Bleach manga; Chapter 505, pages 1-19
  93. Bleach manga; Chapter 506, pages 7-18
  94. Bleach manga; Chapter 507, page 1
  95. Bleach manga; Chapter 507, page 4-5
  96. Bleach manga; Chapter 507, page 10-19
  97. Bleach manga; Chapter 508, page 9-16
  98. 98,0 98,1 Bleach bw Глава 393, стр. 18
  99. Bleach bw Глава 156, стр. 17-19
  100. 100,0 100,1 Bleach bw Глава 338, стр. 11-15
  101. 101,0 101,1 Bleach Серия 226
  102. 102,0 102,1 Bleach Official Character Book UNMASKED; page 153
  103. Bleach manga; Chapter 337, page 18
  104. 104,0 104,1 Bleach manga; Chapter 393, page 14
  105. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 4-6
  106. 106,0 106,1 Bleach manga; Chapter 394, page 6-7
  107. Bleach manga; Chapter 394, page 6
  108. Bleach manga; Chapter 394, page 13
  109. Bleach manga; Chapter 394, page 17-18
  110. 110,0 110,1 Bleach manga; Chapter 395, page 2-5
  111. Bleach manga; Chapter 393, pages 10-12
  112. Bleach manga; Chapter 394, page 15-17
  113. Bleach manga; Chapter 395, page 11-14
  114. Bleach manga; Chapter 394, pages 3-5
  115. Bleach manga; Chapter 394, page 12
  116. 116,0 116,1 Bleach manga; Chapter 394, page 17
  117. Bleach manga; Chapter 394, pages 14-16
  118. Bleach manga; Chapter 394, pages 5-9
  119. Bleach bw Глава 394, стр. 18-19
  120. Bleach manga; Chapter 395, page 17
  121. 121,0 121,1 Bleach manga; Chapter 156, page 8
  122. Bleach bw Глава 155, стр. 23-24
  123. Bleach bw Глава 156, стр. 1-4
  124. Bleach bw Глава 156, стр. 9
  125. Bleach bw Глава 156
  126. 126,0 126,1 Bleach bw Глава 316, стр. 12-14
  127. Bleach bw Глава 338, стр. 20
  128. Bleach bw Глава 339, стр. 5-10
  129. Bleach bw Глава 393, стр. 13-14
  130. Bleach bw Глава 395, стр. 14
  131. 131,0 131,1 Bleach bw Глава 506, стр. 17
  132. Bleach bw Глава 507, стр. 21
  133. Bleach bw Глава 508, стр. 5
  134. Bleach bw Глава 507, стр. 13-15
  135. Bleach bw Глава 507, стр. 17-19
  136. Bleach bw Глава 508, стр. 1-2
  137. Bleach bw Глава 508, стр. 16
  138. Bleach bw Глава 509, стр. 15
  139. Bleach Bootleg; Page 46
  140. Bleach Bootleg; Page 28
  141. Bleach manga; Chapter 154, page 19
  142. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 6
  143. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 10
  144. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 21
  145. Bleach manga; Chapter 155, page 22
  146. Bleach manga; Chapter 329, pages 2-4
  147. Bleach manga; Chapter 338, page 2
  148. Bleach manga; Chapter 338, pages 10-11
  149. Bleach manga; Chapter 393, page 15
  150. Bleach manga; Chapter 423, page 6
  151. Bleach manga; Chapter 461, page 13-15


Главнокомандующий Готея 13
? — 2003 (~1000 лет)
Сюнсуй Кьёраку

Капитан первого отряда
? — 2003 (~1000 лет)
Сюнсуй Кьёраку

