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Блич вики



Бьякуя появляется перед Рукией

Бьякуя появляется на миссии со своим лейтенантом, Ренджи Абараем, чтобы поймать Рукию Кучики и убить Ичиго Куросаки. Он стоит и наблюдает, как Ренджи нападает на Рукию.[1] Он стоит рядом, когда Урюу Исида вмешивается в конфликт между Ренджи и Рукией.[2] Когда Ренджи расправляется с Исидой, Бьякуя замечает приход Ичиго и наблюдает, как Ренджи сражается с ним. Когда Ренджи почти повержен Ичиго, Бьякуя сообщает своему лейтенанту, что он слишком небрежен, но Ренджи заявляет, что не стоит ни о чем беспокоиться. Бьякуя объясняет ему, что Ичиго показался ему знакомым, потому что 33 часа назад спецслужбы получили его изображение после того, как он сражался с Меносом Гранде и нанёс тому серьезные повреждения. [3]

В конце концов, Ичиго начинает побеждать Ренджи. Когда он готовится нанести последний удар, Бьякуя разрезает меч Ичиго на две части, а затем наносит тому жестокую рану на груди.[4] Затем, Бьякуя спрашивает Ренджи, все ли в порядке. Ренджи отвечает, что не было никакой необходимости для него атаковать Ичиго напрямую, потому что он уже почти прикончил его. Бьякуя же говорит, что если долго только лишь наблюдать, не вмешиваясь в бой, можно растерять всё мастерство.[5] Когда Рукия подбегает к телу Ичиго, Бьякуя спрашивает ее, будет ли она по прежнему на стороне Ичиго после всего того, что случилось. Затем он говорит, что все понимает, потому что Ичиго напоминает «его». Ичиго приходит в сознание и хватает Бьякую за ногу. Бьякуя говорит ему отпустить, но Ичиго с вызовом говорит, что он его не слышит, и Бьякуя должен смотреть ему в глаза, когда разговаривает с ним. Ударив его по руке, Рукия ругает Ичиго и говорит Бьякуе, что она готова уйти. Затем она просит Бьякую оставить Ичиго, тот соглашается. Бьякуя утверждает, что Ичиго скончается он полученных травм за полчаса, а даже если выживет, то потеряет все силы синигами. Тогда Ренджи открывает Сенкаймон, чтобы вернуться в Общество Душ.


Бьякуя сообщает Рукии о ее смертном приговоре.

Позже, в Обществе Душ, Бьякуя сообщает Рукии, что она будет казнена за ее преступления.[6] Затем он сталкивается с Кенпачи Зараки, капитаном одиннадцатого отряда, и Гином Ичимару, капитаном третьего. Они дразнят его по поводу того, что его сестра приговорена к казни как преступница. Бьякуя отвечает, что он и не думал, что люди из нижнего класса смогут понять чувства аристократов. Бьякуя и Кенпачи препираются и угрожают друг другу, но Гин останавливает перепалку и уходит, прихватив с собой последнего.[7]

Общество душ

Требуется перевод сюжета.

Бьякуя неожиданно появляется позади Хинамори.

Бьякуя присутствовал на внеочередном заседании капитанов, созванном главнокомандующим Ямамото, где он хранит молчание на протяжении всего собрания, не препятствуя спорам между капитанами. [8][9] После поражения Ренджи от руки Ичиго, Абарай находится в безопасном месте, за которым наблюдают лейтенанты Изуру Кира и Момо Хинамори, собирающиеся позвать медиков 4-ого отряда. Бьякуя говорит им, что в этом нет необходимости, так как Ренджи должен быть брошен в тюрьму. Когда Момо умоляет его не поступать подобным образом, Бьякуя ясно дает понять, что Абарай поступил опрометчиво, когда пошел один, и его проигрыш неприемлем. Момо спрашивает его, как он может так говорить, но ее останавливает Изуру, который извиняется перед Бьякуей, и Момо, неохотно, делает то же самое. [10]

Позже Бьякуя останавливает попытку Гандзю Шибы и Ханатаро Ямады спасти Рукию. Бьякуя сказал Гандзю, что он ощутил слабую духовную силу, исходящую из стороны «Башни раскаяния», изначально думая, что это был сильный шинигами, который скрывал свою реацу, но это оказалось ошибкой.[11] Бьякуя атакует Гандзю и наносит серьезное ранение по его руке. Гандзю говорит, что Бьякуя трус, и не существует такой атаки, которая могла бы испугать члена семьи Шиба. [12] Услышав его фамилию, капитан просит прощение за то, что не изувечил его сильней. Бьякуя игнорирует мольбу Рукии и высвобождает шикай и наносит тяжелые ранения Гандзю.

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Джуширо останавливает атаку Бьякуи на Гандзю и Ханатаро.

Когда Бьякуя уже был готов убить Гандзю, его остановил Джуширо Укитаке, который сказал, что высвобождение дзанпакто на территории «Башни раскаяния» – первоклассное преступление. Однако Бьякуя сообщает ему, что в связи с введением военного положения, офицерам разрешается использование дзанпакто по их усмотрению. В этот момент, Бьякуя и Джуширо чувствуют приближение сильной духовной энергии капитанского уровня. [13] Затем появляется Ичиго, и между ним и Бьякуей завязывается бой. [14] На вопрос Укитаке, кто такой Ичиго, капитан Кучики отвечает, что он - никто.[15]


Шикай Бьякуи был остановлен Йоруичи.

After a brief exchange of words, Byakuya states that he doesn't know how he has reacquired Shinigami powers, but he should have resumed his normal Human life. After failing in an attempt to use Senka on Ichigo, Byakuya releases Senbonzakura's Shikai,[16] but is stopped by Yoruichi.[17] Byakuya recognizes her and watches as she knocks Ichigo out. Byakuya comments that she will not be able to escape easily. Yoruichi asks him if he ever won even one time against her in a game of tag and Byakuya asks if they should try again. Then the two engage in a test of speed using Shunpo with Yoruichi carrying an unconscious Ichigo, while still staying a step ahead of Byakuya. She quickly moves to the top a nearby building and yells down to Byakuya that in three days she will make Ichigo stronger than him and their fight is on hold until then. She then flees with Ichigo.[18] Byakuya then leaves the area, telling Ukitake that he has lost interest and that he can do whatever he wants to do with the Ryoka.[19]

After the date of Rukia's execution is brought forward, Ukitake tries to convince Byakuya to try to stop it. Byakuya simply brushes him off, saying that he explains that he will honor Central 46's decision. When Ukitake's illness flairs up, Byakuya tells him not to become worked up over it, reminding him of the loss of his former lieutenant. Stating that Rukia is a member of his family and not Ukitake's, he insists that it does not concern Ukitake.[20]

On the morning of Rukia's execution, Byakuya is in his quarters praying at the shrine to his wife when he is told that the execution is about to commence. He then says goodbye to Hisana's picture and departs for the execution grounds.[21] Before reaching the Sōkyoku Hill, he encounters Renji, who has escaped from jail and fought his way through his fellow 6th Division members in a bid to save Rukia. Upon learning of Renji's intentions, Byakuya states that he will not allow him to do so.[22] Byakuya tries to use Senka to defeat Renji swiftly, but his lieutenant blocks the attack.[23] Byakuya attempts to release his Shikai, but Renji stops it with his own Shikai. Renji tells him of his long standing desire to surpass Byakuya and activates his Bankai.[24]


Byakuya fights Renji's Bankai

Byakuya is somewhat surprised and asks when Renji acquired Bankai. Renji plainly tells him that he will never know, since he never did care about his subordinates. Renji attacks his captain, who affirms that he is indeed using a Bankai. Byakuya uses his Shikai to attack Renji's Bankai, seemingly breaking it apart. However, it reconstitutes itself, briefly forcing Byakuya to his knee.[25] As Renji tries to attack again, Byakuya uses a Sōkatsui spell to disrupt the movements of his Bankai before binding Renji with Rikujōkōrō.[26] Byakuya then releases his Bankai, which grievously injures Renji.[27]


Byakuya defeats Renji

Byakuya tells Renji that he should be proud to still retain the form of his body after being struck by his Bankai. Renji refuses to give up and lunges at Byakuya, who uses his Bankai to immobilize him. He comments on the disappearance of Renji's Bankai and threatens to kill him. Renji tells him that he swore to his soul to save Rukia[28] and attempts to attack him again, but his sword breaks upon contact and he falls to the ground, defeated. Byakuya throws his scarf on top of Renji and congratulates him on having given Byakuya a superficial injury before leaving.[29]


Byakuya and Ichigo clash again.

Byakuya arrives at Rukia's execution, refusing to look at his sister.[30] As Rukia's execution commences, Byakuya is greatly surprised by the interference and arrival of Ichigo Kurosaki.[31] Byakuya looks on as Ichigo saves Rukia[32] and after Ichigo easily dispatches three lieutenants, Byakuya attacks him.[33] When Ichigo questions why Byakuya is not trying to save Rukia, Byakuya brushes it off, stating that Ichigo would not understand. The two clash and Byakuya states that he will kill Ichigo and execute Rukia himself.[34]

Ichigo taunts Byakuya, who releases his Shikai, only for Ichigo to counter it with Getsuga Tenshō,[35] which injures Byakuya's left hand. Byakuya activates his Bankai and injures Ichigo, who admits his error at using only his Shikai. Unimpressed, Byakuya says that he is talking as though he has already achieved Bankai, which Ichigo claims is the case.[36] Byakuya does not believe him and looks on in disbelief as Ichigo activates his Bankai, Tensa Zangetsu. Byakuya is confused by the small size of the Bankai, but before he can attack, Ichigo gets up close, pointing the tip of his blade at Byakuya's throat, and asks him if that pride has anything to do with Rukia's execution, because if so, he will step all over it.[37]


Byakuya tries to catch Ichigo by directing Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's movements with his hands.

When Ichigo backs off, Byakuya calls him arrogant for not attacking when he had the chance. They continue fighting until Ichigo becomes so fast that Senbonzakura Kageyoshi is unable keep up with him. Byakuya begins using his hand to direct his Bankai, causing it to move even faster. However, Ichigo is able to fend it off and, before Byakuya realizes it, Ichigo appears behind him and stabs the captain. Realizing the power of Ichigo's Bankai, Byakuya promises to destroy it[38] and activates his Senkei technique.[39] As they continue, Byakuya notes that Ichigo's movements have become slower. Byakuya calls forth one of the surrounding swords to stab Ichigo in the foot and then pierces Ichigo's shoulder with Byakurai. Byakuya commends him on having made it as far as he did, saying that he must realize by now that this is the end. He prepares for a finishing blow, but Ichigo's inner Hollow takes over and stops Byakuya's attack.[40]


The conclusion of the fight.

A stunned Byakuya is slashed across his chest. He regains his composure and dodges a black Getsuga Tenshō. Seeing the Hollow mask, Byakuya asks if he is a Hollow, but Ichigo rips off the mask and apologizes for the Hollow’s interference. Byakuya agrees to ignore what just transpired, but points out that neither of them have the strength to continue this for much longer. They agree to end the battle with the next blow. When Ichigo asks why Byakuya won’t save Rukia, Byakuya tells him that he will answer the question if he defeats him. Byakuya then uses the technique Shūkei, Hakuteiken and the two charge at each other, releasing a torrent of powerful reiatsu.[41]


Byakuya saves Rukia.

Both are badly wounded by this and Byakuya reveals his reasons for not saving Rukia. Ichigo tells him that if he was in his position, he would fight the rules. Byakuya realizes that Ichigo was fighting Soul Society's rules rather than him personally and he thinks that Ichigo has the same personality as Kaien Shiba. Byakuya then tells Ichigo that his ferocity has shattered his blade and that he will no longer pursue Rukia's death before leaving the area.[42]

Later, when Sōsuke Aizen orders Gin Ichimaru to kill Rukia, Byakuya saves her life and takes the attack with his body instead.[43] Byakuya collapses in Rukia's arms due to all his injuries.[44] While being treated for his massive injuries by Captain Unohana, Byakuya tells Rukia the truth of her past and explains why he was conflicted for so long between his promises to Hisana and his parents, making it hard for him to determine the role he should take when she was sentenced to be executed. He then thanks Ichigo for helping him make his decision to save Rukia in the end and he apologizes to Rukia.[45]

Связанные (только в аниме)

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.

When the Bounts threat to Soul Society becomes serious, Byakuya receives a message from Captain-Commander Yamamoto and he leaves to meet up with him.[46] The next morning, Byakuya arrives at the First Division barracks. While there, Yamamoto tells Byakuya that he believes Captain Kurotsuchi may have betrayed them. He asks Byakuya to check if there is any information on the Bount in the Kuchiki clan's archive, which Byakuya agrees to do.[47]

Byakuya Catches Rukia

Byakuya saves Rukia from the Bount Yoshi.

Byakuya later attends a captains’ meeting where Yamamoto informs the other captains about what Byakuya's search revealed. He is present when a messenger arrives and reports that Rukia is currently fighting a Bount. Byakuya arrives at the fight in time to save Rukia from Yoshi and has Rukia taken to the Kuchiki manor to recuperate. After a brief exchange, Ichigo asks Byakuya to join with him to defeat the Bounts, but Byakuya tells him to go back to his world as the Gotei 13 will take care of the situation in Soul Society. Later, in a forest in Rukongai, Byakuya encounters the Bount leader Jin Kariya and the two begin to fight.[48]


Byakuya fighting Kariya.

Byakuya asks him about his intentions and Kariya tells him that he is the most famous captain and as such his defeat would shock and demoralize all of Seireitei. Byakuya dismisses this as nonsense and attacks Kariya, who responds with wind-based attacks that causes Byakuya to become enveloped in a tornado. Byakuya responds with Kidō, but Kariya evades his attacks. They continue attacking relentlessly and are both enveloped in a tornado of Senbonzakura's blades. Ichigo arrives and disrupts the tornado with a Getsuga Tenshō, freeing the two combatants. Byakuya then notices Kariya absorbing reishi and listens as he explains how Bount can use the abundant reishi in Soul Society to empower and heal themselves. Byakuya watches as Ichigo attacks Kariya with his Bankai and while they are distracted, Byakuya uses his own Bankai to attack, telling Ichigo that he is in the way.[49]

Byakuya And Yoruichi

Byakuya observes the final clash between Ichigo and Kariya with Yoruichi Shihōin.

Kariya admits that Byakuya is much better than he thought, but reminds him that he can continuously heal. As the trio battle, a large blast catches their attention. When the smoke clears, Ran'Tao, the creator of the Bounts, emerges. After a brief exchange between Ran'Tao, Ichigo and Kariya, Byakuya continues to attack Kariya. They are all at a stalemate until an attack from Koga's doll, Dalk. As Koga and Kariya make their escape, Dalk attacks, but Byakuya uses Shunpo to dodge every attack. After the battle, Byakuya prepares to leave before Ichigo asks him if Kariya should be followed. Byakuya tells him that he is already gone and that there will be another time to catch him.[50] Byakuya later watches Ichigo's final battle with Kariya with full confidence in Ichigo's ability to defeat him.[51]



Byakuya and Kenpachi retrieve Hitsugaya's team on Yamamoto's order.

Some time after attending an emergency captains meeting,[52] Byakuya travels to the Human World to retrieve Tōshirō Hitsugaya's team on Captain-Commander Yamamoto's order. He secretly allows Rukia and Renji to return to the Human World to assist in the rescue of Orihime Inoue, stating that he was only ordered to bring them back to Soul Society and that what they chose to do afterwards was none of his concern.[53][54]

Уэко Мундо

Byakuya is told that Rukia and Renji have disappeared and that the Second Division is looking for them throughout Seireitei.[55] Byakuya later arrives in Las Noches[56] just in time to save Rukia from the 7th Espada, Zommari Rureaux. Byakuya refuses to tell the enemy who he is and asks him if he is the one that had injured Rukia. Zommari tells him that he is not the one but he was going to finish the job.[57]

Byakuya vs

Byakuya fighting Zommari Rureaux.

The pair demonstrate their speed, with Zommari claiming to have the fastest Sonido amongst the Espada and explaining that his Gemelos Sonido allows him to create quasi-clones. Byakuya criticises him for revealing his ability. Byakuya uses the Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihō, Utsusemi to escape one of Zommari's attacks.[58] After the pair exchange criticisms and taunts, Zommari releases his Zanpakutō and uses his Amor ability to take control of Byakuya's left leg. Byakuya responds by severing the tendons of his left leg. Zommari then turns his attention to the unconscious Rukia, but Byakuya shields her body with his own.[59] Hanatarō Yamada follows Byakuya on to the battlefield, but Byakuya orders Hanatarō back in case he is caught up in the battle.[60]

When Byakuya realizes that Zommari has taken possession of his left hand, he cuts the tendons and uses a Shō spell to free Rukia from the ice, instructing Hanatarō to fall back with her. Zommari reveals that he has taken control of Rukia's head, thus taking control of her entire body and after having her slash Hanatarō across the chest, he warns Byakuya to drop his sword or he will force Rukia to slit her own throat. Byakuya then restrains Rukia with Rikujōkōrō and releases his Bankai. Zommari becomes desperate and tries to use the full range of his power to control Byakuya's Bankai, but Byakuya explains that there are too many blades for him to control and activates his "Gōkei" technique to crush Zommari.[61]

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Byakuya finishing off Zommari Rureaux.

Zommari survives and tries to use his power to gain control over Byakuya, who counters by using Dankū. Byakuya explains that when he used Kidō to stop Rukia's possession, he figured out that Zommari's ability to possess was somewhat similar to Kidō, so in turn it could be canceled out by Kidō. Zommari begs for mercy and asks him to show some compassion. He angrily shouts at Byakuya that Shinigami are arrogant, taking an unnatural authority to proclaim Hollows as evil. Byakuya, impassive, states that he fought him because Zommari attacked Byakuya's pride (referring to Rukia) and kills Zommari.[62] Byakuya then instructs Isane Kotetsu to come out of her hiding place and take care of Rukia and Hanatarō.[63] When Rukia wakes up while being healed Byakuya merely brushes off her concern and tells her to rest as there is a much bigger fight forthcoming.[64]

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События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.
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Фальшивая Каракура

Byakuya & Kenpachi Arrive

Byakuya and Kenpachi arrive to help Ichigo.

As Yammy Llargo is about to crush Ichigo, Byakuya fires Sōkatsui at the Espada, while Kenpachi Zaraki cuts off one of Yammy's legs. The two captains then bicker for a while.[65] As Kenpachi begins to fight Yammy on his own, Byakuya stops Ichigo from joining the fight, telling him he has to return to the Human World. Mayuri Kurotsuchi appears with a cart, which Byakuya asks him about before Mayuri opens a Garganta. Ichigo begins to protest again, but Byakuya reminds him that his true duty is to protect Karakura Town, convincing Ichigo to go.[66] He asks Mayuri why he chose to remain in Hueco Mundo when there must have been more things on Earth that would have piqued his curiosity. Mayuri assures him that he was not plotting anything, and adds that there are more "interesting corpses" in Hueco Mundo and that he would examine the Human World later. Byakuya says that he is surprised to hear such words coming from Mayuri, since it sounded like he believed in Ichigo and his ability to end the war.[67]


Byakuya and Kenpachi prepare to face off against Yammy, in a contest to see who can take him down first.

As Byakuya watches Kenpachi take down Yammy, the battle-crazed captain asks Byakuya to finish off Yammy. Byakuya tells him that that is a job for a barbarian like Kenpachi. Yammy gets back up and fires a Cero at them. They both dodge the Cero and Byakuya releases his Bankai as they continue to bicker.[68] Yammy's huge form is knocked off balance by their powerful attack and he uses his anger to transform. He warns the captains that making him angrier is the last thing they would want to do as his release increases in strength the angrier he becomes.[69]

After defeating Yammy, Byakuya and Kenpachi exit a Garganta in Soul Society. The 4th Division immediately respond to their arrival, taking note that while both are standing, they are horribly injured.[70] After their injuries are treated, Byakuya and Kenpachi, along with Shunsui, are scolded for losing their respective captain haori. When the captains take the matter lightly, with Byakuya saying he can easily replace the cheap material, Yamamoto grows even angrier.[71]

Восстание духовных мечей (только в аниме)

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.

The Gotei 13 realize the dangerous situation they are in with Muramasa as an enemy.

Byakuya and Renji duel with many Shinigami looking on. During the battle, when Byakuya activates Bankai, Muramasa calls out to his Zanpakutō, telling it to hear his voice, causing one of the blades to cut Byakuya's arm. After a couple of attacks, he seals his Zanpakutō and Renji notes that something is wrong. Byakuya dismisses him, saying they are done for the day. He is later called to Sōkyoku Hill for an emergency meeting, where he and the other Shinigami are confronted by Muramasa. He witnesses his Zanpakutō's spirit materializing and joining Muramasa's side. He asks Muramasa who he is and watches as the new enemy declares war on the Shinigami.[72] Byakuya later stops Gonryōmaru from attacking Rukia. He is attacked by Senbonzakura, whose Shikai swallows up Byakuya.[73]

Byakuya & Senbonzakura - Escape

Byakuya departs with Muramasa and Senbonzakura.

Later, Byakuya (without his captain haori) knocks out a group of guards at the Seireitei records building. Sometime after this, he stands on top of a nearby building watching as Ichigo is attacked by Senbonzakura. When Ichigo notices him, he uses Shunpo and disappears.[74] Then while Senbonzakura and Ichigo are fighting, he reappears to stop Senbonzakura from continuing. He appears to be defecting as he states that he is following his inner desires to protect his pride. Byakuya warns Ichigo to stay away from Muramasa or he will die. Senbonzakura, Muramasa and Byakuya then depart.[75]

Sode no Shirayuki vs

Byakuya battling Sode no Shirayuki.

Byakuya is then shown in the Zanpakutō's hideout, where he is questioned about his reasons for defecting. Some of the spirits do not want to work with him, as they feel that it would go against their original purpose of betraying the Shinigami. Senbonzakura commands his former master to destroy Sode no Shirayuki to prove his loyalty. Thinking that he would not do this, the others prepare to attack him. Byakuya surprises them by fighting and defeating Sode no Shirayuki. Kazeshini is enraged, but Muramasa commends Byakuya's resolve and the other Zanpakutō accept him. Muramasa gives Byakuya a task. Later, in the partially-destroyed Sixth Division offices among a pile of fallen bodies, Byakuya is found by Rukia. Senbonzakura tosses the broken fragments of her sword to Rukia. Renji questions Byakuya, before trying to arrest him as a co-conspirator. Byakuya defeats him and is subsequently questioned by the Zanpakutō spirits about why he did not finish Renji off. Kazeshini prepares to step in to do the job, but the Onmitsukidō and several senior Gotei 13 officers and Ichigo surround them.[76]

Zaraki vs Byakuya

Byakuya vs Zaraki.

As the fight between Shinigami and Zanpakutō begins, Byakuya watches silently. Eventually, Kenpachi engages Byakuya. After it becomes clear that he may lose if he doesn't fight seriously, after just managing to dodge a massive blow's full impact, Byakuya unleashes his Shikai. Before they could finish their fight, Ashisogi Jizō ravages the battlefield, allowing Byakuya to escape with Senbonzakura. Upon returning to Muramasa’s hideout, he witnesses a Jigokuchō communicating with Muramasa and questions if the Zanpakutō spirit intends to travel to the Human World. Instead, Muramasa brings Byakuya to the location of Yamamoto.[77]

Byakuya blocks Kōga's attack.

Byakuya blocks Kōga's attack.

He approaches the Captain-Commander, but is impeded by a burst of fiery spiritual energy. Byakuya later witnesses the return of an injured Kazeshini, who openly expresses his unwillingness to risk his life for a Shinigami.[78] Byakuya later accompanies Muramasa and Senbonzakura to the Human World. Muramasa thanks Byakuya for leading him to Karakura Town, saying that he likely would not have found it without his aid. Byakuya leaves Muramasa's side to check that there are no Hollows nearby.[79] After Muramasa frees Kōga Kuchiki, the rogue Shinigami tries to strike down Muramasa. Before he can do so, however, Byakuya appears and blocks his sword, expressing his shock at how Kōga calls his own Zanpakutō a "tool" and attacks it. He says that Kōga does not deserve to be called a "Shinigami".[80]

Senbonzakura Helps Byakuya Kuchiki

Senbonzakura helps Byakuya Kuchiki to fight Kōga.

It is revealed that Byakuya only pretended to be a traitor to fulfill his promise to his grandfather to find and destroy Kōga should he ever resurface. With Ichigo and Rukia dealing with the unstable Muramasa and the Hollows he was releasing, concentrates on Kōga. Kōga grabs one of the spears that sealed him and the two quickly show themselves to be well matched in swordsmanship, Shunpo and Kidō. Kōga to utilize his unique powers to bind and mislead Byakuya. Senbonzakura lends his vision and power to Byakuya. They activate their Bankai's Senkei form and as Kōga becomes enraged that Byakuya is able to fight as his equal, Byakuya explains that it is only natural as Kōga arrogantly restricted his full potential by abandoning his Zanpakutō, while Byakuya learned to trust in his Zanpakutō and hence unleash his true potential. Byakuya then unleashes his Bankai's Shūkei form and charges at Kōga for a final clash,[81] defeating Kōga. Pitying Kōga for falling so much to his ego, Byakuya goes to aid the others in dealing with Muramasa. There, he finds that Muramasa's unstable energy has forcibly begun to open a Garganta and caused him to fuse with all the Hollows and transform into a giant dome-like structure that continues to grow.[82]

Byakuya, with Senbonzakura's assistance, succeeds in destroying several Gillians. Soon, the other Shinigami and their recently freed Zanpakutō spirits join in the fight. Knowing that the only way to stop the Gillians is to seal the Garganta, Byakuya decides to use his spiritual energy, reinforced by Senbonzakura's, to seal the portal. Their allies, upon realizing what they were attempting, join in and add their own reiatsu, eventually closing the Garganta.[83] After finishing off the last of the Gillians, Byakuya and the other Shinigami watch as the dome collapses, revealing Ichigo and a dying Muramasa. After Muramasa dies and apologizes for his mistakes, Byakuya approaches Ichigo and sincerely thanks Ichigo for all he has done.[84]

Мечи-звери (только в аниме)

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.

Byakuya goes to the 12th Division with Rukia.

Back in Soul Society, the Gotei 13 is given a day off to party and recover from the recent chaos. Byakuya uses his clan's connections and money to greatly speed up the repairs to Seireitei and allows his Division to celebrate at his mansion. Two creatures attack the manor and are fought off by Zanpakutō spirits, surprising Byakuya, who wonders how the spirits can still materialize. After the Zanpakutō spirits dispatch one of the intruders and the other flees, Byakuya and Rukia go to Mayuri Kurotsuchi for answers. He explains that several of the remaining rogue spirits succeeded in killing their masters, but, rather than dying with their master, they became what Kurotsuchi calls "Tōjū." Still having duties to take care of, Byakuya puts Rukia in charge of this ordeal and has Senbonzakura join her.[85]

Армия вторжения Готея 13

События этой арки происходят только в аниме и не являются каноном.
Byakuya presents Dangai item

Byakuya presents the Dangai item to Yamamoto.

Having entered the Dangai as part of a survey team, Byakuya emerges from the Senkaimon in Soul Society with Renji and Hitsugaya. They immediately enter the office of Captain-Commander Yamamoto and present him with the Substitute Shinigami Badge of Ichigo Kurosaki, which they found in the Dangai. They state that they lost contact with the original search team in the Dangai and that the badge was found at the rendezvous site.[86] Along with several other Shinigami, Byakuya apprehends Ichigo.[86] Some time later, upon arriving in the Human World, Byakuya saves Ichigo from Kagerōza Inaba.[87] The next day, Byakuya and the Shinigami hold a meeting about the current situation in Ichigo's room.[88]

Along with Komamura, Hitsugaya and Kenpachi, Byakuya decides to travel back to Seireitei in order to take out Inaba. He deduces that the Kōtotsu will appear any time a Shinigami enters the Dangai, a theory Urahara agrees with. While the Captains are running behind the Kōtotsu, the Kōryū closes in on them, forcing Komamura to stay behind and unleash his Bankai so that the others could complete their journey. The remaining three Captains split up in order to infiltrate the Twelfth Division's barracks.[89] Byakuya encounters the Reigai counterpart of Hitsugaya. The two battle intensely, with Byakuya forced to use his Gokei technique to defeat the Reigai.[90] He is then confronted by a Reigai copy of himself."[91]

As the skirmish goes on, Byakuya is forced him to fall back. As the Reigai's Shikai pursues him, it proceeds to cut him multiple times, much to his surprise. Later as Byakuya perches atop a tower, his Reigai counterpart informs him that his wounds are too severe to allow him to fight any longer. Byakuya soldiers on, releasing his Bankai [92] and defeating the Reigai. He rejoins the other captains as they confront Inaba. Byakuya pulls back as several Reigai appear before them and uses his Bankai to surround the Reigai. This creates an opening for the other Shinigami to attack, as Byakuya tells them to follow through.[93]

Byakuya and the other Shinigami watch as Mayuri fights Inaba. As Inaba releases the Reigai's true power, Byakuya and the other Shinigami prepare to fight them. As the Reigai jump down to attack the captains, Byakuya dodges their initial blows, coming face to face with the remade Reigai-Byakuya.[94] Eventually, Byakuya and the other captains are forced to retreat.[95] Later, they return in time to help Ichigo and Kisuke against the Reigai.[96] Determined to settle things once and for all, Byakuya faces his Reigai counterpart and insists on proving who is the true head of the Kuchiki Clan.[95]

As the battle continues, the Reigai increase in numbers and soon become a lot more dangerous, attacking whomever they see. Then, the lieutenants arrive and aid the captains. This also allows Byakuya to save Yoruichi from surprise attack by Reigai-Shunsui, despite becoming injured in the process.[97] As the battle progresses, Byakuya realizes they value self-preservation the most and will not attack first in fear of being outnumbered. Byakuya deduces that these ideals of relying on nobody and never truly trusting even their allies are a trait the Reigai acquired from Inaba. While Reigai-Hitsugaya is surprised by the captains fighting together, Byakuya states that they will do what they must to protect Soul Society.[98] Eventually, Byakuya watches as the Reigai aid in stopping Yushima.[99]

Потерянный И.О.


Byakuya and other Shinigami appear at the scene.

Byakuya is among those that placed their energy into the sword prepared by Kisuke Urahara to help restore Ichigo's powers. After Rukia stabs Ichigo with said sword, Byakuya exits a Senkaimon with several other Shinigami.[100] Byakuya interrupts Hitsugaya as he explains about Kūgo Ginjō's status as the first Substitute Shinigami to Ichigo. Hitsugaya states that he will leave the details until later.[101] As Yukio brings each of the duels into different pocket dimensions, Byakuya is paired with Tsukishima.[102] Byakuya says that he is lucky that he is the one fighting him, as Ichigo is too lenient and he cannot imagine Ichigo killing Tsukishima. Byakuya blocks Tsukishima's attack with his Shikai and reveals that he despises the way Tsukishima fights, stealing the bonds of camaraderie and torturing opponents, which he views as the height of cowardice.[103]


Tsukishima cuts Byakuya with Book of the End.

Tsukishima inserts his presence into a part of the ground using Book of the End, creating a trap which Byakuya subsequently triggers. Byakuya manages to escape from it and soon learns that Tsukishima has inserted himself into his Zanpakutō's past when he blocked a previous attack, this making him aware of all its techniques.[104] Tsukishima slashes Byakuya across the chest and reveals that he is fully aware of Byakuya's "Hurtless Area", knowing that the best tactic against his Shikai and Bankai is to get in close to Byakuya to avoid damage. Amazed that Tsukishima has learned so much about his abilities, Byakuya surmises that even his Bankai attacks will have no affect on Tsukishima, which the Fullbringer plainly agrees on.[105] Byakuya reseals Senbonzakura to remove the "Hurtless Area", but Tsukishima then shows the immense cutting power of his Fullbring, slicing Byakuya's blade in two. While Tsukishima mocks Byakuya, he calmly picks up the severed blade and drops it with his sword, activating his Bankai.[106]


Byakuya defeats Tsukishima.

Knowing where Tsukishima will strike, Byakuya takes the risk of allowing his blades to enter the "Hurtless Area". While Tsukishima applauds Byakuya's ingenuity and improved speed with his Bankai, he exploits the Bankai's speed by moving close enough to let the blades injure Byakuya's arm. Byakuya grabs some of Senbonzakura's petals and throws them through Tsukishima's chest. Admitting that he enjoyed fighting in a situation where preparation was irrelevant, Byakuya thanks Tsukishima for a joyful battle as the Fullbringer collapses.[107] Acknowledging defeat, Tsukishima asks Byakuya if he has any remorse for killing the man he claims he is thankful to before he can repay him. Byakuya admits he regrets not being able to repay him, but has no remorse for Tsukishima as he is Ichigo's enemy. He then finds the unconscious Rukia.[108]

Along with the other captains, he looks on as Ichigo breaks apart the last remaining pocket dimension with his Bankai.[109] To Rukia's surprise, Byakuya and the others turn to leave. Byakuya reminds her that they were only tasked with observing Ichigo and his decision.[110] When Ichigo subsequently goes to Soul Society to seek the return of Kūgo's body, Byakuya is informed of his arrival and is among the captains present to hear Ichigo's request.[111]

Тысячелетняя кровавая война

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Byakuya explains Chōjirō Sasakibe's past.

Byakuya and Renji attend the official funeral of Lieutenant Chōjirō Sasakibe. While waiting for the cremation to begin, Byakuya tells Renji of Chōjirō's abilities and loyalty to Yamamoto.[112] He later attends a captains meeting, where he is informed about Vandenreich's infiltration, and, along with the other captains, is ordered to prepare for war.[113] When the Vandenreich attack the Seireitei again, Byakuya is seated in front of a group of Shinigami when they notice the assault.[114] He later arrives to assist Renji in his fight against Äs Nödt and an unnamed Quincy, promptly disposing of the unnamed Quincy. He prepares to activate his Bankai in an attempt to discover what seal the Vandenreich use to suppress them. However, upon activating Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, it is immediately stolen by Äs using an unknown device.[115] Byakuya stops Renji from using his Bankai, stating he must not lose it as well.[116] Byakuya is later notified via transmitter swords, along with the other captains and lieutenants, by Rin Tsubokura that Ichigo is currently heading to Soul Society.[117]

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Byakuya is attacked with his own power.

As Byakuya is attacked by Äs Nödt's arrows, he relays to a worried Renji they would be foolish to attack together, and he should stand back and watch the fight so he can gain information on how to take down the enemy. Äs Nödt asks Byakuya if he realizes he is experiencing fear, which is what is making it hard for him to mount an effective attack or defense against it. It further details that this fear is a result of a unique ability administered by its Heliel Phiel. Äs Nödt goes into a speech, detailing the nature of fear, and commends Byakuya is for holding out as long as he has against it. Byakuya attempts to strike the Quincy, but it, dodging the attack, counters by impaling its hand through his chest, grievously wounding him. The Quincy explains that this fear is real and not based on reason, and therefore it is not something one can overcome. Byakuya moves to strike Äs, but it, moving out of the way, activates its medallion, bringing forth a ring of blades from "Senbonzakura Kageyoshi", which float about the Quincy. It uses the blades to attack Byakuya, shredding the captain with his own power.[118]

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Byakuya falls in battle.

Äs states there is nothing Byakuya can do, as there is no way he can win against his own Bankai using his Shikai. Renji attempts to intervene using his own Shikai.[119] While Renji attacks, Byakuya attempts to use his Shikai against the Quincy, who counters with a storm of blades. The storm of blades is so powerful, it sends Byakuya crashing into a nearby wall.[120] As Byakuya asks Renji and Rukia to forgive him, his Zanpakutō breaks into pieces, and he passes out from his wounds.[121]

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Byakuya speaks with Ichigo.

Ichigo, arriving in Soul Society, immediately speaks to Byakuya about Rukia and Renji, assuring him they are alive. Knowing he will succumb to his wounds soon, Byakuya admits to Ichigo he is ashamed of letting the enemy invade Soul Society, and regrets letting them kill many Shinigami, causing them, their subordinates, and their families to suffer. Despite Ichigo being a Human, who should not be involved in the affairs of Soul Society, Byakuya asks Ichigo to protect Soul Society.[122] After Ichigo leaves, Byakuya thinks about the Substitute Shinigami's lack of a reply, noting it is typical of him and he understands.

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Byakuya floats in one of Senjumaru Shutara's spheres.

He drops his Zanpakutō, which disintegrates.[123] After the battle for Soul Society ends, Byakuya is reported to have narrowly escaped death, despite being left in a comatose state.[124] Senjumaru Shutara later brings the comatose Byakuya to the Royal Guard's Tenchūren, along with Rukia and Renji, so he can be taken to the Royal Palace. Unohana notes their condition is too critical for them to leave Seireitei, but the Royal Guard insist on taking them, saying Byakuya will die if he remains there.[125]

Upon arriving in Reiōkyū, Byakuya and the other wounded are taken to Tenjirō Kirinji's headquarters, where they are placed in his "Blood Hell Pond" hot springs, allowing their unique healing properties to treat the wounded Shinigami.[126]


  1. Bleach bw Глава 52, стр. 14
  2. Bleach bw Глава 53, стр. 4
  3. Bleach bw Глава 54, стр. 12-15
  4. Bleach bw Глава 55
  5. Bleach bw Глава 56, стр. 7
  6. Bleach bw Глава 65, стр. 1-3
  7. Bleach bw Глава 65, стр. 9-13
  8. Bleach manga; Chapter 81, page 18-19
  9. Bleach manga; Chapter 82, page 4
  10. Bleach manga; Chapter 99, page 12-15
  11. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 29
  12. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 31-34
  13. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 35-42
  14. Bleach manga; Chapter 116, page 48-53
  15. Bleach manga; Chapter 117, page 6
  16. Bleach manga; Chapter 117, page 8-17
  17. Bleach manga; Chapter 117, page 18-19
  18. Bleach manga; Chapter 118
  19. Bleach manga; Chapter 119, page 4
  20. Bleach manga; Chapter 134, page 1-4
  21. Bleach manga; Chapter 138, page 2
  22. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, pages 1-13
  23. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, pages 13-16
  24. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, pages 17-20
  25. Bleach manga; Chapter 141
  26. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, page 1-10
  27. Bleach manga; Chapter 142, pages 11-19
  28. Bleach manga; Chapter 143
  29. Bleach manga; Chapter 144, pages 1-13
  30. Bleach manga; Chapter 147, pages 2-3
  31. Bleach manga; Chapter 151, page 8
  32. Bleach manga; Chapter 152, page 3
  33. Bleach manga; Chapter 152, pages 14-19
  34. Bleach manga; Chapter 153, pages 1-8
  35. Bleach manga; Chapter 160, pages 9-19
  36. Bleach manga; Chapter 161
  37. Bleach manga; Chapter 162
  38. Bleach manga; Chapter 163, pages 1-19
  39. Bleach manga; Chapter 164, pages 7-16
  40. Bleach manga; Chapter 165
  41. Bleach manga; Chapter 166
  42. Bleach manga; Chapter 167, pages 1-12
  43. Bleach manga; Chapter 176, pages 24-25
  44. Bleach manga; Chapter 177, pages 3-7
  45. Bleach manga; Chapter 179, pages 6-17
  46. Bleach anime; Episode 87
  47. Bleach anime; Episode 88
  48. Bleach anime; Episode 94
  49. Bleach anime; Episode 95
  50. Bleach anime; Episode 96
  51. Bleach anime; Episode 108
  52. Bleach manga; Chapter 188, pages 17-19
  53. Bleach manga; Chapter 238, page 16-17
  54. Bleach manga; Chapter 247, page 14-15
  55. Bleach manga; Chapter 247, page 1
  56. Bleach manga; Chapter 298, page 13-16
  57. Bleach manga; Chapter 298, page 17-20
  58. Bleach manga; Chapter 299
  59. Bleach manga; Chapter 300, page 1-17
  60. Bleach manga; Chapter 300, page 18
  61. Bleach manga; Chapter 301
  62. Bleach manga; Chapter 302, page 1-17
  63. Bleach manga; Chapter 302, page 18-19
  64. Bleach manga; Chapter 304, page 2-3
  65. Bleach manga; Chapter 379, pages 20-23
  66. Bleach manga; Chapter 380, pages 17-18
  67. Bleach manga; Chapter 381
  68. Bleach manga; Chapter 382, pages 10-19
  69. Bleach manga; Chapter 383, pages 1-9
  70. Bleach manga; Chapter 422, pages 6-7
  71. Bleach manga; Chapter 423, pages 4-5
  72. Bleach anime; Episode 230
  73. Bleach anime; Episode 231
  74. Bleach anime; Episode 237
  75. Bleach anime; Episode 240
  76. Bleach anime; Episode 241
  77. Bleach anime; Episode 245
  78. Bleach anime; Episode 246
  79. Bleach anime; Episode 248
  80. Bleach anime; Episode 251
  81. Bleach anime; Episode 252
  82. Bleach anime; Episode 253
  83. Bleach anime; Episode 254
  84. Bleach anime; Episode 255
  85. Bleach anime; Episode 256
  86. 86,0 86,1 Bleach anime, Episode 317
  87. Bleach anime, Episode 319
  88. Bleach anime; Episode 320
  89. Bleach anime; Episode 324
  90. Bleach anime; Episode 325
  91. Bleach anime; Episode 326
  92. Bleach anime; Episode 327
  93. Bleach anime; Episode 328
  94. Bleach anime, Episode 329
  95. 95,0 95,1 Bleach anime; Episode 337
  96. Bleach anime; Episode 336
  97. Bleach anime; Episode 339
  98. Bleach anime; Episode 340
  99. Bleach anime; Episode 341
  100. Bleach manga; Chapter 460, pages 9-12
  101. Bleach manga; Chapter 462, page 3
  102. Bleach manga; Chapter 462, page 16
  103. Bleach manga; Chapter 464, pages 16-19
  104. Bleach manga; Chapter 468, pages 1-6 and 13-19
  105. Bleach manga; Chapter 469, pages 2 and 4-9
  106. Bleach manga; Chapter 472, pages 1-7
  107. Bleach manga; Chapter 472, pages 8-19
  108. Bleach manga; Chapter 473, pages 1-3 and 8-9
  109. Bleach manga; Chapter 475, pages 1-4
  110. Bleach manga; Chapter 476, pages 6-8
  111. Bleach manga; Chapter 479, pages 6-8
  112. Bleach manga; Chapter 486, page 5-7
  113. Bleach manga; Chapter 488, pages 10-14
  114. Bleach manga; Chapter 494, page 3
  115. Bleach manga; Chapter 496, pages 5-15
  116. Bleach manga; Chapter 497, pages 15-16
  117. Bleach manga; Chapter 500, page 4
  118. Bleach manga; Chapter 501, pages 4-17
  119. Bleach manga; Chapter 502, page 1-2
  120. Bleach manga; Chapter 502, page 7-8
  121. Bleach manga; Chapter 502, page 13-14
  122. Bleach manga; Chapter 512, pages 8-12
  123. Bleach manga; Chapter 513, pages 1-4
  124. Bleach manga; Chapter 515, page 13
  125. Bleach manga; Chapter 517, pages 13-15
  126. Bleach manga; Chapter 519, pages 11-13

